I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 966: Teammate sacrifice

"The old man has raised four children without any trouble for so many years. As soon as the little grandson opened the shrine, the whole family suffered. What happened later in the old house was also related to the shrine. As long as the shrine is opened, the people present must suffer ominously. People can escape. "Chen Ge looked at the police:" When you played the medium difficulty last time, surely you didn't open the shrine? "

"No." The policeman shook his head.

"It seems that the open shrine should be unique to the difficulty of **** level." Chen Ge called Xiaoling and the police around: "This scene is very special. There are at least four ghosts in it, the simple and kind little grandson, and the grandfather who wants to protect the grandson. , The jealous grandma, and the most terrifying maid. The grandma was sealed in a rune-filled room behind the closet, the maid was in the shrine, and the grandson and grandson were in this picture. All these old objects It ’s an ominous thing, and once you touch it, you will be contaminated. "

Chen Ge put the black-and-white photo of the old man in his backpack: "It should be fine without touching it with your hands."

"I don't seem to have heard anything outside, shall we go out and see?" The policeman was scared. After listening to Xiao Ling's speech, he was even more flustered.

"You have to figure out the way to clear the customs first, and then go out too late." Chen Ge sorted out his thoughts: "This scene takes the curse as the theme. The initial curse is a maid, the second curse comes from grandma, and she has an extreme personality. , My heart was full of hatred and jealousy of the maid, and after the death, there was more of her curse in the house; then those innocent people who opened the shrine were of course full of grievances, and this grievances will also be slowly distorted into curses In short, everyone in this scene has left behind hatred and curses, forming an unbreakable situation, "

"So what shall we do?"

"Either solve the curse at all, or become part of the curse."

"I don't quite understand what you mean." The police did not know what Chen Ge wanted to do.

"The curse will continue because of hatred. I'm so miserable. Others must be as miserable as me, even worse than me. But if someone suffers the curse, they don't spread malice, but return Give light and warmth to the people around us, can we say that the curse is over on him? "Chen Ge's remarks made the police and Xiaoling ignorant.

"What do you mean?"

"As long as each of us can stick to ourselves and not be disturbed by curses, things should turn around." Chen Ge took out the remnants found in his bedroom, which were written with gold, wood, fire and earth: "Five bedrooms, Counting the rooms and halls full of fulu, this scene has a total of seven rooms, corresponding to seven people. The police said before, the overall room layout is like a person stepping on a shrine. I was thinking, if each of us is alone In a room, is it popular in every room? The whole scene calms down the shrine like a living person? "

Police and Xiaoling felt that Chen Ge was talking nonsense, but it seemed to make sense.

“It ’s not scary for tourists to get together in a haunted house. What ’s really scary is that everyone is separated. Designers will not understand that when the central computer increases the difficulty of the fusion scene, it will definitely do this. We follow their ideas, Although dangerous, this may be the way to break the game. "Chen Ge raised the scraps in his hands:" The scraps should protect us, but this is the cleverness of the scene. There are only five scraps here, tourists are destined to produce Disagreement. "

"Don't mention the remnants first, as you say, someone must stay alone in that secret room, is that too unfair to that person?"

"It's not just unfair, it's cruel." Chen Ge smiled: "So I have a proposal, people who enter the secret room can get an extra roll."

"I can't be the master, let's discuss it together." The police pushed the door open, and the big spider in the corridor had disappeared.

"Hurry up, everyone hurries out!" Chen Ge shouted loudly: "In this scene, the wind bell is the key. Every time the wind chime sounds, the scene will change. The spider just appeared for the third time when the wind chime sounded. , The next time the wind chime sounds, maybe the ghost in the shrine will come out. "

Chen Ge and the police told everyone how to break the situation. Although everyone felt a bit **** after listening, there is no better way now.

Stay here and do nothing, the situation will get worse and worse.

"We agree with you, but who will go to the room covered with rune paper?" The spectacled man was fearless when he was with everyone, but he was really alone, and he was afraid: "If you want to go ,we……"

"I'm in charge of the most dangerous room." Chen Ge took out two scraps: "I came here to clear the customs, don't drag me on the back."

"Still thinking about customs clearance?" The glasses guy shook his head, feeling that Chen Ge was dreaming: "You are in charge of the secret room, but you can't take away two scraps, there are fewer scraps, you still take two. What about the rest of us? "

"Okay, I only take one." Chen Ge placed the remnant on the ground. During the whole process, no "tourist" spoke for him.

Everyone was quickly assigned ~ www.readwn.com ~ The police was in charge of the living room, and the woman with long black hair was in charge of the bedroom next to the secret room.

After all the people entered their rooms, the strange wind chime sounded again.

"Xu Yin."

Chen Ge stood in the middle of the room covered with runes and communicated with Xu Yin for the first time, but he did not let Xu Yin show up immediately, but was waiting for an opportunity.

"The red clothes can leave the deposits freely. Where will that maid hide?" Chen Ge smiled, as if talking to herself: "It is a taboo to open the shrine, and now I will help you separate all those who violate the taboo Now, can you not hold back? "

When entering the secret room for the first time, Chen Ge discovered that there was no surveillance installed in this room, so now he is unscrupulous.

Actually, he knew that Li Gui in the shrine could compete with the red high-heeled shoes, so he made up his mind to find her.

Ordinary fierce ghosts and red clothes are two concepts. Even if you can't bring them back to the horror house, swallowing it can greatly improve the strength of Xu Yin and the headless female ghost.

The spider projection passed Chen Ge by a fixed trajectory, climbed out of the closet, and a scream came from outside the secret room.

After a while, the scene returned to normal. When the crowd just walked out of the fright caused by the big spider, a faint **** smell was scattered in the air.

"She is coming!"

Chen Ge grabbed the door of the closet, and he heard a woman mournfully singing in the corridor.

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