I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 960: House of Curse

The video in the dv is still playing. I do n’t know whether it is because of the light problem or other reasons. The video picture is becoming more and more blurred, as if it is covered by a black shadow.

The man's words in the video attracted other people's interest. Under their constant questioning, the man said something happened to him.

When he was a kid, he also housed a shrine in the house. The shrine was enshrined at the door opposite the living room, covered with a thick black cloth.

The man ’s grandfather told his family before he died that he should not open the shrine no matter what happened after his death. When he was buried, he buried the shrine directly in his coffin.

Due to inheritance issues, the family turned their heads after the death of the grandfather. The quarrel quickly turned into physical conflict, and the shrine was brought down during the fight.

The noisy blushing ears of the adults, no one cared about the shrine that was dumped. Instead, the young grandson glanced at the shrine in curiosity.

Immediately after the young grandson made a move that no one thought of, he shouted into the shrine—grandpa.

This voice terrified the adults who were struck by the legacy. They all stared at the little grandson, while the young grandson squatted in front of the shrine, his eyes staring straight at the shrine, as if his grandfather was hiding in the shrine. in.

There are sayings in the countryside that children can see ghosts. The adults think that the old man is angry, and quickly put the shrine back, and finally sold the old house according to the will, and buried the shrine and the ashes of the old man together.

This matter came to an end here, but the man's voice changed. On the day the old man was buried, the little grandson who had seen something in the shrine was gone.

As if the world had evaporated, no one knew where he went, and no one knew exactly what he saw in the shrine.

In the video, several friends not only did not fear after listening to the man ’s story, they even started to encourage the ancestral master to open their own shrine.

Under the stimulation of alcohol, several people coaxed and walked toward the corridor.

Some of them hold wine glasses, some hold mobile phones, and others hold DVDs in video.

There was heavy rain outside the old house, and several people noisy and stopped beside the shrine.

The fat man who passed by the shrine just now stood at the front. He reached out and lifted the black cloth above the shrine. A pair of fat hands grabbed the door of the shrine.

As the fat man slowly prepared to open the shrine, a flash of lightning struck the window, and all the lights in the room suddenly went out.

At the same time, when several tourists concentrated on watching the dv video, the lights in the real scene also went out!

The reality and the video are synchronized, and there are screams in the video. The tourists in the reality are also screaming. Everything is like a reproduction and a repeat.

The sound of the shrine door being opened in the darkness, and after a few seconds, the lights in the video and the reality were restored at the same time.

In the video, seven friends gathered in the corridor, dumbfounded, they found that the door of the shrine had been opened.

The seven people looked at each other, and finally all looked at the fat man. The fat man was very puzzled, saying that he didn't use any force at all, and the person who opened the shrine was not him.

When seeing this, Chen Ge shouted to the tourists around him, "Get out!"

He looked towards the end of the corridor, and in the dark corner, the solitary shrine was opened!

"When did it open?"

"I don't know!" The policeman's expression was helpless: "I didn't have this paragraph when I came to play last time."

The video is still playing, the dv is fixed on the suitcase, and the box is stuck between the bed and the cabinet. It is difficult to take it out. Chen Ge and they can only continue to watch the shrine for the time being.

The light in the house was restored, and several people saw that there was nothing in the shrine. They all felt that the legend was just a lie, and returned to the main hall.

They played for a while, and found it boring, they simply tidied up the house, piled bottles and garbage in the corner, and went back to bed.

Dv was taken by one of them, and he returned to his room, which is the room where Chen Ge is now.

The man said good night to the dv, and then turned off the dv.

Tourists thought the video ended here, but after a while, new video appeared.

The man who was still calm before, curled up in the quilt at this time, he shook his hand and held the newly opened dv.

Just when the tourists didn't understand what he was doing, the man secretly extended the dv lens out of the quilt, and the shooting scene was directed at the closet of the bedroom.

There is no light in the bedroom, the light is dark, and the closet in the picture does not look too scary, but it is not tight, leaving a gap.

The picture was almost still, and at this moment, an eye suddenly flashed in the closet!

The picture was a bit jittery, and the man hiding in the quilt was scared. He was forcing himself not to make a sound.

The man can be sure what is hiding in the closet. He keeps shooting at the closet with the video, but the eye never appears again.

After a while, the dv seemed to be running out of power. The man grabbed the dv with one hand and grabbed something with the other hand, but at this moment the screen suddenly shook, as if the man had encountered something.

Then the man slowly turned his hand holding dv, and he aimed the camera at himself.

His face was revealed in the picture, as was another face in the quilt.

The man wanted to yell, but the messy black hair strangled his neck and stuffed him into his mouth.

The dv dropped, and the picture finally stopped at the door. You can see the shrine opened at the end of the corridor in the direction of the shooting.

After watching dv, the tourists around have already sweated.

Under the situation that the known strategy does not work ~ www.readwn.com ~ All tourists looked at Chen Ge, and he seems to have become the default core.

"The most dangerous place in this scene is the shrine. Normally tourists will never open it, but in the difficulty of hell, someone helped us open it." Chen Ge turned around and found that everyone was waiting for him to continue honestly. The next said: "My profession is only volunteering. Do you occasionally have some ideas about yourself?"

Of the seven-person team, six are ghosts, and the only tourists are also mixed as team leaders.

Chen Ge wants to inquire about some information. These "tourists" are still useful, so he can only pretend to be undiscovered: "The video does not tell us what is in the shrine, but this house will become like this. The shrine is related, and the key to escape should also be on the shrine. I remember one of you was a detective who could get a clue position after entering the new scene. "

"I am a detective." The glasses man raised his watch and looked at it for a while: "That clue is hidden in the shrine ..."

Several tourists came out of the bedroom and came to the end of the corridor.

The spectacled man used his mobile phone to look inside the shrine. Several people bent over and found that the inner walls of the shrine were all "dead" dug out with their nails.

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