I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 962: I don't believe she will follow us straight

Chen Ge said that I wish red high-heeled shoes can also become a fierce god. The subtext is that there is already a fierce **** beside me. Do n’t mess up.

The door of the shrine was closed again. It took only a few seconds. The blood beads oozed out of the shrine. What ’s more weird is that the blood beads slipped down the outer wall, and they gathered two different blood streams. .

"Incompatible with each other? Can you compete with red high-heeled shoes, this shrine's owner is red?"

Chen Ge straightened his body at once, and he even began to rejoice that he had brought out all the red clothes except the old white in the haunted house.

"The problem of the virtual future paradise is more serious than I had guessed before. There are red clothes in the haunted house, and there may be more than one." Chen Ge stared at the shrine and his heart was beating quickly.

The real strength of red high-heeled shoes is stronger than the headless female ghost and Xu Yin. She is also good at cursing, but the red clothes related to the shrine can compete with her, which Chen Ge had never thought of before.

"There should be more than one shrine in the reincarnation haunted house. Part of the other party's will is pinned on the enshrined shrine. What kind of red dress is this?"

The blood beads on the outer wall of the shrine had not yet converged, and a shrill scream suddenly came from the room farthest from Chen Ge.

Other tourists heard the sound and hurried over to watch, while Chen Ge was still standing in front of the shrine.

The rapid footsteps ran across the corridor. In the chaos, Chen Ge suddenly felt itchy ears, as if a butterfly landed on himself.

Didn't wait for him to stretch his hand to scratch, and suddenly remembered a somewhat ethereal voice in his ear; "The butterfly's wings have been torn off, will it hurt?"

Chen Ge's five senses are far more than ordinary people, but he did not find any abnormality, and the sound appeared as if it appeared out of thin air.

Keeping his posture, Chen Ge was about to call Xu Yin, and the voice rang again, still repeating the sentence just now.

The other party didn't seem to hurt himself. After a short pause, Chen Ge said, "The butterfly's wings are covered with blood vessels and are closely connected to the body. If you tear it, it will of course hurt."

"Blood? Is it like the red thread on my mother's body? So why are there blood-red threads in the beautiful wings?" The child's voice was a bit dazed and scary.

"The butterfly will hang upside down when breaking the cocoon, just to make the blood flow through the wings by gravity, so that the wings can stretch out and break out of the cocoon." Chen Ge's voice is very gentle, he is like a teacher in a kindergarten Be patient and explain new knowledge to children.

"So the wings of the butterfly will be so beautiful, because of those red threads, right?" The child's voice is very simple.

"You say it too absolutely. The butterfly can break out of the cocoon and it is also related to gravity. Can't you attribute the beauty of the wings to Newton?" Chen Ge used words to attract the attention of the child. He rolled his eyes and Yu Guangshao Sideways.

"Come here! Xiaoling is gone!"

Chen Ge hadn't seen the child's appearance, the police shouted on the other side of the corridor.

Turned his head and looked, Chen Ge found that there was nothing around him. The child's voice was just like an illusion.

"Almost see it." Chen Ge glared at the policeman and slowly got up: "Aren't they two? One is missing, the other?"

"I was looking for clues in this room with Xiao Ling. She opened the closet and screamed. When I looked at her, she was gone." The youngest boy said, the little boy he said Ling was the girl who was lying in the shrine just now and was not too old.

"The closet is so close to you. Can a living person disappear in front of you?" Chen Ge held one end of the closet: "Are you deliberately acting? I heard that some haunted houses now like actors to pretend to be tourists, Come in and visit together. "

The youngest boy had a bitter look on his face. He wanted to ask Chen Ge who opened the head first, but considering the present situation, he decided to pretend to be stupid: "I was rummaging through the pile of debris and heard the closet opened. The sound immediately heard Xiao Ling screaming, but when I looked back, I found that the closet door was closed, and Xiao Ling was gone. "

"Will she hide in the closet?" Chen Ge opened the door of the closet. Unexpectedly, there was still a room behind the door.

The room is boxy, with no windows, completely sealed, runes on the walls, and salt-like things sprinkled at the entrance of the room.

The girl named Xiao Ling was sitting in the middle of the room at this time. She looked at the room blankly with a dull expression.

"Xiaoling!" The female white-collar worker with long black hair rushed directly into the room and hugged Xiaoling on the ground.

She quietly said a word in Xiaoling's ear, but Xiaoling didn't give her any response. At this time, she seemed to know the seriousness of the problem, and her hands shook Xiaoling's shoulder: "Why are you running here alone?" coming?"

"There is a cry for help in the closet. When I looked inside, I was suddenly dragged." Xiao Ling pointed to her arm, where there was a **** handprint of a child: "I don't play, I want to leave!"

After she finished speaking, she was going to press a button on the watch, but was stopped by the female white-collar worker: "You calm down, we haven't started to visit yet, how can you give up on your own?"

The two girls lowered their voices, and Chen Ge looked at everything: "When Qingming came in, he didn't tell me that he could exit the haunted house by pressing this button on the watch."

He looked at the two girls sitting in the middle of the rune with a smile on his face. There was no point in asking: "The room is covered with runes and the door is sprinkled with salt, indicating that this room should be the safest place in the scene. Rune Both salt and ghost are fearful things. This is a safe area. You can stay here if you are afraid. "

"Really?" The police were a little tempted.

"Of course, there is another possibility." Chen Ge's eyes swept the four corners of the room: "This room may be the most terrifying place in the whole scene. All the rune papers are to suppress the evil spirits in the room. Why? ? Do you want to gamble? "

"Then ... forget it."

Hearing Chen Ge's voice, the female office worker quickly helped Xiao Ling out of the room.

"Remember to close the door of the closet and be careful that something follows you." Chen Ge and the police walked to the front, and they returned to the shrine.

Soon the sharp-eyed policeman discovered the blood beads on the shrine that were incompatible with each other. He opened his eyes wide and grabbed Chen Ge ’s arm: "How did the shrine bleed?"

"Is this haunted house opened by me? You asked me who I asked?" Chen Ge looked solemn: "It wasn't the case just now! You were all blamed, and I missed something important."

All the tourists came around ~ www.readwn.com ~ They did not expect that the shrine would bleed.

"Do you want to open it and see?" The policeman pressed his scalp close to the shrine. He gently opened the small door under the shrine: "What seems to be inside?"

Visitors used mobile phone lighting, they found that the body of the rag doll near the entrance of the shrine has been cracked, covered with black and red blood stains, and even more weird, they even saw a pair of red high heels placed in the center of the shrine.

"When did this thing appear?" How could a few people not understand why there is a pair of high-heeled shoes in the shrine or why the shrine bleeds.

"Is it you put it? Only you were here just now."

The woman with long black hair looked at Chen Ge. Chen Ge was also surprised: "Do you think I am a man, will I carry a pair of ladies' high heels with me?"

"Who would it be?" The policeman dared not reach into the shrine, and he was afraid when he looked at it.

"Xiao Ling's cry just attracted everyone, everyone followed, and this happened during that time period." Chen Ge glanced at several other tourists: "You pay more attention, that person, or Say the ghost, he is by our side, staring at us all the time. "

"So what shall we do now?" The policeman's hand was suspended in midair and he was still holding the door of the shrine.

"Block the door of the shrine. Let's hurry up and look for clues to leave this scene. I don't believe that the things in this shrine can follow us all the time." Chen Ge's voice was serious, and he arranged tasks for everyone.

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