I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 969: Skullcrush doctor goes online

"Do we have any place to help?" The police looked at Chen Ge, frowning and thinking, and walked over very enthusiastically.

All the tourists expected Chen Ge to take them out. As for the task entrusted to them by the leader of the paradise, they had long been forgotten.

"The zodiac sign may be a password. This scene does not depend on luck at all, but on the ability to understand the mystery. As long as the secret of the zodiac sign can be cracked, it can be judged which room is safe and which room contains the murder "Crazy." After Chen Ge finished speaking, his voice changed: "Unfortunately, the computer in the Haunted House Center has a huge database. The puzzles it produces are difficult to solve with my ability."

"Does it still depend on luck?"

"There is very little information that I can judge right now." Chen Ge showed everyone the detective novels he had found. Those pages were painted with red dye and the time of death and the name of the deceased.

"Assuming that the information on the pages of the book is true, it means that homicide will occur during these times, and the venue is in the hotel. The homicide that has already occurred is actually nothing to fear, but the clock on the wall of the hotel is inverted Let's go, all the murders may be reproduced in this hotel. "Chen Ge raised a finger:" This is a new reincarnation. The time of reversal is the knife hanging over our head. The murders that have occurred are more like A kind of foretelling, foretelling our death. "

Spread his palms, Chen Ge put those pages on the bar: "Exactly seven pages, corresponding to the seven of us, each one has a time of death. When the time comes, the execution officer will appear, and that person will die."

Hearing Chen Ge's analysis, several tourists were a little flustered.

"We came in at three o'clock in the morning, and it was now at two fifty-two in the morning. The last murder on the page occurred at 2:50 in the morning. The way of death was divided by jigsaw." Chen Ge put away the page: "Now We have two options. First, we killed a teammate by hand, so that there are only six people left, and the execution officer who executed the seventh person will not appear. "

"It's a real loss to kill your teammates by yourself." The glasses guy strongly disagrees.

"There is another option, you all listen to me." Chen Ge didn't give other tourists time to think, and put away seven pages: "It's one minute before 2:50 in the morning. This is our last time, hotel. There is no place to hide except for those guest rooms, so we can only escape into the room. Now all of you are standing in the corridor on the left, and I will open the first door in the corridor on the right. "

"After opening the door, there will be only two situations. If there is a murderer in the door, I will run over to meet you. If everyone keeps a distance from the murderer, he can't help us. If there is no murderer in the door, then you will immediately Come over and be with me. Let ’s hide in that room and wait until the first execution time. "

"Okay, I agree." The glasses guy and the youngest boy were disconnected. Chen Ge took all the risks and was the person closest to the danger. They had no reason to object.

Limited time, the two sides immediately set off, six tourists stood in the left corridor and looked at Chen Ge, Chen Ge opened the door of the right corridor alone.

"no one?"

Chen Ge beckoned to the crowd. All the tourists ran over. After they all entered the guest room, they suddenly remembered the door opening in the quiet corridor.

"The murderer is out!"

All six tourists held their breath, but Chen Ge walked alone to the door. He had ghost ears. According to the location of the door opening, he probably determined the room where the murderer was hiding.

Seemingly intending to frighten tourists, a heavy footstep and a chainsaw sound slowly approached from the end of the corridor. The other party did not seem to know where the tourists were hiding, and wandered aimlessly in the hotel, then the sound disappeared in another room. in.

"He didn't return to his room?"

The sound of closing the door sounded, and all the tourists were relieved, but Chen Ge felt a little strange: "Is this scene really testing luck? The murderer only opens one door at a time, and it seems that the tourists first find the secret passage that is not locked. , Or murderer first find the room where the tourists are hiding? No, **** level difficulty cannot be so easy. "

Chen Ge began to look at the room. There were various things stacked in the room. A puppet body with missing arms hung in the corner. The floor under the body could move, but it was locked by a big lock.

On the table next to the secret road is throwing playing cards, each card is written with English letters, it seems to be a puzzle.

There is a document in the drawer of the wooden table, and the will is written on the cover of the file bag, but when you open it, you will find that the will is actually only one sentence-if I die, it must not be suicide.

This room is not large, but it is arranged as a secret room to solve the puzzle.

"Are we going to stay here to find the truth?" The police looked at the things in the house, and what they felt was related to the break.

"Finding the truth is what the police have to do. I am just a volunteer." Chen Ge glanced at the time. This scene needs to be solved. It will definitely take a lot of time, and he is not going to drag it on any longer.

This visit really taught him a lot of things, and also made him understand the strength of the virtual future park. They can do so well in a field that is not good at. It is really amazing.

Only facing his opponents can he have a chance to surpass the other party. This is also an advantage of Chen Ge. He never underestimates anyone.

"Relaxation time is over, start working."

Several tourists did not notice the changes that happened to Chen Ge, they still followed behind Chen Ge.

"This room is marked as safe. We can now open another door and do as I said." Chen Ge asked all the tourists to go to the left corridor and stand on their own right, waiting for everyone to be seated Later, he reached into his backpack and turned the comic book.

"Finally don't need to cover up anymore." The reason why Chen Ge let the tourists go all the way to the left is that he is on the right by himself, because the corridor on the right is closer to the door of the hotel. Situation, and you can gesture with the stench red clothes at the door in the blind spot of the tourists.

"The way to escape has been blocked, it is time to despair him."

The door of the hotel has been opened, Chen Ge smiled and nodded toward the stench.

A pungent stench fluttered in the air, everyone heard the sound of "drops of water" dripping, the blood broke on the floor, dragging out a shocking trajectory.

The foul-smelling red clothes unscrupulously released their own breath, and soon everyone noticed that they were wrong, and they all stared at the hotel bar.

After a few seconds, a fat monster wearing a **** red dress came out of the bar!

"Well, what is that?" Xiao Ling screamed, and all "tourists" raised their hearts.

"Chen Ge! Behind you! Look behind you!"

Chen Ge, who had just walked out of the blind spot of the tourists ’vision, looked up and saw the monster. His face turned pale immediately, and he ran away with his teeth gritted.

"Hurry up!"

He is fast, but still can't run behind the monster, there is nowhere to escape, and finally he had to hide in front of other tourists and opened a door.

And just then, something more horrible happened, and the terrifying monster rushed into the room with him.

Then two screams appeared in the room! One is from Chen Ge, and the other is from a stranger.

Wait for tourists to understand the reason, the scary monster has ran out and rushed towards them!

"What the **** is this!"

Tourists scattered and fled ~ www.readwn.com ~ No one noticed that the room where Chen Ge fled into just now was slowly closed.

"Smoother than I thought." Chen Ge looked at the "killer" actor in a coma, laughing like a child.

He remembered the room where the murderous man was hiding, and led the stench in red into the room.

The "murderer" actor who originally wanted to be scary heard the door open and rushed towards him head-on, but he saw the stench in red behind Chen Ge before he could even pose a scary gesture.

The scream of "painful heart" was sent by him. In order to deceive other tourists, Chen Ge also cooperated.

The two fell to the ground, except that the "murderer" actor was really comatose, and Chen Ge looked at the room by "fainting", and after confirming that there was no monitoring, he stood up and closed the door.

"Surveillance in the virtual future paradise is like no money. It ’s everywhere. I ’m not free to do anything I want, but it ’s different now."

Chen Ge took off his coat, took out the comic book from his backpack, and then took off the perverted murderous coat and hood and put it on himself.

"Let me tell you how to play a murderer."

Collect the comic book and repeater, Chen Ge put his coat on the actor, then threw the empty backpack next to the actor's head, and then took off his watch and put it on the haunted actor.

After everything was ready, Chen Ge lifted the chainsaw next to it and kicked the door open.

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