I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 970: His rhythm is too fast

Yu Guang swept through the corner of the monitor, and Chen Ge stood under the monitor with a chainsaw: "Those tourists may choose to withdraw after they find that the road is cut off. I must act as soon as possible."

The saw blade rubbed against the wall. This chainsaw was modified. It was twice the size of a normal chainsaw. It was very heavy and sounded very loud. However, all the blades were replaced.

The **** coat covers the body, and the metal and bone hood wraps the head. Outsiders can only see a pair of cold eyes without any emotion.

"Visitors have been scattered under the odor of chasing. I hinted before them that the first room opened is safe. Will there be any lucky ones hiding there now?"

The metal and the wall collided, and the footsteps of death were approaching, walking through the room representing the zodiac sign, Chen Ge stopped in front of a door.

Bloody fingers pushed open the door, and cold eyes scanned the hut. The corpse without an arm hung on the secret passage. The playing cards on the table were scattered. There were shoe marks on the will and there was no one in the room.

Chen Ge turned on the phone recording button and walked out of the door.

Walked to the door, he closed the door, and then quietly returned to the closet.

Holding his breath, raised the big saw over his head.

After a few seconds, a woman's voice came from the closet.

"He is gone?"

"It seems like, I went out to see, it's too crowded here."

Crunching ...

The door of the closet was slowly pushed open, the light and shadow changed, the harsh roar of the chainsaw rang above the head, and a pair of cold eyes seemed to have found prey.


Xiaoling keeps retreating, her body hits the table and chairs.

"What's wrong with you!" Another girl in the cabinet exclaimed, and then she heard that the closet was hit by a heavy object. She didn't stand firmly and fell to the ground.

She did n’t even think of the murderous man standing outside the wardrobe, her eyes full of panic, but after a few seconds she recovered a little calmness: "Own! Own! I am Li Li, she is Zhang Ling, you Didn't receive the notification, right? We both followed a tourist! This is my employee ... "

The slender arm trembled and lifted up the employee ID card, and then the employee ID card was lifted off with a tremendous force. The heavy chain saw hit the closet, and the woman's face was gradually distorted by fear in the flying wood chips.


The hysterical voice came out from under the hood of metal and bones. There was no emotion in the cold eyes that a living person should have, it was a pair of dead eyes!

Yin Hitomi!

Screams came out of the room, a heavy big saw waved over his head, and Xiao Ling, who was mentally tolerated to the limit, ran out of the door with all his strength.

"Zhang Ling!"

The desperate voice pierced the eardrum, and Li Li, who was left alone, sat on the ground, and even had no strength to stand up.

"Me and we are all your colleagues. Except for Chen Ge, everyone is an employee, really, really!" Li Li was still screaming, and the sound of dripping blood suddenly sounded in the room, thick **** Taste like an invisible pair of hands slowly pinched Li Li's neck.

Blood dripped from behind Chen Ge. He grabbed the big saw with one hand and reached the back with his other hand, grabbing the black hair.


Chen Ge's hand was retracted from behind, and there was a woman's head in his palm!

Blood dripping, eyes rounded, not dead!

Chen Ge threw the man's head in front of Li Li. She saw clearly that the woman's head and lips were still moving!

"Not like this! Not like this!"

The body seemed to be cramped, Li Li shouted loudly, her eyes gradually filled with white eyes, and finally collapsed on the ground.

Chen Ge turned off the phone recording, picked up the head of the headless female ghost, and rubbed a few times on the red dress with a big saw.

He held the head of the headless female ghost with one hand, and with a chainsaw in the other, walked out of the room with a heavy footstep.

Everyone in the hotel heard Li Li's screams. Except for a few "tourists" who were chased by the stench, the remaining people were watching here. They wanted to know what happened in the room.

The screaming stopped quickly, and when Chen Ge walked out of the room, all of them had an answer in their hearts.

Embraced his head and saw blood dripping, the man was really crazy!

"None of the six of you want to run."

Chen Ge held his head and looked to the other side of the corridor. The youngest boy was dragging the paralyzed Xiao Ling down the stairs, and the glasses guy was with them.

Xiaoling collapsed when she saw Chen Ge walking out of the room covered with blood and holding her head. She thought of a hundred possibilities, but she didn't dare to think about it.

"Haunted house designers can see the internal scenes through monitoring. Even if they do n’t see them, these employees will immediately ask for help. Unfortunately, I have long let the stench seal the way. If they do n’t want to die, they can only go to Run forward. "

"Scene fusion is controlled by a central computer, but there should be human intervention in the haunted house. They will definitely open up a way for employees to pass through and let me follow."

Chen Ge looked at the monitor: "Now I am your employee, and my ghost is also the ghost brought on by those old objects in your virtual future paradise. Are you all ready to eat evil?"

Even if you let those few people run first, even with a heavy big saw, Chen Ge is still confident that he can catch up with them ~ www.readwn.com ~ His confidence in physical fitness stems from the trial task of black mobile phones.

Walked faster and faster, the chainsaw hit the wall, Chen Ge began to sprint at full speed.

The step-by-step feeling of horror can drive people crazy, and the glasses man directly released Xiaoling's hand and chose to escape alone.

After hesitating, the young boy put down Xiaoling and chased towards the glasses man.

"It's a pity." Chen Ge dragged the big saw close to Xiao Ling. The thick **** smell made Xiao Ling feel dizzy. Her eyes blurred, and she finally stayed on the woman's head behind Chen Ge.

"This, this is not true ..."

Close Xiaoling's eyes, Chen Ge is going to chase the glasses guy and the young boy.

The door next to was suddenly opened. A monster wearing a butcher ’s mask and covered with scars was standing at the door with a butcher ’s knife: “Cry it hard! Struggle desperately! The fearful heart eats the most delicious!”

Before he finished speaking, he saw Chen Ge holding a big saw, and Xiao Ling who was already in a coma.

"Brother Yi? Why are you still here? It's my turn at 2:40 in the morning." But Butler's eyes only saw the blood on the big saw and the rolling head, he was in place He was stunned for a few seconds, then closed the door silently: "You are busy first, my watch seems to be a few minutes faster."


The door of the room was kicked open, the saw saw roared, and the pungent **** smell poured into the room like a wave!

"What are you doing! Help!"

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