I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 961: best wishes

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"Why are there so many dead words carved in the shrine? It's not like the place where the gods live!" The detective was lying at the front, and when he saw the writing in the shrine, his face was white.

"Did you not say in the video just now? The shrine on the table is dedicated to gods. This kind of shrine on the corner is used to worship other things." A woman squatted in front of the shrine with courage, she was carefully approaching Look inside.

This shrine does not know what material it is made of, like wood, but it feels sticky and slippery when touching it, like a touch of blood that is about to solidify.

Since the small door under the shrine was opened, a faint smell had emerged from the shrine.

"I said a word of disrespect, this box is probably not willing to stay." The police quietly stood next to Chen Ge: "In addition, I have to tell you a little bit, the last time I came to challenge, there were no blood words in the shrine. "

After he had said this, he looked at the girl crouching in front of the shrine.

The girl stood up slowly, with a puzzled look in her eyes, and she secretly shook her head at the police and the black long-haired woman.

Several "tourists" seem to be in charge of different tasks in the haunted house, and this girl seems to be in charge of fine-tuning props.

Seeing her shaking her head, the policeman ’s face became even more ugly. He hesitated and pointed at Chen Ge: “If we do n’t go any further, do n’t be too reckless to go through customs. Let ’s explore the first few with you. Scenes. "

What the police said is basically expressing Chen Ge-we don't scare you, don't go on and make us look ugly. Everyone is kind and peaceful.

"If you don't go on, you won't be able to go forward. Even if we don't go to them, they will come to us." Chen Ge has already discovered that several tourists have eye contact with each other. He also saw that the girl shook her head at the police, and the police was After seeing the information given by the girl, I suggested not to continue to explore.

The "tourists" are afraid, and the reason for their fear is related to this shrine.

Chen Ge grasped the edge of the shrine with both hands and wanted to watch it from another angle, but he was surprised to find that the shrine was fixed on the ground and connected with the whole house.

The reincarnation haunted house is built by the virtual future paradise, why should they be afraid? Although these employees are not courageous, they can be selected to play as companions. It must be the smarter person with strong business ability, which can make them afraid to back down. It must be a big problem.

Chen Ge pretended to ask unintentionally: "Isn't the designer of the reincarnation haunted house thinking that the scene inside would become like this?"

"It's about it." The policeman's face was bitter and he realized that something was wrong after blurting out. He quickly added another sentence: "When I last visited, I heard several designers arguing, it seems that it was because of the central computer. Under control, some hell-level scenes have undergone changes outside of the design. "

"No matter how powerful the intelligent system is, it can't affect reality. It has to work with humans and machines to work." Chen Ge stared at the inside of the shrine, and the tip of his nose moved slightly. He used the talent he had just acquired-the spirit smell.

"That's right, but not all questions in the world have answers." The police didn't know how to explain to Chen Ge.

"I probably understand." Chen Ge took a deep breath: "All scenes are controlled by the central computer, and errors and changes will occur when they are merged with each other, but these changes are within the acceptable range, so those designers do not have Although they were complacent about their masterpieces, they ignored a key factor. These idiots put some old objects that were found in the eastern suburbs into the haunted house! The central computer controlled the projection and the organization, changed the script and various The development model, those things attached to old objects are silently changing the scene itself. "

"You, what are you talking about?" The police did not understand.

"My parents opened haunted houses. I grew up in haunted houses. I know more than you." Chen Ge motioned the detective to come over with his mobile phone. "The haunted house itself is a very squalid place. Bad things, this haunted house has put a lot of ominous items in it, which will attract those things very normal. "

"Do you think we will believe this?" The woman with long black hair still disagrees with Chen Ge. She does not allow others to speak bad things about the virtual future paradise. Not the same.

He can understand, but this does not mean that he will compromise: "You look closer at the writing in the shrine."

The light was shining, and several people could not bear to watch the discomfort.

"These words were dug out a little bit with human nails. Some of the red marks are dyes and some are blood. Look at the innermost words. Are there any impurities in the middle of the font scores?"

"Yes, I saw it." Under the light of the mobile phone lights, several people finally saw clearly: "What is that?"

"If I say rotten meat, do you believe it?" Chen Ge's expression is a little scary: "There is a smell in the shrine, which is the smell of rotten meat. It is difficult to imagine that the shrine emits such a smell. If this is not virtual The carefully designed Future Park will prove that this haunted house is going to have a big problem. "

The pupil narrowed and Chen Ge scanned the room. The entire Japanese-style building exuded ominousness everywhere, and there was something wrapped around every object.

Not clear, but it does exist.

"Then ... shall we retreat to the previous scene first?" The police had already kicked back. He had visited the medium difficulty scene and knew a lot about the haunted house, but it was precisely because he knew so much. So he was more afraid.

"You seem to like this paradise, does anyone know when this paradise began to build haunted houses?" Chen Ge felt the strong resentment and hatred from the writings of the shrine ~ www.readwn.com ~ It's a curse breath.

"More than a month ago."

"That's when my haunted house was on the Internet." Chen Ge spoke very bluntly: "Virtual Future Paradise light saw the business opportunities, but didn't see the dangers behind. It is different between Jiangdong and Xijiao."

"What's different?" The white-collar worker with long hair frowned, as if she wanted to set Chen Ge, she also understood that the virtual future park is a foreigner, and Chen Ge is an authentic Hanjiang. .

"You will know in a moment." Chen Ge finished taking a rag doll with a half-burnt face from his backpack.

"What do you want to do? It's not that little girl's toy?" Those "tourists" can't guess Chen Ge's idea anymore.

"I want to do an experiment." Chen Ge said that he put the rag doll into the shrine and closed the door of the shrine: "The shrine is the most dangerous place in the whole scene, I am here. You two in groups of two Hurry up and search for other rooms. If you find something, or if you encounter something scary, you will scream loudly, and I will come to support. "

"Are you sure you want to stay alone in the hallway, guarding this shrine?" There was a hint of uncertainty in the policeman's tone.

"Leave him alone." The spectacled man dragged the police away, and several tourists began to search in a hurry.

After they walked away, Chen Ge quietly opened the shrine and took out the rag doll.

Strangely, the rag doll whose half of his face was burnt actually showed a terrified expression.

"The expression of the rag doll will change? This shrine seems to have other meanings." Chen Ge finished and put the rag doll in it again, then opened the backpack and stuffed the red high-heeled shoes. I ’m very good at cursing, so I ’ll leave it to you to handle it. I know you ’re strong. Putting you in a shrine this time also includes my good wishes for you. I hope that one day you will become a fierce god.

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