I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 971: Who are you?

Chen Ge, dragging the big saw, slowly walked out of the room, and there was no more sound in the room.

The blood slid down the saw blade, and his cold, terrible eyes looked at the first floor.

The youngest boy took a bunch of keys from his pocket. He grabbed the glasses man and the two ran to the iron gate leading to the underground.

"Why does he have the keys? Is it because of the guy's profession? No, this guy should be a cheater. He may have the keys and tips, no wonder he has been so calm."

From the beginning, the young man is different from other "tourists". He should be entrusted with the responsibility of the person in charge of the haunted house, and he will be hindered at the critical moment of Chen Ge's task.

Six tourists, each responsible for their own duties, the person in charge of the virtual future park haunted house plans very well, but they did not expect that tourists would play haunted house like this, they made a most fundamental problem.

Chen Ge came downstairs, the stench came in from the main entrance of the hotel, the police and the woman with long black hair had been scared.

The two of them ran out of the hotel, preparing to return the same way, but did not expect that the way back was blocked, calling every day should not, the ground was not working, and finally fainted beside the wordless tombstone in the corridor.

"I'm going to chase the two of them. After you come off, there should be other actors in this scene. Try to make them dizzy."

The iron door leading to the underground had been opened, and the glasses boy and the youngest boy rushed into the darkness.

"The way to leave is really hidden underground." In fact, when entering this scene, Chen Ge guessed that the secret road on the ground may be disguised, even if you can find the key, you can't escape.

To clear customs, you must first find the key to the underground.

Starting from pushing the door, this scene is accompanied by countless choices. The correct choice can pass the customs, and the wrong choice will be killed.

The zodiac sign actually has another meaning. He is the name of a murderer who has not been captured so far. This scene is about puzzle solving and murder, but if tourists think that the murderer is just the perverted murderers hiding in the room, But it's a big mistake. The real murderer in this scene is the inverted clock on the wall.

The murders that have occurred cannot be changed, and time is the deepest murderer.

If Chen Ge is not in a hurry to leave, he will definitely experience it and read all the secrets in the room, but he has no time.

Normal tourists visit three to four scenes at the same time at a time, and Chen Ge combines 40 scenes in one breath. To challenge so many scenes within a specified time, you can only take a path that others have never traveled.

"Run desperately, I will follow you all the time."

The chainsaw roared, Chen Ge with his head in his arms, dragging the heavy saw, and rushed towards the front at full speed.

There are guest rooms on the upper two floors of the hotel, and prison below, with several bones imprisoned.

"He came after!"

The spectacled man shouted loudly and his face was sweaty with anxiety.

He and the youngest boy stood deep in the prison, and they wanted to open the door of a certain cell.

"Come on! He's here! Come here!"

"I know! Don't hurry! Don't hurry me!" The youngest boy grabbed the keys with both hands, his arms were trembling, but the more anxious he couldn't find the key.

The **** smell drifted into the tip of the nose, and the wailing sound came into the ear, the footsteps symbolizing death were slowly approaching.

"Not this one! Not this one!" The boy grabbed the key and desperately thrust it into the keyhole, his eyes full of blood.

The modified saw blade rubbed over the railing of the cell, and the crisp metal collision sounded like a prelude to the symphony of fate.

Chen Ge gradually slowed down, and the cold gaze under the hood made of metal and bones.


"Open!" The boy screamed excitedly, grabbing the glasses and ran into the last cell.

The iron door hit the wall, the trembling door was grabbed by one hand, Chen Ge looked into the cell, and behind the wardrobe was a ladder running up.

"It's a good job, because you run too slowly and want me to wait for you."

Chen Ge followed up with a chainsaw. The top of the wooden steps was a dressing room, and rows of iron cabinets were full of bright red handprints.

"Public bathhouse?"

Before he could go further, he heard the sound of a closet, as if something closed inside came out.

This strange noise grew louder and covered up the footsteps. As Chen Ge continued to move forward, the door of a cabinet beside him suddenly opened and a hand fell out.


In order not to lose eyeglasses with men, Chen Ge ignored these things directly.

After running out of the dressing room ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chen Ge saw a hairdresser shaving his head.

The man turned his back to Chen Ge, and he and his guests could be seen from the mirror in front of the barber.

Just looking at the mirror, this barber should be played by a real person, but Chen Ge soon found out that it was wrong.

Normal tourists come in, and the hairdresser has no problem in keeping calm, but now he is wearing a chainsaw murderer's clothes, and the other party's expression has not changed, which is a bit strange.

"Guest, shave your head? Come to you right away, sit down and wait for a while." The voice of a middle-aged man came from the hairdresser. The hairdresser in the mirror was seriously cutting the hair of the guest, but the hands of the real hairdresser He didn't move his shoulders, kept his head down, and didn't know what he was doing.

Chen Ge lazy to take care of each other, he just wants to catch up with the glasses man.

Holding a big saw, Chen Ge walked directly towards the barber, and the exit of the male bathhouse was next to the barber.

Perhaps the footsteps were heard, and the barber who stood with Chen Ge behind his back spoke again: "Don't worry, this guest, I will shave him immediately."

Chen Ge completely ignored the other party. When he was almost at the exit, the barber who had been facing Chen Ge suddenly stretched out an arm.

His voice became somber and depressed, with a pathological madness: "Aren't I asking you to wait for a while? Did I already tell you ?! I'm shaving him!"

The hairdresser turned away from Chen Ge suddenly turned around, his palm full of blood, holding the male customer's head in his hands!

The barber's face was covered with scars from a razor, and his expression was terrible. He suddenly turned around, holding the head of his hand directly in front of Chen Ge's face.

The fingertips touched a mask made of metal and bones, and the palm of the palm fell to the ground. The cold touch made the hairdresser a little surprised.

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