I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1023: Careful!

"This is the diary of the boss of the haunted house? The murder still needs to be recorded?"

Shao Wen also suspected that this was a prop, but the content in the diary was really too real, just looking at it made me feel shocked and immersive.

Even if the contents of the diary are fictitious, the person who can write these is definitely not a normal person.

Taking a deep breath, Shao Wen wanted to put down his diary, but something that made him more afraid happened.

His body seemed to be out of control. His hands turned the pages of the book. His eyes were fixed on the writing on the **** diary. He couldn't even look away from him. This diary seemed to **** his soul.

The body temperature was getting lower and lower, and Shao Wen felt that the words in his diary had turned into blood red symbols, the voices of countless dead appeared in his ears, and a pair of arms stretched out from the corner of the room to grab his body.

The jaws began to tremble, the sound of the heartbeat amplified infinitely, and Shao Wen's hand finally turned to a blank page in his diary.

Just when he thought that everything was finally over, drop after drop of blood fell on the diary, like life falling from the sky, leaving one dazzling blood flower on the ground.

Yin Hong's blood penetrated into the paper, and a paragraph of words appeared on the blank diary page: "* Year * Month * Day, someone saw the story I wrote, and I am now going to write him into my story."

The countless arms caught on his body began to work hard. Shao Wen felt that his body was about to be torn apart. He wanted to yell, but could not make a sound. He could only watch him being dragged into the storybook The last time he looked back, he was shocked to find that his body was still in place!


A cat meow sounded in the house, and Shao Wen seemed to wake up from a dream, his eyes widening suddenly.

He recovered, his hands pressed against the desk, and his body was wet with cold sweat.

Closing the diary for the first time, Shao Wen's arm is still trembling until now: "Is my mental quality too bad?"

The legs didn't work hard, Shao Wen thought about it again and again, and finally decided to take the diary away: "It's time to go to the next room."

Pushing his glasses, Shao Wen lay on the staff lounge door and listened for a while. When there was no movement outside, he pushed the door out.

He leaned against the wall and entered the haunted bathroom.

Scanning around, Shao Wen's eyes quickly focused on the door of the toilet cubicle.

On the door sealed by a wooden board, there was a vicious pattern of evil spirits carved on it.

"Is this the door?" Shao Wen slowly approached the toilet cubicle. He shook the board and found that the cubicle door was dead and could not be opened at all: "Bing Jie wanted something behind the door, but this door was It's blocked, I can't get in at all. "

He squatted down and looked inwards near the small hole on the door. There was a deep red on the other side of the door.


He glanced in the small hole uncertainly again, this time there was a turning eyeball on the side of the hole!

"Something!" Shao Wen sat on the ground at once, before he could react, a loud noise came from behind him.


The bathroom door was closed, and Chen Ge dragged the skull-breaker out of the door: "It seems that you are really hitting this door."

"What do you want to do? Don't come over!" Shao Wen looked at Chen Singer's skull-crushing hammer and intuitively told him that it was definitely not an ordinary haunted house prop.

"This is a haunted house, you just shouted your throat, and the people outside would only think you were having a good time." Chen Ge waved his hand, and Men Nan appeared from behind Shao Wen: "Dizzy him, and then take him to the ground, in Try Zhang Yi's ability on him to see if he can eliminate those unpleasant memories. "

"Okay." Men Nan seemed to think of Shao Wen as Chen Ge, and he was particularly ruthless today.

Chen Ge stood beside and watched silently. He was thinking about another thing: "Why do these people run to the search door in my haunted house?"

"Now I'm facing enmity with the unborn child, the cursed hospital, and Jia Ming. Which side of the three tourists are they?"

The unborn child is a fierce god, and has not yet been completely born. The cursed hospital is a four-star scene. It should not be possible to control tourists to come and try during the day. Only Jia Ming would do such a thing.

"Although Jia Ming is a man, the real danger is the evil soul in him. The dog jumped the wall in a hurry. After he was forced into a desperate situation, he might abandon Jia Ming's body and hide in another person's body." Chen Ge met Through various difficult opponents, he never thinks about problems in a certain frame.

"Chen Ge, this guy is just an ordinary person, not possessed, nor treated as a dead ghost, but simply stupid." Men Nan looked at the blood-red "diary" hidden in Shao Wen's clothes, and added: "Stupid hopeless kind."

"Take him to find Zhang Yi." Chen Ge picked up Zhang Ya's bedtime storybook. When he first received this task reward, he didn't pay attention to it. He just really used it as a bedtime storybook, and read a few times in his free time. page.

After Shao Wen accidentally read this book, Chen Ge discovered the horror of this book. Not only is it extremely dangerous for ordinary people, but Men Nan and red high heels dare not touch it casually.

"No one told me that this book is so terrible, you are enough."

Chen Ge put Zhang Ya's bedtime story book into the backpack mezzanine. The specific use of this book is not clear to him, but he always feels that it can be used in the future.

Carrying his backpack, Chen Ge entered the fierce ghost changing room and found a piece of clothing to put on, then contacted the cell phone ghost and went straight to Shen Bingjie and Ling Feijie.


In Muyang Middle School ~ www.readwn.com ~ Wu Jinpeng gradually found that Shen Bingjie and Ling Feijie were not quite right. They were different from ordinary tourists, especially that Shen Bingjie, they were hardly scared. Although they screamed occasionally, they could always Adjust the status in two or three seconds.

What makes Wu Jinpeng even more strange is that as soon as the two people see the door, they will run over and push it. After pushing it away, they will not go in and go directly to the next door.

"I am still seeing such tourists for the first time, don't ..." Wu Jinpeng narrowed his eyes: "Is this true high play?"

He and two medical students followed, and did not see Shen Bingjie's blue face.

At this moment, Shen Bing cleans her face, gritts her teeth, and keeps muttering in her mouth: "I'm so careless! I never imagined that this two-star scene is full of real ghosts. Are Samsung scenes and four-star scenes necessary? Start stuffing red clothes inside? "

To scare tourists to play with ghosts in red clothes, Shen Bingjie couldn't even think about it, but today she discovered that real people would do it.

"There are still comments on this haunted house online that it is not scary? I am! This is definitely a trap!"

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