“Drip! Trigger the achievement task [Group Photo Brother].”

“The task requires 100 photos with different human individuals.”

” After the task is completed, you will be awarded the title of [Group Photo Brother] achievement (camera sense +1, smile appeal +1).”

Looking down again, there is only one task process, no segmentation.

The current process is: 10100.

In other words, this is another task that will only be triggered after accumulation to a certain extent, like the previous [Shen Xing Tai Bao] accumulated 1 km before it is triggered.

In this way, Meng Fan is relaxed. He thought that the big sister’s move helped him trigger the task, but it just happened to be ranked tenth.

In case this big sister is also her own “task NPC”, it would be more difficult to think about it.

Although there is only one process, there are still rewards, but only points +100, not at all additional attribute rewards.

In fact, think about it, the title attribute is +1, how can there be a reward for the segmented process?

As for the attribute of this title, Meng Fan is also rather confused.

He can understand the sense of the camera. After all, no matter whether the task is triggered or completed, it is in front of the camera, and the appeal of this smile is also a metaphysical attribute… In addition, he did not take the photo. Laugh!

Finally, naturally there is no equipment.

Looking back again, I made sure that everything was done, and only the rewards of lens sense +1, smile appeal +1 and points +100. In all, this is definitely the most stingy achievement of the system so far. Task.

Previously, although the “Scattering Boy” only rewarded one attribute and only +1, but it is also “lucky +1” in other words, it is a metaphysical attribute that is much higher than the sense of existence and the appeal of smile.

Hey, thinking of this, Meng Fan suddenly remembered something, that is, when he invited Chen Daqiang for dinner, he spent 1,200 yuan in the task process, and then Chen Daqiang returned the money again. I… I took a closer look at the process, and Meng Fan determined that system not at all deducted the process experience.

“Is it because I really wanted to treat guests at the time, so the system was directly judged to have lost money, and then everything went away?”

This idea just passed away in a flash Not at all. After all, from the current situation, Meng Fan has to consider that the probability of this task is extremely low.

And now this newly triggered [Group Photo Brother], the reward is less, but it is also the simplest and easiest task to complete, Meng Fan It must be done.

The self-confident big sister saw Meng Fan’s weird expression, and immediately became unhappy: “Oh! Just now those beautiful little girls took photos with you, you are not like this, how can I keep my face in my turn? It’s so ugly, it’s very bad for you to treat it differently like this!”

Meng Fan’s thoughts were forcibly pulled out, with a look of awkwardness. Didn’t you smile when you took the photo just now? Is there such a big difference between laughing and not laughing?

But, what can I say, since I was young, I told myself never to argue with a woman’s thimble. It’s best to fool the past. If it doesn’t work, I will pass it as a cute mess.

The suffering of life gave Meng Fan wisdom, weakly said: “You stepped on my foot.”

“Ah? Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry! “The attitude change of the confident big sister is also quite violent.” How can a young man judge people by their appearance! Besides, even if you judge people by their appearance, then I can live well! I am older, but good-looking is definitely good-looking. Look at the appearance of my daughter, you should be able to see how beautiful I was when I was young!”

Meng Fan actively cooperated and nodded his head again and again, and it gradually became obvious as the running progressed. The neck is particularly flexible.

“Your live broadcast is called…” The confident big sister tried hard to think about it, “Meng fat open the watermelon, right? I will ask my daughter to give you a fan gift when I go back! I’m also trendy I know all about the live broadcast and so on.”

The confident big sister forcibly covered her embarrassment with laughter, and stood aside, still muttering Meng Fan’s live broadcast. I can’t figure out how I got this name. Fat Meng is right to eat watermelon. It doesn’t seem to be right. It doesn’t seem to be right to eat watermelon. It doesn’t raise.

“The youngster nowadays just don’t pay attention to its name. The name of the button that we started at that time sounds good. I was called Crystal Love at that time. Now it is also a foreign style. The child’s father is called a cold boy, and it is very cold now!”

Confidence The big sister muttered in her mouth, feeling very beautiful. She had long forgotten whether she had actually stepped on Meng Fan’s feet.

The big sister stood on the side and turned away, which made Meng Fan put out a long breath. As for the live broadcast name and so on, is it a good thing to remember it wrong?

Although her name makes Meng Fan very broken!

Regardless of what kind of sea of ​​joy is in the live broadcast room at this time, Meng Fan continues to paint.

Because there is a sudden increase in the achievement task of [Group Photo Brother], from the perspective of Meng Fan, if you want to get a group photo experience, now this situation is undoubtedly the best opportunity, and there is no need to find someone to take a photo. , The person who finishes the painting will automatically follow the “tradition” to take a group photo with himself. Therefore, both the speed of painting and the efficiency of painting must be mentioned.

The best way, Meng Fan thinks about it is not to color, or simply color, limit the color to three types, black can be used instead of black, if you can use blank That’s better.

In addition, there is another reason that more and more people are waiting in line-I don’t know if it is because my confident big sister also went to paint, some ordinary-looking people also began to line up- -Although there is sunshade, the weather is still very hot. Let them stay in line for a while.

I don’t feel hot at all when I wear a sweat band, and I can’t bear to look at others.

After adjusting the strategy, Meng Fan reduced the time of a cartoon avatar to about 3 minutes, which greatly improved the efficiency.

Although the coloring is simple, the quality is not bad. I drew two consecutively without saying anything. I was quite satisfied with the group photo and left.

Of course, there are also more picky ones. For example, the thirteenth lipstick color is particularly eye-catching little elder sister. After all, there is not only one confident big sister in the world, but the words are not confident that the big sister is fierce that’s all, said with dissatisfaction: “You have to pay more attention to the painting.”

Meng Fan knows that free is not a good thing. If you want a cartoon head to sell for two or three hundred, what is certain No words.

In line with the principle of no contention or at least less contention, Meng Fan is going to explain a little bit about the reason for the large number of people and then pass the test with cuteness. Suddenly, a bottle of ice appeared in the lipstick little elder sister and In the middle of Meng Fan.

“Oh, you really love to compare! You have to be considerate and considerate of other young man, you see, there are more and more people in line now, young man is sure I wanted to make the painting available to other people in the queue and not wait for nothing, so I painted faster.”

Go and return and buy a bottle of Bing Kuo Luo to give Meng Fan confidence. Big sister, that mouth is a turret, and it has given full play to the skill of “it’s time to bring a wave of rhythm”, and throws this skill in front of the crowd: “It’s better than nothing. , Do you think? Young man is very kind, everyone clap your hands to encourage and encourage!”

“I didn’t say anything!”

The little lipstick elder sister is self-confidence The big sister’s opponent smiled awkwardly and left.

The confident big sister placed Bingkuo on the edge of the easel, and lost one of my beautiful and torn eyes and turned away.

Meng Fan was stunned, and the big sister is really a little bit vigorous.

However, this is also good, the rest of the people who continue to line up will not dislike their simple coloring.

At first, he thought it was more difficult to explain. After all, the front and the back are treated differently. Didn’t expect, the big sister opened his mouth and solved it.

Of course, no matter how simple the coloring is, with Meng Fan’s painting skills nowadays, every picture is a fine product.

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