I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1022: It's wrong to peek at the "diary"

"My name is Shao Wen, he is Ling Feijie." The man with his eyes swept Wu Jinpeng and then shook his head slightly. He could see that Wu Jinpeng was all spreading goods on his body.

"Hello, I am a new employee in this haunted house. The boss asked me to experience the experience with the tourists first." Wu Jinpeng saw at first glance what was going on. He knew that both men liked the woman, but The woman doesn't seem to like them.

"Uncle, are you really a staff member of this haunted house? Not quite like that?" The other two tourists who came with them also gathered beside Wu Jinpeng. The two looked young: "We are students of Hanjiang Medical College , I heard the seniors say that the actors in this haunted house are more horrible than they are out of hell. "

Hearing the comments of the two students, Wu Jinpeng began to see sweat on his forehead, and he seemed to have joined an incredible organization.

"I haven't met other employees formally, and I don't know the specifics."

"Uncle, I think you are a good person, don't lie to us." The two medical students knew the various routines of Chen Ge's haunted house, and they could hear the information about Chen Ge's haunted house every day. It's a half-old tourist.

"Do you think I am the kind of person who can lie?" Wu Jinpeng wanted to explain, but the more he explained the other people's eyes, the more doubtful he was.

"Don't be wordy, go look at it first." Ling Feijie is a little older than the two students, but it feels like the two students are not mature, like flowers growing up in the greenhouse, although they look very masculine, But the heart is actually very fragile.

Several people entered the Muyang Middle School along the corridor. Wu Jinpeng and two medical students walked in front. The remaining three were very slow. When they walked and looked, they did not feel like they were visiting, but more like they were looking for something.

The blank test paper was blown by the wind and rustled on the ground. Wu Jinpeng didn't feel terrified when he entered the underground scene, but the further he went, the faster his heart beat, and he began to sweat unconsciously.

"Uncle, don't stretch your body so tightly, you can walk smoothly." One of the medical students looked at Wu Jinpeng with a bit of grin on his face: "Do you want to act so realistic?"

"I'm sorry, I'm going to work on the first day." Wu Jinpeng didn't want to be like this either, but he was really not courageous: "Shall we wait for them? Everyone has a response to each other ..."

Wu Jinpeng turned his head to look, and he found that the three people were standing in front of a classroom, and did not mean to go forward at all. The man named Shao Wen even stepped back a few steps, as if he was preparing to leave the scene of Muyang Middle School. .

"Hello! Don't be afraid, everyone should be together, there should be no problem." Wu Jinpeng wanted to comfort others, but the man named Shao Wen didn't appreciate it, but instead gave Wu Jinpeng a glance.

"The three of us visited by yourself, let's go first." Ling Feijie always stood beside Shen Bingjie, keeping pace.

"According to our seniors, the people who split up in this haunted house ended miserably." The two medical students seemed to be very experienced. They directly grabbed Wu Jinpeng and walked towards Shen Bingjie: "This is a two-star scene, don't you Nonsense! "

After being educated by two students who are obviously younger than his age, Ling Feijie was angry at once. He was about to talk to a medical student but was stopped by the woman next to him.

"What they said makes sense, Xiaojie, you don't always have to be so impulsive, sometimes you have to listen to other people's words." Shen Bingjie gently grabbed Ling Feijie's arm: "The condition for customs clearance in this scene is to find enough school cards , Let's hurry up and try to clear customs once. "

Shen Bingjie's voice was very gentle, and what she said seemed to have a special magic power to train Ling Feijie, a grumpy guy, to be submissive.

"Just the two of you? No matter him?" Wu Jinpeng pointed to Shao Wen. The man with glasses stood at the entrance of Muyang Middle School. He was holding a mobile phone as if he was calling someone.

"Awen's father came to him, we will go forward first, and he will chase after a while." Shen Bingjie came to Wu Jinpeng: "Come on, uncle."

"Ah." Several people entered Muyang Middle School in this way. After they walked away, Shao Wen put down his mobile phone, glanced at the monitor next to him, and quietly hid near the stairs.

After a few minutes, the iron gate to the underground opened again, and several tourists entered the living coffin village accompanied by Lao Zhou.

As they walked towards the living coffin village, Shao Wen walked out of the hiding place and secretly returned to the ground.

There was no one in the empty corridor. Shao Wen took a look at his mobile phone. There was a map on the first floor of the entire haunted house on the screen. The red line marked the monitoring location.

"I really don't know why Shen Bingjie is interested in this haunted house." He carefully avoided the monitoring and opened the door of the dressing room.

The house is full of scary costumes, and there are many cosmetics on the table.

"Not here."

Shao Wen took his mobile phone and carefully closed the door of the dressing room. He entered the prop room next to it, and there was still nothing in the room he was looking for.

"Luck is not bad. No one is in these two rooms. I still think of so many excuses for getting out."

Immediately next to the prop room is the staff lounge. Shao Wen twisted the door handle and the door opened in response.

"Are all the doors in this haunted house unlocked? Are they afraid of being robbed?"

As soon as the door was pushed open, Shao Wen froze at the door. He saw a big cat in the staff lounge.

The cat is a circle larger than the ordinary cat, and his body is white. At this time, he is lying on the bed, and his heterochromatic pupils stare closely at Shao Wen.

"Frighten me." Shao Wen entered the house. He glanced left and right, and began to find it in the house.

The cat stared at him all the way from the beginning to the end, and Shao Wen looked a little hairy in his heart: "How do I feel this cat is laughing? Cats laugh too?"

Shao Wen speeded up the action. He opened the door of the closet, and there were only a few clothes with bad taste.

He looked under the bed again, where there was only a pile of discarded props, which seemed to support the bed.

"Is the staff lounge too shabby? Are there any comments from the staff here?" Shao Wen turned around and finally looked at the desk: "The desk is not locked. UU reads www.uukanshu.com. It is estimated that there is nothing in it. Something important. "

Pulling open the drawer, Shao Wen saw a lighter and a thick stack of scratch paper.

Turning the scratch paper, he found a blood-red cover diary under the stack of scratch paper.


Seeing the diary, the white cat who had been lying on the bed honestly rushed to the bottom of the bed.

"What stuff? Startled me." Shao Wen placed the diary on the table and turned the first page.

"* Year * Month * Day, I dragged her hair and tied her in the corridor. I touched her face and listened to her faint heartbeat. Just before she stopped breathing, I seemed to She heard my name in her throat-Zhang Ya ... "

Shao Wen looked at the blood-red diary, his pupils were shaking, and his hand turning the book felt like he couldn't get it back.

The contents of the diary are too cruel, and every page is full of blood and pain. The owner of this diary is definitely a true monster.

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