“Oh my God, where did you go? Hey is too exaggerated!”

“Qiondao, it’s getting tanned a lot, But it’s fun.”

“Where’s my brother?”

“I don’t know. It’s been a while since I got into the water. I’m crazy about diving these days. I just came up. I can’t play anymore. Rest on the boat for a while.”

Wu Tong and Meng Caiwei were talking on the phone, and they were looking for Meng Fan’s silhouette with a Telescope. I didn’t find it, but I didn’t worry about it. Meng Fan was on the phone. There are instruments that can be positioned at any time, and can also find the location of the yacht.

“Sister, I’ll call you later!”

Wu Tong saw black smoke rising from the sea in the Telescope, and he hung up the phone after a quick comment. Then I stood up with the Telescope and saw black smoke coming out of a cruise ship!

This frightened Wu Tong. He immediately contacted Meng Fan and told him that there was an accident on the cruise ship. At the same time, he called the emergency rescue agency at sea.

When Meng Fan received Wu Tong’s message, he was having a good time with a group of pseudo-killer whales at seabed seven more than a hundred meters.

Why can I dive to seven more than a hundred meters? Why can I still contact Wu Tong at such a depth?

Of course it is not that his naked diving skills and physical fitness have reached this point, but that he has newly redeemed the black technology products under [Sea King]. If it is not the reason for the restriction of Sea Territory, Meng Fan Can dive deeper into seabed without worrying about hypoxia and being crushed by water.

“Is it serious?”

“I saw black smoke and someone jumping into the sea from the cruise ship. I already called the rescue team. I don’t know how long I can Catch up.”

“Is it far from the location of our yacht?”

“It’s not very far, so I can see. I’m driving the yacht over, maybe I can help some I’m busy.”

“Well, I’ll go right now and follow your direction of movement.”

After contacting Wu Tong and determining the direction, Meng Fan wanted The killer whales said goodbye, but thinking that I floated to such a depth and a long time passed, I touched the largest one-wearing a black-tech diving suit and contacting any marine life will not cause any harm or impact to them- -Turned over and swam on its back, and ordered it to float.

Pseudo-killer whales are marine mammals of the cetacean dolphins family. They are about five meters long. Among the dolphins, they can rank third. The head Meng Fan rode is about six meters long. Meng Fan took a very rustic name called Da Hei.

The speed of the pseudo killer whale is very fast, the body is also flexible, and the group can move faster. It is really due to the strength of Meng Fan, otherwise even if you have the ability to train animals, you will not have this ability to ride a whale.


The Sea Territory where the cruise ship was involved in the accident was not too far away. It happened to be within the range of the rescue team patrolling. When the call for help from Wu Tong was received, it was nearby. There was a helicopter patrolling, and it flew towards the Sea Territory first.

The rescue helicopter’s preliminary judgment is that there was a fire on the cruise ship. The specific situation cannot be judged at present. A very important information that can be judged initially is that non-human accidents include illegal criminal acts such as ship hijacking. , Just follow the normal rescue steps.

Quickly feed back the information here to the headquarters, mainly for the headquarters to check the number of people on the cruise ship and dispatch the corresponding rescue vessel to carry people, as well as to put out the fire.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the crowd on the cruise ship, and the crowd who had stood on the deck and chose to wait and see more chose to jump into the sea. From the helicopter, you can clearly see that the cruise ship is falling sharply. It is estimated that there are more serious problems than the fire. The probability of the sunken ship is very large.

The helicopter flew over the accidental cruise ship and threw down all items such as life jackets on it. At the same time, two rescue crews on the helicopter also quickly descended onto the accidental cruise ship to obtain more information. This responds to rescue.

The rescuer on the helicopter reported the latest news and saw a yacht sailing here. The yacht is not very big, but at least it can save some people who can’t swim. Try to build with it Contact in order to be able to better utilize this yacht.

As more tourists jumped into the sea on the cruise ship, this form became more urgent. At this moment, the rescuer on the helicopter found something strange on the sea surface, and then he saw the whole life. Unforgettable picture!


“Why did you hang up all of a sudden!”

Meng Caiwei put her mobile phone aside, took two sips of water from the assistant, just right The director over there told himself to pass.

Meng Fan and Wu Tong were originally going to follow Meng Fan and Wu Tong when they went out this time, and she was going to call Bai Zhi as well. After all, two people were bright enough when they were light bulbs. Unfortunately, she temporarily received a movie. The guest invitation, the director was a director who had taken good care of her, and couldn’t refuse it. It was of interest to save, so he quickly joined the group.

I took a shot, and when there was an accident at the airport, she sat back to rest first.

The cry of a crew member came out next to him. The cry was very restrained, afraid of affecting other people, crying very sadly, and another staff member was comforting.

After listening to a few ears, Meng Caiwei probably understood what it was, and sighed for it.

The girl who was crying originally had a boyfriend. She said she was on a business trip but went to sea on a cruise ship. This cruise ship just had an accident and a shipwreck. Before diving, she took photos and sent it to the circle of friends. This girl saw Arrived. It’s not just that her boyfriend caught the shipwreck and jumped into the sea to make her cry like this, but the picture that her boyfriend sent to Moments. The picture shows him and her best girlfriends. The two are holding hands with text. , Said it was jumping into the sea together, and if we survive, we will get married!

His boyfriend cheated, and the object is still her best girlfriend.

Now the two are killed in Shanghai.

She doesn’t know whether to curse the cheating couple to die or pray for them to live!

Hearing this kind of bloody stories, Meng Caiwei also lamented that reality is sometimes even more nonsense… Suddenly, Meng Caiwei grabbed the phone and realized that the shipwreck that the girl just said was It happened on Qiong Island, and Meng Fan and Wu Tong happened to be on Qiong Island, and they suddenly hung up their phone. She didn’t know if the two were on this cruise ship, so she quickly called.

No answer!

She heard a new conversation from the poor girl. This girl must be paying attention to the development of things over there. It seems that there is also news about the cruise ship sinking on the Internet.

She took a look at her scarf, and there were indeed related hot searches, and she could also see many collated pictures sent by tourists themselves. The pictures were quite scary.

The location incident is confirmed to have occurred, but I don’t know if Meng Fan and Wu Tong are on it. As for the cause of the shipwreck, there is no definite news yet.

After scanning for a while, I was about to quit and then called Meng Fan and Wu Tong to try to contact him. Suddenly, he posted two hot searches.

#Meng Fan南海骑鲸#

Click to open it, and the most eye-catching picture is a picture of a whale leaping out of the sea with graceful posture and whale tail When hitting the waves, the most surprising thing is that there is a person riding on this whale, and the waves and sunlight envelop it, making it extremely mighty and magical.

This person is really conspicuous, even if you don’t click on the big picture, many people can recognize Meng Fan at a glance!

Meng Caiwei has a question mark on her face, what’s the situation?

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