The number of collars under the topic #Meng Fan南海骑鲸# is very large. In addition to the top photos of Meng Fan riding a whale, there are other content.

There are many photos and videos taken by the people present, as well as some text descriptions.

“There is an accident on the cruise ship, there is a risk of silence, what to do, wait online!”

“Damn it’s over! I finally got a chance to be a cruise ship, didn’t expect met Shipwreck! Survival is not important, I want to ask about my shredded pork!”

“There is no lifebuoy, but I have a stomach!”

“There is a helicopter Come here! It’s the rescue team, mother I got saved wu wu wu!”

“What does it mean to drop a few lifebuoys from the helicopter, I can’t get it yet!”

“Very good, there is a boat coming! Oh my god, can you believe it, the person who sailed the boat turned out to be Tie’s wife!”

“Oh my god, what did I see! Is this a dolphin or a whale, so many? !”

“There are people on the whale!”

“Iron God, the Iron God has brought the whales to save us!”

“It’s better than the cow, It’s really a group of whales!”

“Iron God·True·Sea King! Can command whales!”

“Mother, I was saved by whales!”

“To this day I am still scared and excited! I have been on whales!”

“These dolphins are so good!”

“With the help of the whales, we finally I waited safely for the arrival of the rescue team ship, and now it is on the rescue boat, with towels and hot water, so happy!”

“The whales are gone! I really want to cry!”


These snoods are basically equipped with photos or videos. After watching it, Meng Caiwei probably understood the situation and saw the scene clearly.

The general situation is that a cruise ship had a problem at sea. In a critical moment, Meng Fan showed up with a group of whales to win precious time for the rescue team. The final result was also very good. All members were saved and some were injured. , But there was no death.

“This kid!”

Meng Caiwei naturally has a different mood from other people who eat melons. I know through hot search that the rescue there is over, so I try to give Wu again Tong called and it was connected this time.

“I saw the bib, are you okay? What about the kid?”

Meng Caiwei was concise and sure that both of them were okay. Meng Caiwei might have heard the noisy voice over there. Just hang up if there are few things.

Actually, there is nothing going on here at this time. At least Meng Fan Wu Tong has nothing to do. Some of the people who were rescued on their ship have been injured and transferred to the rescue boat. The injured stayed, they now only need to drive the yacht back.

For some people who stayed on this yacht, today, avoided a catastrophe and met the idol Iron God, which is a little bit frustrated. At least they took photos with Meng Fan.

The yacht arrived ashore after the rescue ship, and all the tourists disembarked. The rescue team also asked Meng Fan about the general situation to report, and took a photo with Meng Fan, after which Meng Fan and Wu Tong drove the yacht back.

At this time, the Internet is already very lively, and many friends called to ask about the situation, condolences and so on. Meng Fan browsed the Internet, thought about it, and sent a scarf in response:

“Don’t ask, I’m just playing scuba diving and singing, and I was suddenly arched out by a pseudo-orca.”

After a while, I posted another: “I’m not very Understand, I’m not sure if they are fake killer whales. @薄雾君@无穷小亮”

I also specially named two popular science bloggers, both of which he paid attention to before he became famous.

The two bloggers quickly forwarded and replies, determined that it was a pseudo-orca, and gave a brief introduction to the living habits and living conditions of the pseudo-orca. Among them, Mr. Mizu attached a picture of a fake killer whale grinning and said that the fake killer whale has a ferocious temperament but a gentle smile. Although this group rescue is surprising, it also shows that all things have spirits, and then he posted it separately. Some deeds of dolphins saving lives; Invincible Xiaoliang also issued a bib alone, introducing some of the more critical or serious survival status of the dolphin group, including the pseudo killer whale, and other marine life.

Both bloggers are @了Meng Fan.

Meng Fan also reposted separately and called for the protection of the ocean and marine life.

Next, Meng Fan seemed to suddenly return to before becoming famous and became a bib madman. Within an hour, he posted more than 20 bibs in a row. Most of the content was about him playing at the beach in the recent period. , Seabed diving photos and videos, sharing the beauty of the ocean and marine life, and finally sent a separate collar calling for the protection of the ocean and marine life, and asked for forwarding.

With this coming and going, the topic of marine protection is also on hot search.

This is not really Meng Fan’s use of environmental protection topics to divert his whale riding, but sincerely feel that this rescue of marine life is a very rare opportunity to promote ocean protection.

Before, to be honest, he didn’t pay much attention to ocean protection. After all, he didn’t have many opportunities to come into contact with the ocean and marine life. After starting diving these days, he was really surprised by the seabed landscape. I like the ocean and marine life from the bottom of my heart. I also learned a little bit about the places that are suitable for diving in the world now. If the scope of human activities is considered, there are indeed not many. This is also the beginning of attention to marine environmental protection.

The saying that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, has never been an empty talk, especially when you can achieve an effect that many people have been working hard together for a long time and cannot achieve. Not for it. Influence this thing, sometimes you should use something that seems irrelevant but worthwhile.

Meng Fan doesn’t know how many people will be able to take action in environmental protection with this appeal, but he feels that he can at least have some awareness of this aspect. Awareness is still very important. To put it bluntly, it may be a bit difficult for you to do things that are good for environmental protection, but it’s always easier to do things that are bad or less harmful to the environment. To be honest, some people really don’t know what kind of things are. If you do something that is harmful to environmental protection and unconsciously, you can pay more attention to it after you become aware. After all, this is always beneficial to environmental protection.

The whale riding in the South China Sea not at all disrupted Meng Fan and Wu Tong’s next vacation arrangements, or continued diving here. There are some differences, that is, Meng Fan’s collars are a little more. There are some vlogs, which are all related to diving and marine life. Dog food is occasionally spread, and the days continue to be happy.

I probably stayed here until the end of April, and it was almost half a month before and after, which was much longer than they originally expected.

Leaving Qiongdao, the two went to Lion City. Meng Caihui is still going to school here, and Wu Tong also has a younger brother studying here — chasing Meng Caihui — plus it’s a coincidence, Liang Qing The lady happened to have a painting exhibition here, so I stayed here for several days.

Then, the two of them flew directly from here to Madai, and after a few days of playing, they returned to Hangzhou without finding it particularly interesting.

Actually, the time is almost the same. At this time, it is almost mid-May. Meng Fan has to rush back. The next step is to enter the Asian Games cycle. Although the game specifications and intensity are for Meng Fan It’s nothing, but it’s not as meaningful as the Olympics and other world competitions. After all, this is a competition at his doorstep. As an athlete of the Zhejiang Provincial Team, he attaches great importance to it. Moreover, he has received exact notice to be the opening ceremony. The torchbearer will most likely be the last torchbearer to light the brazier.

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