I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1024: If you cry again, hit your chest with a broken skull hammer

Shen Bingjie became more and more frightened, and she became more nervous, seeing everything as dangerous.

"It's such a big place, we can't finish it all day." Ling Feijie was also scared. He felt that his psychological capacity had reached its limit, and now he was just standing in front of Shen Bingjie.

"Look slowly, pay attention to every door." Shen Bingjie adjusted her breath and his expression slowly returned to normal.

"Bing Jie, are you sure that the thing you are looking for is here? And why can't you tell others about it?" Ling Feijie secretly grabbed Shen Bingjie's hand: "Why don't we come here at night? No one else gets in the way, It should be easier. "

Shen Bingjie shook Ling Feijie's hand away, and she kept telling herself in her heart that there was no need to be afraid, and it was not too late to wait until the red dress appeared.

"Hey, what happened to your companion?" The two medical students also found that Shen Bingjie behaved strangely and pulled away from them subconsciously.

"Don't worry about him, it is estimated that he will be here soon." Shen Bingjie's head did not return.

Hearing Shen Bingjie's reply, the doubts of the medical student's heart began to increase, and the companion was scattered in the haunted house. Such a horrible thing, why the other party can behave so lightly and softly, it feels like it was planned.

Slowing down, the medical student quietly dragged another medical student: "Let's go and see in that classroom."

The two avoided Wu Jinpeng and Shen Bingjie. They ran into the classroom next to them. As soon as they entered, the medical student took out his mobile phone.

"Using a cell phone in this haunted house? Did you forget the warning from the senior?"

"I have a very bad hunch now." One of the medical students made a call: "The uncle with a ponytail said he was a haunted house worker, but he behaved very cutely, and it was easy to let people be alert."

"It's really cute. When I played in my own haunted house, I was scared and walked smoothly."

"You haven't realized the seriousness of the problem! Do you think about where this is? This is the purgatory that scares our school without mathematics elders and seniors! Do you really think there will be so cheerful employees here?" That doctor The students resented that iron was not steel.

"Don't he say he was on the first day?"

"Although Uncle joined the job on the first day, you haven't found that since he said that, our attention has been focused on him?"

"What do you mean?"

"We are all guarding against the uncle, but completely ignored the other three tourists! Didn't you find that the other three tourists behaved more strangely? One of them disappeared after entering the scene, where do you think he will go? "

"I see, do you want to say that they are all haunted actors?"

"It's very possible!"

The two students looked at each other and both saw terror in the other's eyes.

"We two have no hatred for the haunted house owner, just two very ordinary tourists, shouldn't he play so big?"

"The senior who was scared and comatose thought the same way." The medical student made a call: "Let me ask Xishan, he knows the most, and we listen to what he said."

"What are you two doing here?"

Before the phone was reached, Wu Jinpeng opened the door of the classroom. He chose to come in and find the two students. Actually, it was because he was too scared to stay outside alone.

"It's okay!" The two medical students were in a hurry, almost tossing their mobile phones, and just then the mobile phone was switched on.

"Are you calling?"

"No, I want my classmates to check in for me. We came out of class." The medical student turned around and hung up the phone, and gave his companion a look. His lips moved slightly and whispered, "I guessed it! "

"I won't object to playing haunted houses, but it doesn't always feel good to skip class. Students still have to focus on learning." Wu Jinpeng joined the two students: "What's the matter with you? Feeling sweaty?"

The two students hadn't answered yet. Suddenly screams of Ling Feijie broke into the depths of the corridor.

"What happened?" Wu Jinpeng looked out of the classroom, and could not see the figures of Ling Feijie and Shen Bingjie: "Let's hurry up too!"

"I bet they won't be in trouble. Let's protect ourselves first." The two students stood still, and Wu Jinpeng's eyes were not so friendly.

"It doesn't seem to be a fake to listen to this sound!" Wu Jinpeng stood alone at the door of the classroom. He saw that the two students were reluctant to follow him. Finally, he rushed toward the depths of Muyang Middle School alone: ​​"Although I work The first day of the year, but I am also a staff member here, and I must not shrink back when tourists are in danger. "

Looking at the back of Wu Jinpeng's departure, the two medical students were more sure of their guesses, and at this moment, one of the medical students' mobile phone shook.

He glanced at the caller ID and answered the phone decisively: "Heshan, time is pressing, the situation is in crisis, you listen to us first, I am now in a haunted house in New Century Paradise ..."

The medical student dragged another student to hide under the desk and told Heshan what he saw.

A moment later, a slightly hoarse voice from Heshan came over the phone: "According to my understanding of boss Chen, today is the first day of the new employee's onboarding, he will definitely arrange other employees to accompany me, I understand! The assessment of a new employee! The assessment target should be you! "

"Are we the assessment target?"

"Yes, it's not easy to be a haunted house actor. It needs extraordinary talent, keen insight, and the most important thing is to have superb acting skills! You are all cheated by that uncle!" Take a breath.

"Everything he just showed is disguise? Is this too scary?"

"You remember one sentence, the most evil soul is often hidden under the most harmless skin!" He Shan hung up the phone after speaking, leaving only two trembling figures under the table.


In the deepest part of the male dormitory of Muyang Middle School, Ling Feijie hugged a corpse that was wrapped in transparent tape. His eyes were dull and sat paralyzed.

When he entered the male dormitory just now, everything was normal, but walking and walking, he turned around and found that Shen Bingjie was gone.

He pushed away the dormitory next to him and saw a hanging puppet inside. He shouted Shen Bingjie's name, but Shen Bingjie didn't wait. Instead, the hanging puppet ran out of the dormitory and kept following him.

If this situation is acceptable, then what happens next will completely exceed Ling Feijie's psychological capacity.

He was scared, and he ran towards the corridor to speed up to get rid of the puppet behind him.

Halfway through, he saw a woman with a good figure in front of him. He thought it was Shen Bingjie and rushed past cheerfully.

As soon as he walked over to the other party, he didn't speak. He saw the other party's head turned 180 degrees, more stimulating in the back. The woman's body was scattered like a building block with a smile.

Ling Feijie was scared to crawl on the ground, and finally entered the room where the stench had stayed. As soon as he opened the closet door to hide in, a body covered with transparent tape hit his face head-on.

"Boss, the woman dropped her male companion and ran away. Lao Bai was chasing her. The man was locked in this room by me."

"Good job, Duanyue, you can also be alone."

The door of the dormitory was opened, and one model head after another rolled into the house. A pair of curious eyes stared at Ling Feijie ~ www.readwn.com ~ There was a **** smell and a pungent odor in the air, followed by an exaggerated figure. The fat man in red squeezed into the house, and behind him was a headless woman holding her head.

Surrounded by such a group of "people", Ling Feijie's tears fell indisputably, and he felt he was almost out of breath.

All the ghosts just surrounded him and did not hurt him until the footsteps sounded and the dormitory door was pushed open again.

The model's head rolled to the sides, and the stench and headless woman gave way, and a young man with a backpack entered the house.

"Ling Feijie, isn't it?" Chen Ge crouched in front of Ling Feijie: "What's your relationship with that woman? How did she contact you? What did you tell you?"

Ling Feijie, who was paralyzed on the ground, looked at Chen Ge. His psychological defense line collapsed completely, and he cried out in one mouth.

"I'll ask you a few questions, what are you crying for?" Chen Ge frowned, and he took out the broken skull hammer from his backpack: "A man in his twenties is still like a child. Don't cry, If you cry again, I'm welcome to you. "

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