I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 964: They adapted real strange talk into scenes

"Don't stand in the corridor! Run!"

If other projection Chen Ge is ignored, but this spider projection is really hairy, Chen Ge does not want to have any intimate contact with it.

Other tourists saw the spider coming out of the room, the fear accumulated before was instantly ignited, and their screams were in the whole scene. A few were even scared and stupefied and froze directly in the corridor.

"Enter the house, hide in the house!"

Whether it was useful or not, Chen Ge hid in the third bedroom, followed by the police and the girl named Xiao Ling.

"close the door!"

The door could not be locked, so Chen Ge and the police pressed the door with their backs.

The corridor slowly became quiet, and all the tourists hid in the room.

"That should be just a projection. There will definitely be a sound when the real spider crawls over, and there will be traces on the wall." Chen Ge motioned to the police to keep the door, and he looked at the table in the middle of the room.

"The child just ran into this room just now." Chen Ge can be sure that the child is not a projection, and it should be just a obsession: "The obsession must be attached to something, even in a very squalid place. Can't leave that item for a long time. "

Bent over, Chen Ge looked at the toys piled under the table: "Does the little boy attach to the toys?"

He carefully checked the toys. He put each toy in his backpack and took it out again.

Did not find any abnormality in the whole process. His detection method is very special and very effective. If there is attachment on the toy, it will definitely be afraid.

"Not in the toy, where would it be?" Chen Ge looked away and looked at the picture on the table.

Originally this photo frame was dropped on the ground. When he came in, he put the photo frame back on the table.

The old man in the photo frame turned his back to Chen Ge, and after watching it for a long time, it felt like he would turn around at any time.

"The photo is easily used as a sustenance by obsession and Li Gui, the key is that this black and white photo is of the old man who died ..." Chen Ge just said that he saw a child's head protruding from the side of the old man, and then he Pressed back by the old man's hand.

Everything happens quickly, like an illusion.

Stared at the photo, Chen Ge's double pupils shrank: "I seem to understand why the old man's photo is like this?"

There are two obsessions hidden in this black and white photo. One is an old man and the other is a child. The old man shows his back. In fact, he is protecting the child, and the child is hiding in his arms!

"Little grandson opened the shrine, and in order to prevent him from being taken away by the monster inside, the old man who died that day has been protecting him." Chen Ge took the photo frame and walked to the corner of the room, he said softly to the photo: "What are you doing?" Running into this haunted house? "

The story in dv is a script written by the central computer, but the grandfather and the grandson are real ghosts!

Although they look very weak, they can kill them with just a red coat, but their presence here has already explained many problems.

"I have my own rules, you tell me the truth, I will keep you safe in the future." Chen Ge stared at the photos, but the black and white photos did not have any exceptions.

"What are you looking at? Is there a problem with this picture?" Xiao Ling, a girl who was scared just now, came over. She wanted to quit and was stopped by another woman. Now she is in a poor state of mind.

"It's really strange to look at, how can you take a black-and-white photo with your back to the camera?" Chen Ge's voice returned to normal.

"This photo does not seem to be a prop made by the haunted house itself, but one of the old objects that the person in charge got back from Dongjiao." The girl leaned against the wall and her face was very poor: "You still put that thing down, I heard that this thing is very bad auspicious."

Xiaoling has been covering her arms, she has violently abandoned herself, and now she wants to leave quickly.

"Sure enough." Chen Ge glanced at Xiao Ling: "Why are you holding your arm all the time?"

"You might not believe it. When I opened the closet just now, I saw a person hiding inside, that is, he dragged me into the secret room covered with runes." Xiaoling let go of her hand, and Chen Ge did. Seeing a light **** fingerprint on Xiaoling's arm.

"Should be a haunted house employee ..."

"That's not an actor, really ..." Xiao Ling rubbed her arms as if stimulated: "You didn't see it, so you don't think it's ok! I can be sure that the man is not a haunted man actor, he's really scary ! Damn it! Why can't this blood stain get rid of it! "

Arms have been rubbed red, but the blood fingerprints still exist, and even the color is darker.

"Don't mess around, that thing can't be removed." Chen Ge stared at Xiaoling: "You seem to know this haunted house very well. Have you visited this haunted house before?"

Xiaoling grabbed her arm and glanced at the police who were blocking the door, but there was no sound.

"Or your relatives and friends are working here, and you hear some information?" Chen Ge even thought of the excuse for the other party: "My live broadcast has not been unblocked, and there is no monitoring in this room, so you treat me No one else will know what they say. Think clearly, the person who can help you now is me. "

Xiaoling was finally persuaded by Chen Ge, she covered her head: "I have already said that this will definitely happen."

"What happened?"

"I have a friend who is in charge of haunted house props. She knows some of the inside story. When the haunted house was approved, the senior management of the park disagreed. Some people felt that the haunted house was not necessary at all. When building a haunted house, they had another disagreement. Some people felt that there was no need to build a physical haunted house. They used holographic projection directly ~ www.readwn.com ~ The other part insisted on restoring the reality. They also found various Old objects of folklore. "

"These old objects existed when the haunted house was not completely built yet?" Chen Ge always felt that something was wrong. Some people in the virtual future paradise did something like building a haunted house intentionally to place these old objects.

Does anyone in charge of the virtual future park have a problem?

Chen Ge has dealt with the shadow of Dongjiao. That guy is mean and shameless, and he does whatever he can to achieve his purpose. Liwan Town, who is responsible for the shadow, is just one of the backers of the unborn child.

"Rather than saying that the old objects are used to decorate the haunted house, it is better to say that several scenes in the haunted house are actually tailor-made for the old objects. The designer generates the script through the database of the central computer. Objects, perfectly blending those things with the entire scene. "

Xiaoling expressed her anxiety: "They adapted the real strange talk into a scene, and put the unknown things in the strange talk into the haunted house. My friend sometimes works overtime late, and she often hears strange things in the scene at night. She reflected these to the leader ’s voice, but the leader said that would n’t it be more attractive to tourists to visit? ”

"Cough!" Xiaoling was talking about the key point. The police who blocked the door suddenly coughed, and Xiaoling closed her mouth immediately.

"Don't be afraid, I'll ask you one last question." Chen Ge looked at Xiaoling's eyes: "What old objects are collected from Dongjiao in this scene?"

"Two black and white photos, a wind chime, and that shrine."

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