I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 963: Spider and butterfly

Although this old Japanese-style house has only a few rooms, it feels like a labyrinth. Some rooms are interconnected and seem to be separated by a partition. In fact, the partition is a wooden door that can be pushed and pulled.

The layout of the whole room is very strange. The five bedrooms correspond to the five internal organs of the human body. Chen Ge also found the remnants of the scriptures in each bedroom.

Although the whole building is in Japanese style, the remaining volumes are in traditional Chinese characters, most of which are uncommon characters. Chen Ge only recognized the golden wood, fire and earth on it.

"Five bedrooms, five internal organs, five elements ..." The sound of a wind chime sounded in his ear. Chen Ge looked back. He had always been curious where the wind chime came from. This was the second time he heard it. This voice is gone.

"Did you find that this house is very much like a person lying on the ground?" The police now have a very good attitude towards Chen Ge. He is like a fart and has been chasing behind Chen Ge. When Chen Ge went, he ran to where.


"Yes, the room we came in was the head of the person, the left and right rooms were the arms of the person, the legs of the person were below, and the middle aisle was the body of the person. The shrine was at the end of the corridor as if it was being stepped on It's the same at the feet. "The police's words gave Chen Ge some inspiration.

"If you compare the whole building to one person, then the layout of the building is like living people calming the shrine."

"People stepped on God?" A flash of light flashed in the police's eyes, shouting at Chen Ge suddenly: "I understand! People stepped on God! So a pair of red high heels will appear in the shrine!"

The first half of the whole reasoning is okay, but the back part is completely deviated. Chen Ge wants to remind the other party, but the police are very excited and share their findings to other tourists out loud.

During the lively discussion by other tourists, Chen Ge stood quietly in the corridor: "The theme of this room is curse. The curse can also be a reincarnation, which spreads from the maliciousness of the first person. What the **** happened here. "

"I found dv in the first bedroom. It recorded the fact that seven young people came to the old house for the night. The dv did not say the ending of the seven people, but their probability of survival is basically zero. This is seven lives. "

"The second bedroom is a lot of clothes, and all the clothes are covered with mud, just like it was just taken out of the mud. Compared with what the owner of the house in the first compartment said, the owner of the house The parents suffered mudslides, and the family was all buried outside. The clothes they wore when they died must have been covered with muddy water. "

"So, the clothes stacked in the second bedroom are likely to belong to the parents of the house owner. As for the cause of their car accident, it is probably also related to the shrine."

Chen Ge touched his chin and quietly sorted out the clues in his mind: "According to the owner of the house, on the day of her parents 'accident, it was raining heavily outside. The road in this small village is very difficult to walk. Debris flows and the like should often occur around the villagers' reaction Natural disaster. The owner of the house is a local resident. Naturally, they are well aware of this, so why do they want to leave alone? "

The answer is self-evident. Chen Ge looked back at the shrine: "They may have opened the shrine. Even if they did not open the shrine, they must have found something very dangerous, so they had to leave! But they didn't think about it, even if they left. The old house, still unable to escape the shadow of death, this should be the power of the curse. "

"Next came the third bedroom. I found a dumping table there. There was a black-and-white photo of the old man on the table. The strange thing is that the old man in the photo was taken with his back to the camera and his face was invisible. In addition, I saw many children ’s toys in the third bedroom, and those toys were hidden under the table. "

"The objects in the third compartment reminded me of the story told by the man in the dv. On the day the old man was buried, the young grandson opened the shrine and disappeared. If the young grandson is also dead, then these are two lives. . "

"These things have one thing in common, that is, the parties may have opened the shrine."

The first three bedrooms contain the deceased's things. Starting from the fourth bedroom, the situation inside has changed.

"I found traces of a fire burning in the fourth bedroom. The walls of that bedroom were blackened, and everything in the room was burned. Who burned that room? Why did they want to put everything in the bedroom? Burned? "

Do not understand, Chen Ge skipped this question for the time being: "The fourth bedroom is not considered, the situation of the fifth bedroom is also very weird. This room should be a woman's room, with a mirror on the wall, and each in the closet. A beautiful traditional dress, and some boxes for makeup. The owner of the room should be a young woman, but why would a black and white photo of the old lady be enshrined on the other side of the room? "

"The fifth bedroom will give people a sense of fragmentation. The more weird thing is that the old lady's black-and-white photos are facing the room, giving people the feeling that she is looking at the new clothes in the room and laughing."

"The black-and-white photo of the grandfather in the third bedroom was taken with the camera facing away, and the black-and-white photo of the old lady was taken with the camera. Why? What happened to this man?"

Chen Ge was thinking, the child's voice suddenly appeared again: "Lost wings and butterflies will hurt, but why should they tear off the wings of the butterfly?"

This ethereal voice suddenly appeared, which shocked Chen Ge: "Maybe it is because of the beauty of the butterfly. Some ugly people like to destroy those things that are more beautiful than themselves. It seems that they will become beautiful."

"Ugly person? Grandma is not an ugly person ..." The child seemed to be mumbling.

"Grandma? Did she tear off the wings of the butterfly?"

"En." The child seemed a little unhappy.

"Are you lonely here alone? Can I be your friend?" Chen Ge tried to make his speech slower ~ www.readwn.com ~ I was with grandpa, he wouldn't let me run around . He was afraid that his grandma knew about my existence and kept me hiding in the room. "There is a trace of innocence in the child's voice, he is like a blank sheet of paper.

"That is the grandma in this house is the most terrifying?" Chen Ge slowly raised his hand, he wanted to make sure.

There was a cold from my fingertips. There was something standing on my side, that was not a projection!

"Can you take me to meet your grandfather?" Chen Ge heard the wind bell again before the child answered. This was the third time the wind bell sounded.

"Grandma is here, I should go back." The boy's voice gradually became smaller, and Chen Ge looked back behind him with a yin pupil, and found a 4-5 year-old child ran into the third bedroom.

He was about to chase it, and suddenly felt the wooden partitions on both sides of the corridor were shaking, and a giant spider larger than an adult crawled out of the room covered with runes.

Screamed, the spider crawled fast on the walls and ceiling. Her arms were like humans, and she had a dry head.

"Is the projection?" The monster is so realistic, even Chen Ge looked at it with a scalp tingling feeling: "It's a hell-level difficulty, this thing is not only horrible, but also brings a physiological Discomfort. "

The spider seemed to have recognized Chen Ge, and quickly crawled towards Chen Ge.

Chen Ge looked at the situation badly, and led the spider to join other teammates.

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