Merchants in the same type of product and field can only use one endorsement. Therefore, Hu Yijing has analyzed the pros and cons of each endorsement. The analysis is still very objective and there is no deliberateness. Guidance, the final decision is naturally made by Meng Fan.

Regarding Meng Fan’s affairs, Hu Yijing did not dare and did not want to hide any selfishness. First, respect, second, fear, and third, sincerely appreciate and even like and worship.

Meng Fan listened carefully, tentatively decided one from each category, and put forward some additional requirements based on Hu Yijing’s analysis, the next step is to hand it over to Hu Yijing to negotiate, etc. After the initial negotiations between the two parties were completed, Meng Fan sat down with Party A’s representative to discuss the final matters.

Of course, in the end, whether these tentative things are all discussed, one depends on the ideas of Party A, and the other also depends on the ideas of Meng Fan. Meng Fan himself may not accept that many endorsements.

In addition, Meng Fan also asked Hu Yijing to mention one point in the negotiation, revealing that after receiving the first endorsement, Meng Fan is likely to not accept any endorsements for a period of time.

Originally, the “first endorsement” about Meng Fan was of great concern to the outside world, and it was also very much wanted by many merchants. As a result, this first endorsement dispute will definitely become more intense. And Meng Fan is naturally the biggest beneficiary.

Can make two money with one endorsement. Of course, Meng Fan chooses the former. He doesn’t need to use more endorsements to increase exposure and popularity. The main thing is for the money. A task to be brushed.

Of course, there are certain risks in endorsements. It is not just that there will be problems with the product. There are also many other hidden risks. It is naturally best to have fewer endorsements.

For example airlines, if the province of China this Xia appears in the country column of the official website, or there is a problem with the standard.

The endorsement matter came to an end temporarily, and Hu Yijing mentioned some invitations. Didn’t Jiaren shoot the cover of Jiaren’s magazine before? This time Jiaren wanted to find Meng Fan to shoot through Hu Yijing, and it was the September of Golden, September, and Silver. In addition, several companies have also come to the door, including vogue, which is considered the hardest for women’s magazines, and GQ for men’s magazines, which are also on the cover of September.

Meng Fan did not completely refuse: “Which can be taken that many, just one. Sister Jing, if the itinerary is arranged in a staggered signing meeting, the time is the same as before, you help me set one.”

“Well, good.”

Hu Yijing nodded with a smile, this is a small matter for Meng Fan, but it is a face to her.

Meng Fan and Hu Yijing have a good chat here, the people from Penguin Animation have also arrived, and a new Senior is also here. The two sides are connected together. Soon a temporary team was established to take charge of this time. Meng Fan signed the sale, and a result was negotiated soon afterwards. Based on the opinions of Meng Fan, four cities for signing are tentatively scheduled, Hangzhou, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Imperial Capital, and Shenzhen.

The time is set for the four days from August 26 to August 29-the ninth volume will be released a few days in advance, starting from Hangzhou. The venue for the Hangzhou signing is very good. I chose Huanglong Stadium directly. The last time I was in Neon, it was the Neon Martial Dao. Judging from the situation there, it must be a big venue. Otherwise, it will be crowded. burst.

I contacted the Huanglong Gymnasium, and the museum checked the venue itinerary and agreed directly. The venue fee is very low, much lower than the concert rental.

Subsequently, the choice of venues for the three cities was quickly decided. Once contacted, the venue was very welcome and the cost was minimized, just like the Huanglong Stadium.

After all four games have been selected, the temporary team will be busy next, and they need to fly to three places except Hangzhou to make arrangements and personnel arrangements in advance.

As for publicity, that is, Meng Fan’s scarf.

Nowadays, the number of followers of Meng Fan’s scarf has soared to more than 70 million, and Meng Fan has not posted another scarf after the Olympics. The attention of the first scarf after the game can be imagined. #Meng Fan四城签售会# was directly ranked as the top hot spot, which also shows the popularity of Meng Fan.

Vogue magazine is obviously in a hurry. It is said that the cover character of September should be set before mid-August. This is still one of the most important months of the year, but this time is too I wanted Meng Fan to be sealed, so I was stunned-if it was really stuck in the last few days of August, it would only be a candidate who changed the list. Coincidentally, the same was true for several other magazines. It looks abrupt.

From Hu Yijing, I learned that Meng Fan chose vogue, and I knew that Meng Fan would sign up the day after tomorrow. On the 2nd day, August 25, I sent a photography team to Hangzhou. It doesn’t matter if the time is in a hurry, as long as you take a Meng Fan photo, it’s ok as long as Meng Fan is on it, and the other is how good Meng Fan is. I’m not afraid that there are not enough negatives at all, but it may not be selected because of too many good photos. .

The shooting time is only two hours, starting at 1 pm and ending at 3 pm, and the shooting team left with unfulfilled excitement.

Vogue also knows how much Meng Fan’s choice of Hu Yijing played this time. It was a peach and reward, and the silver ten cover directly set Su Qingcen. With this, Su Qingcen has become another China’s top five magazines in the Mainland. Actress.

Well-what vogue actually hopes most is that Meng Caiwei can be on the cover of Silver Ten. Not only them, but other fashion magazines also want to get Meng Family sisters and brothers, but it’s a pity that they have already gotten the mainland. Meng Caiwei of the top ten magazines for men and women is not very interested. She has sent invitations before but received no response.

On the morning of the 26th, people lined up at the entrance of the Huanglong Stadium before dawn. After the sun jumped out, they were shocked to see the long line. They pulled the Quito cloud and hid themselves inside. In this way, this scorching summer also has a rare coolness.

The venue opens at 8:30. It may be because of the “Leading Lessons” of the Neon Martial Dao Hall. As soon as the venue opens, the team will directly enter the venue and wait according to the number plate.

Meng Fan arrives at the venue at nine o’clock, and the seats are full of silhouettes. According to statistics, the number of people entering the venue at this time has exceeded five thousand!

Meng Fan waved his hand to say hello, and also suppressed the cheers, took the microphone handed over by the staff, said with a modest smile: “Thank you for coming to me in your busy schedule For the first domestic individual signing meeting in China, I won’t say more about it. Those who came today will sign all of them. As long as I leave the time to go to the next stop, it’s ok. If there are more people, I will be faster. Just slow it down. In addition, I am also worried that everyone’s waiting is too boring, so I will wait…”

Meng Fan points to the big screens in the stadium,” The highlights of my game were played on it, so let’s watch it as a movie.”

The fans on the scene were all stunned when they heard it. What a shameful operation, and then there was a lot of complaints.

“Let’s pull it down! How long can your game highlights last!”

“Damn, are you going to play it in a loop so that we can see it?”

“Movies? Come on, variety shows are almost the same!”

“Isn’t it good to sign and sell, do you have to do these fancy things hahahaha!”

“I’m really worried about us If you’re bored, let’s sing a song!”


Meng Fan’s first domestic signing event was so lively and full of fun Kicked off the curtain.

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