Don’t even mention, Meng Fan painted five consecutively, and each of them has an online appearance. In fact, the floor flower Ma Xiaochun in the city gate building and the surrounding circle can only be arranged at most In the third place, there are two that are obviously better than her, and two that are almost as beautiful as her.

Looking at the line on the side, except for the big sister who is very confident of her daughter’s appearance and drawing ability, most of them are pretty girls under 30.

You have to take a closer look. This big sister who speaks so powerfully is also a big sister with no ordinary appearance. If you are ten years younger, she will be able to play in this group of beautiful girls. of.

People gather in groups?

In short, unfathomable mystery became like this.

Some ordinary-looking and below, looking at the lineup, some are afraid to line up.

Those who lined up earlier also quietly retreated.

As for men, as it should be by rights, it is determined that this must only draw cartoon heads for girls, otherwise there is no man.

What does the cartoon avatar have to do with us?

Watching Meng Fan’s paintings and the girls who are being painted, this is basically the same as the water friends in the live broadcast room. The difference is that they watch the scene and can see more pictures.

For example, they can at least see what Meng Fan looks like.

tsk tsk, such a fat hand but so flexible, I am afraid that all the sensitive attributes have been added when I was born!

In addition, they can also see these beautiful little elder sisters and Meng Fan’s faces are very close when they take pictures.

You can’t see the water friends in the live broadcast room, because Meng Fan doesn’t turn around, only a little back, and every beautiful little elder sister is next to Meng Fan. Passive endearing little bird look.

Of course, just a little bit of back, the water friends in the live broadcast room can basically be sure that the name “Meng Fat” is not just called it casually.

“Thank you, you are really amazing.”

The sixth beautiful little elder sister is very happy to look at. This kind of joy is not a thing. The floral suspender skirt can hold it. After I got the drawing, I saw it and smiled even more. I also took a photo with Meng Fan like the previous five.

She also wore a Panama hat. Seeing that Meng Fan was also wearing one, she didn’t take it off, so she got together and took a photo with her phone card.

Let’s take a photo together. If you take a closer look, she knows that the top of Meng Fan’s head is definitely a Panama hat from the place of origin, and from the perspective of the fiber pattern, the density is obviously higher than that of herself. The top of the head, this discovery made her eyes shined.

This hat is always worth 10,000 yuan.

It’s not too much to put it on her body or a group of friends around her. Who doesn’t have a few bags that can get a handful of twenty to thirty thousand.

But if this number is placed on a single product like a hat, it will be different.

This reminded her of a birthday party for a female Divine Grade girl in the circle of friends. There were a lot of female suitors. There were three of them that day, and two of them gave away tens of thousands of dollars. Bag, and the other one was given a brooch worth more than five thousand.


Those who gave tens of thousands of wallet bags were disliked–have my old lady never seen a bag of tens of thousands of dollars–but the boy who gave away a brooch worth less than half of the bag was well received And appreciation, became a tasteful, generous person, and soon after the birthday party successfully embraced the beauty.

People in the circle give nicknames hit the nail on the head!

The contrast effect of bags and brooches is the same for men.

Two men, one is wearing a watch worth 100,000 yuan, and the other is shirt cufflinks 20,000 yuan… It is generally believed that people who can afford 20,000 yuan cufflinks can definitely afford ten Even if you don’t see him wearing a watch that comes from 10,000 yuan, most of the impossible ones who buy a 100,000 yuan watch will have cufflinks worth 20,000 yuan, even if you don’t see him wearing it.

Money is spent on the blade, and sometimes it doesn’t really mean spending on essentials.

“little brother, are you livestreaming?” After pulling back the floating thoughts, the voice of the floral suspender skirt is at least two degrees sweeter than when I said thank you, “Where are you? It’s live broadcast, what’s the name of the anchor, I’ll check it out.”

The seventh little elder sister is already in place. This little elder sister has a slightly fat body, but his facial features are very magnificent. Lose the previous ones.

Meng Fan also started painting directly. He didn’t think about it when he heard the floral suspender skirt. He said casually: “Isn’t this already watching?”

The words caused a joint condemnation among the water friends in the live broadcast room.

“Pang Meng, can you still have no EQ anymore? What does the little elder sister mean, do you really have no b number in your heart?”

“he he he Obviously Meng Pang is pretending to be a match!”

“From the chat between Meng Pang and the first little elder sister, can’t you tell why he is single?”

When the condemnation was thunderous in the live broadcast room, a thunderous voice also appeared on the live broadcast site: “The anchor name is Meng Fat and he is hanging up at station 8. I am in the live broadcast room now!”

The sound came so suddenly, Meng Fan also looked at him in shock, but he saw a 21-22 year old boy wearing a T-shirt with the word “Tsuji Zhan” on his chest and hehe smiled at him.

The two characters “辻切” are rarely used in Chinese. As an anime hobbyist and quasi-practitioner, Meng Fan immediately thinks of the words written on the chest that Pirate Ace wore when he was a child Obviously this is one of the same styles.

As for whether other people will think of other neon culture when they see these two words, then Meng Fan doesn’t know, anyway, he didn’t expect that many.

This Tsujizhan boy has a very loud voice, and the live broadcast assistant has a good reception. The water friends in the live broadcast room naturally heard it.

“Hahaha is such a showy hero!”

“There are water friends at the scene!”

“Can you tell me the anchor How fat are you!”

Not long after, a row of people appeared in the live broadcast room: “Below is your hero, lowly laughed!”

And then, again A line of people appeared: “Finally came in, this live broadcast room is quite lively, I am the cute and invincible beautiful little elder sister in your cute mouth!”

Followed by various gifts Attached to claim that you are a hero or a small elder sister.

Quan Te is messy.

——I bought another suspender skirt and gave it to the C-position halo in the live broadcast room 131225. Come to Sect Leader to broadcast the C-position promotion and receive rewards.

Hey, a C-position halo smashed out in a mess.

Immediately afterwards, the friends of the water saw the little elder sister in the floral suspender skirt walking away from the live screen, and said to the camera: “This is me!”

The deputy looked very angry and proud.

Turn to Meng Fan with a smile and said: “I also often watch live broadcasts at 8 stations, and the C halo is given to you, come on!”

Speaking, I went a little further. , Did not continue to block the live broadcast.

A C-position halo of 450, from the perspective of the floral suspender skirt, this cartoon head drawn by Meng Fan is more valuable than this.

“Thank you.”

Meng Fan also didn’t expect, smiled at her, but didn’t know what to say, so he could only continue painting.

In the live broadcast room, the pot is exploded. It is not unusual to send a C-position halo. It is surprising that this method is not too slippery.

Meng Fan’s painting speed is getting faster and faster, and it quickly speeds up to an exaggerated speed of less than 5 minutes. Not long after, I painted the big sister, who happened to be the tenth.

The big sister didn’t sit there, but when she was in line, she came to Meng Fan’s side and took the phone to Meng Fan to draw, and held her phone several times to ask me on the live broadcast screen. My daughter is cute, she is quite… lively.

After finishing the painting, the big sister thought for a while, and then hesitated for a while. She also chose to take a photo with Meng Fan and Meng Fan like the little elder sister before. The palm of your hand is inward, and the beauty is opened, which is also trendy.

Meng Fan is naturally not easy to refuse this, but after the filming, he was stunned.

A new mission was triggered!

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