I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 965: Causes and consequences, the curse continues in hatred

The situation of the virtual future park is more serious than Chen Ge expected. He thought that the other party only stuffed some old objects in the haunted house. Through conversation, he realized that the other party did not simply put the old objects into the haunted house. It is to use the haunted house to build a safe home for those old objects.

They integrated the objects with real strangeness into the haunted house. The obsession with the objects also welcomed a new life in the haunted house scene.

The key to the problem is that they are not the same as Chen Ge's haunted house. The ghosts attached to the old objects are in an uncontrolled state, and it is easy to harm the tourists who come in to visit.

Obsessed with invisibility, after those tourists have visited, they will not find anything in themselves for a short time, and it may take a long time for all kinds of discomfort to appear.

"You are too irresponsible to tourists." Chen Ge would like to see the leader of the virtual future park in charge of the haunted house. That person is definitely in trouble.

"Xiao Ling's friend may also say that because of her more sensitive personality. You have to know that when people are highly nervous, they may have hallucinations." The police are afraid that Chen Ge will misunderstand.

"My friend is telling the truth, but no one cares. There is no ghost in the world who knows. The key is how you explain what she sees." Xiao Ling quarreled with the police, Chen Ge leaned Looking at the wall with relish.

Before he came, he guessed that the virtual future park would invite actors to pretend to be tourists, and he was also prepared, but he did not expect that these actors were so disrespectful.

It may be that the fusion of more than forty hell-level scenes is too fierce, defeating their psychological defense line, or it may be that the reincarnation of the haunted house is too hasty, and the grassroots employees are well aware of the hidden dangers.

Generally speaking, a variety of reasons have caused this situation, "inner ghost" has produced "infighting", and tourists have become "helmsman" instead.

"Don't be noisy, everyone comes in for a visit. If you don't want to give up now, we'd better unite." Chen Ge's voice sounded exceptionally pleasant at this time, his existence was like a beam of light, It can always bring people warmth and can be relied upon reassuringly.

Xiaoling stopped taking care of the police, she turned her face aside.

"It's everyone, don't be unhappy because of a little thing." Chen Ge comforted Xiao Ling, and then went straight to the topic: "Does your friend know the story behind these old objects? These items , Especially where the shrine came from? "

"It was collected in a village next to Dongjiao Reservoir. The scenery there is very good, but the place is a little remote, and the locals are also very unfriendly to outsiders."

"Did the villagers say anything when collecting things?" Chen Ge didn't care about other things, but the shrine was indeed a big problem, it was the root of the curse.

"There are very few people living in that village, most of them are elderly people. After my friend explained his intention, they drove them out. Later, the leader of my friend gave a young man in the village 200 yuan. Money, the other party secretly took us in the dark. "Xiao Ling recalled many things.

"The village is not large, many houses are empty, the old house where the shrine is located is in the back of the village, the house is the largest house in the village, and it was abandoned many years ago."

"The young man who brought us into the village said that many bad things happened in this house."

"A few decades ago, the owner of the house married the daughter of a large household. Although the daughter of the large household was ugly, her family had money and lived a happy life."

"Later, the daughter of the big household became pregnant, and they hired a maid from outside, but the strange thing is that after the maid entered their house, they never came out."

"The villagers didn't take this matter seriously at first. After all, the couple was very good. It was really disturbing that after a few weeks, a thief went over the wall and entered their house. . "

"No one knows what the thief saw in the house. The reason given by the owner of the house is that he saw the thief too flustered and accidentally hit the thief's head with a wooden stick and beat him silly."

"It was chaotic in those days, and the owner of the house had unblocked the relationship from top to bottom, so no one was held accountable."

"But rumors began to appear in the village that the owner of the house was engaged with the foreign maid when the wife was pregnant. The wife killed the maid and buried the body in the yard."

"Some people said that the foreign maid was actually the former owner of the house, and the wife of the house owner deliberately cheated her because she was jealous of the woman's beauty and she wanted to change face with that woman."

"No one knows what the truth is. A few months after the maid's death, the wife of the house owner became half crazy and stupid, often swearing at the mirror and the wall in the middle of the night. Later, the house owner invited a half fairy, who was in the old house This shrine was established. "

"Few years later, the wife of the owner of the house passed away. He did good deeds, pulling four children alone and bringing them up."

"The villagers gradually forgot about this matter, until the day the owner of the house was buried, his young grandson mischievously opened the shrine."

"The weather was clear on that day, but in the afternoon the wind suddenly blew up on the riverside, the overcast clouds hit the top, and the heavy rain poured."

"The time for the burial has been determined and cannot be changed casually, and the family took the rain to follow the village rules."

"When the owner of the house raised the coffin, the four coffiners didn't carry the coffin, as if there were several people lying inside."

"The family members don't know the reason, and finally spent a lot of money, and invited eight coffin carpenters to be considered to bury the owner of the house."

"But when they got home, they found something wrong. The old man's portrait turned back to everyone, and the little grandson most loved by the old man also disappeared ~ www.readwn.com ~ The family found the little grandson for days and nights , No one lives, no dead, and later some people say that his little grandson seems to be drowning by the river. "

"The family felt that the house was full of ominousness. They sold the house at a very low price."

"They thought they would get rid of this doom, but my friends heard from the villagers that their family would not end well."

"The disaster did not end because their family moved away. The newly moved family was rushed into the reservoir because of mudslides, and even their car was rushed into the reservoir. Only the elder son who was studying abroad escaped."

"The eldest son inherited the old mansion. On a summer vacation, he invited friends to play here. That night, it was like the old man's burial, under heavy rain."

"No one knows what happened that night, only that all seven people who came to play are missing."

"There is no owner in the old house, the villagers know that the place is evil, never pass, my friend and her colleagues are the first people to visit in the past five years."

"You know the rest of the story. Under the leadership of the young man, they took out some old objects in the old house and made this scene."

Xiaoling's story is very long, but the timeline is very clear, so Chen Ge understands a lot of things.

"The maid was the first person to die in this house. After she died, she cursed the old house and was enclosed in a shrine by a half-cent. The most terrifying ghost in this scene is not grandma. Red is her! "

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