I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 967: 1 way forward

Standing in front of the Chamber of Secrets, Chen Ge listened ear-to-ear, the woman's singing was very strange, and it seemed to sing a song almost lost in the local area of ​​Hanjiang.

Across the wall full of runes, just hearing the woman ’s voice, closing your eyes as if you could see the blue bricks and green tiles, the curtains of various colors, as if going back in the past, taking a deep breath, the fat powder in your lungs With a scent of resentment.

"Unexpectedly nice, this red dress is a little special." Chen Ge regained his spirit: "I still don't have an employee who can sing ancient songs in my haunted house. If she wants, I can help her."

The woman's voice is fascinating. She uses dialect. Chen Ge can only understand a small part, and she doesn't know whether she sings or herself.

"Which room would you choose? The secret room covered with runes is the most dangerous. Will you come here?" Chen Ge's hand clenched his fists tightly, at which moment he heard the sound of the door panel pulling, and the bedroom outside the secret room The door was opened!

At the same time the door opened, the long-haired woman sitting alone in the bedroom outside the secret room screamed.


Chen Ge opened the door of the secret room decisively, and he saw a thin woman wearing a **** costume standing at the door of the bedroom.

She pressed her finger against the door. There was an unsolvable hatred in her scarlet eyes. Her body was leaning against the wall, and there was a scar on her skin exposed outside the costume.

"Be careful!" Chen Ge shouted at the woman with long black hair in the house, grabbed the woman's arm, and blocked her with her back.

Helped her to block the danger, but also blocked her view.

While she was in panic and did not return to her mind, Xu Yin walked out of the secret room covered with runes and rushed to the door in a red dress in costume.

"Red high heels hold the shrine, blocking the front, Xu Yin chasing behind, where are you going?" Chen Ge looked at him with Yu Guang, and waited for Xu Yin and the costume red to leave before standing up.

He was about to go out, and his clothes were suddenly caught.

"Don't go, you, the woman in the costume is not a haunted house employee!" The woman took a lot of effort to say a complete sentence, her messy long hair stuck to her face. Chen Ge has changed a lot.

When the danger happened just now, this man was desperately blocked in front of him.

Leaving aside the commercial competition relationship, this person cannot pick out any flaws on the moral level.

"How do you know she is not a haunted house employee?"


"Don't worry, maybe she is just a projection. After all, this place is a fusion of forty hell-level scenes. What weird projections have happened." Chen Ge seemed to find that the tone of the woman's speech had not changed. Out of the bedroom.

All the other tourists who heard the noise came out, but there was no red ghost in the corridor.

"Where did they go?" Chen Ge didn't worry about the safety of Xu Yin and **** high-heeled shoes. The two of them could delay for a long time even when they met the top red clothes: "It can be determined that there are indeed red clothes in the haunted house, but the other party's status is very strange , Very different from the red clothes I have seen before. "

There are differences in specifics, and Chen Ge can't say it. What he can do now is to do everything possible to control the costume red.

"That ghost was really hidden in the shrine!" The police shouted loudly, attracting everyone's attention: "The shrine door was opened! The red high-heeled shoes were gone!"

With the assistance of the police, a wonderful misunderstanding has occurred. All tourists think that red high-heeled shoes are the ghost in this cursed scene. They did not expect another possibility.

"Look here! Exit!" Xiaoling pointed to the back of the shrine, where it was originally sealed by a wooden board. Just when the female ghost appeared, the wooden board did not know who was removed.

The cold wind blew through the crowd, and a dark road appeared behind the shrine.

"There is no door in the house of curse, and behind the shrine should be the hidden way out." The youngest boy touched his chin and grabbed his sporadic beards: "We didn't solve the mystery, but the exit appeared by ourselves, would this be? Is it a trap? "

"When I came in to visit last time, the exit was also here, but this time I tried it when I came in. The wooden board behind the shrine could not be opened at all, it seems that some conditions were not met." The police feared that everyone would not believe him. The first one ran next to the shrine: "Look, there is a pattern on each of these wooden boards, corresponding to the prompts on the remaining rolls, arranged in a fixed order, you can rearrange these wooden boards, and then you can open this A hidden door. But I have tried it before, and it wo n’t open even if it ’s arranged correctly! ”

"Do you know why you don't want to share it with everyone?" Chen Ge stared at the police. He found that these people were still not honest and always wanted to play some tricks: "It seems that you are still not desperate enough, but it doesn't matter."

When everyone finds that this is not a game, but really linked to their own life and death, they will listen to Chen Ge and become Chen Ge's help.

If Chen Ge does not come, they work in a scene with red clothes, and they are always at risk of death.

Now Chen Ge helps them solve this problem, but relatively, they have to pay something.

"Let's go, it's a good thing to find a way out. Let's go to the next scene to see now." Chen Ge carried the backpack and ran into the next bedroom. He secretly put another black-and-white photo into his pocket: Wind chime, forget it, look for it next time you come. "

Chen Ge does not want those items, but the obsessions above. He has a comic book. As long as he is given time, he can take those obsessions through the comic book and the items will continue to remain.

After getting things, Chen Ge avoided the shrine ~ www.readwn.com ~ and entered the dark passage.

"The fans of this scene haven't been unraveled yet, and the exit is unknown and unclear. Is it really good for us to go in this way?" The glasses man looked at the police and confessed that they didn't want to continue exploring.

"It's a good thing to find a way out, why? Are you scared?" Chen Ge walks alone in front, and others can only follow him as "playing with".

Seeing everyone entering the new scene, Chen Ge showed a satisfied smile. These tourists will provide him with clues, and it is a free labor force. It can also help him verify certain speculations. The most important thing is that these tourists are witnesses. In addition, their eyes can help Chen Ge dispel all suspicions.

"Although Xu Yin and red high-heeled shoes are not there, I still have a stench and a headless female ghost, and my personal safety can be guaranteed."

Outside the Curse House is a dark corridor without any light. Using mobile phone lighting, you can see several wordless tombstones standing on the promenade, as if it were a mass grave.

At the end of the corridor is a sign of a public hotel, pushing open the shabby door, which has a lot of space inside.

"This is the new scene?" Chen Ge was the first person to enter the scene, but he kept standing at the door without going inside.

After everyone entered, Chen Ge reached into the backpack and turned the comic book, quietly summoned the stench, and asked him to re-assemble the wooden door of the house of curse.

While the stench left, Chen Ge closed the door of the public hotel. From now on, all tourists have no escape route.

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