I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 968: Zodiac 12 House

The sound of closing the door sounded, and all the tourists were startled, and they all turned to look at Chen Ge.

"I always feel that something will come over without closing the door. To avoid being hit by the front and back, I still feel at ease."

Chen Ge casually found a reason to stifle the past, he looked at the police: "Have you ever been to this scene?"

"Well, the hotel scene is a buffer zone for tourists to relax. After this scene is over, as long as you experience another scene, you can pass the customs."

Hearing what the police said, everyone was up and the nightmare haunted house visit was finally coming to an end.

"Buffer zone? In other words, isn't this scene scary?" Chen Ge rarely sees a buffer zone being built in a haunted house.

"There are no ghosts in this scene. There are a total of twelve rooms in one of them. There is a room where the murderer is hiding. We just need to avoid the murderer's pursuit and find the secret passage in the hotel to escape." The police no longer concealed. He also wanted to leave the haunted house quickly.

"When was the last time you visited, where was the secret passage?"

"The secret passage is not fixed. There are secret passages in each of the twelve rooms, but the secret passage of only one room is not locked. This scene is very lucky, and the first door we may open is The secret door was unlocked, and maybe the first door we pushed opened was a murderous man. "The police spread his hands." I told you everything I know. If there is another accident this time, I really wouldn't. " Blame me. "

"Medium difficulty is that there is a murderer and an unlocked secret passage hidden in twelve rooms. It is likely that all secret passages are locked in **** level difficulty, and there is a murderer hidden in each room." Chen The song stood near the bar, and he looked at the glasses man again: "Detective, have you got any tips?"

"Well, I received the message when I first entered this scene." The glasses man showed the information on the watch to everyone-don't just open the door.

"It seems that Chen Ge is right, maybe there are murderers hidden in the twelve rooms, so let us not open the door casually." The police laughed, if the facts are true, then the clues he provided will not No effect.

"Hush, don't speak first." Chen Ge suddenly raised his hand. He used ghost ears and heard the sound of repeated footsteps and a woman's crazy laugh.

The voice is very weak, and it comes from the underground.

"This hotel is not as simple as it seems on the surface, there may be several layers. The above layer is horrible and only the appearance, and the layers below are the really tricky places." Chen Ge's voice was very low, and it made people feel hairy.

"How do you know this?" The woman with long black hair whispered, she has made a big difference to Chen Ge.

"A haunted house that truly pursues the ultimate thrilling experience will not be buffered in the scene. Wave after wave of continuous shock like a wave is the pursuit of haunted house designers." Chen Ge will not tell other tourists to live Even if there is a buffer zone in a haunted house in red clothes, the buffer zone will not function as a buffer. You must be careful at all times.

"The information given by the police was that the secret door could be found by opening the door, but the clues obtained by the detective were not to open the door casually. This is very contradictory. Who should listen to it now?" Chen Ge finished and looked at the youngest boy: "All of us talked about our profession, except you, everyone has come to the present together, don't you trust us yet?"

The young man shook his head: "It's not that I don't trust everyone, my ability is very critical, and it can only be used once."

Chen Ge did not impose a demand, and time was limited. All the tourists began to search the hotel scatteredly, and soon they found all kinds of strange places.

The hotel is the largest scene they have entered so far. It is divided into three floors. There are two floors above the ground, six rooms on each floor, and one floor underground, but the access to the underground is locked by iron doors.

There is a staircase on the left and right of the hotel. The surface of the aisle looks normal, but if you look carefully, you can see many traces of being smashed by blunt objects. There are nail holes left on the door panel.

In addition, Chen Ge also found many pages in the hotel that seemed to be torn from the detective novels. It was written in red paint at what time in the morning, where did XX die.

Every corner of the hotel is also painted with various complicated symbols, like the graffiti of the devil.

Although the whole scene is not as professional as Chen Ge ’s haunted house, it can also give a score of seven, and the atmosphere is very nice.

"There is no way out. The exit channel should be hidden in the room as the police said." Several tourists gathered at the bar again. They discussed whether to push the door to try their luck. Chen Ge stood next to him and said nothing hair.

"What are you thinking?" The police noticed Chen Ge's abnormality.

"The watch on the wall has been walking." Chen Ge pointed to an unremarkable watch hanging on the dirty wall above the bar.

"Isn't it normal for the watch to go?" The police were puzzled.

"Look carefully, this watch is going backwards. When we first came in, it was three o'clock in the morning, and now it has become two fifty-four in the morning."

"A watch walking backwards? Does this mean anything?"

"I don't know." Chen Ge shook his head: "Regardless of this watch, you said that the secret road was hidden in the room. Then we have to push open the door if we want to leave. I just focused on the doors of the twelve rooms. , Found that every door was nailed out with some small holes ~ www.readwn.com ~ hole? Is it used to let us observe the inside of the room through the hole? "Tourists involuntarily gathered towards Chen Ge Come.

"It should not be, the other side of the door is reinforced with a layer of door panels, and it is impossible to peep into the room through the small hole." Chen Ge took out his mobile phone: "The position of the small hole on each door is different. Some I looked at It ’s more familiar, and I tried to connect them with wires.

"What's the catch?"

"Those holes made with nails represent the stars. Properly connecting all the stars on the door will form a constellation. The first door is Aries and the second door is Taurus. These twelve doors correspond exactly to the zodiac. . "

Tourists were surprised to hear Chen Ge's analysis. They felt that although they were in the same scene with Chen Ge, they didn't seem to be playing the same game.

"So ... what hints can the zodiac give us?" The police feared to disturb Chen Ge's thinking and lowered his voice.

"The trouble is here. The zodiac sign has many meanings. It is both a constellation, it can correspond to time, and it can also be used as a password." Chen Ge looked at his mobile phone: "The word comes from Greece, the original meaning is a zoo, The person in the zoo is definitely not a person. Is it warning us that the tenant behind the door can not be called a person? This is consistent with the information received by the detective. "

Shook his head, Chen Ge frowned: "I'm not too good at solving puzzles and reasoning, this level has touched my blind spot."

Looking at the distressed Chen Ge, other tourists are too afraid to speak.

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