I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1025: You should have thought that there will be such a day

Seeing the broken skull hammer Chen Ge took out of his backpack, Ling Feijie cried even more, and it was the kind of situation in which his body was twitching while crying.

In order to avoid any further damage to Ling Feijie's body, Chen Ge was helpless and could only make him stunned.

"You took him to the underground corpse to find Zhang Yi, and the others went with me to find the woman."

Leaving the boys' dormitory, Chen Ge got in touch with most of the employees in the haunted house through his mobile phone Ghost Boy and mobilized everyone to find Shen Bingjie.

At this time, tourists who were still visiting in the underground scene were also unfortunately victims. Li Guihe and Nian Nian wander around. Usually tourists are looking for ghosts, and now there are groups of ghosts looking for tourists everywhere.

The only iron gate leading to the ground was blocked, and there were red high-heeled shoes outside, so Chen Ge was not worried that Shen Bingjie could escape. It was only a matter of time before he caught each other.

Ten minutes later, Chen Ge received a notification from the mobile phone ghost boy. The students of Laobai and psychic ghost schools blocked Shen Bingjie in the classroom at the entrance of the ghost school.

"So many scenes are not going, but they are hiding in the four-star scene. This guy has a keen sense of smell."

Dragging the broken skull hammer, the two red dresses followed behind, and Chen Ge appeared in front of Shen Bingjie without any cover up.

"What do you want to do?" The seemingly weak Shen Bingjie shrank in the last row of the classroom, and she had no way to escape.

The front door, back door, and windows are full of shaking figures.

"Why do you always sue first? What do I want to do, are you still unclear?" Chen Ge called out Xu Yin, and the number of red clothes in the classroom had increased to five: "Should I call you Shen Bingjie? Or should I? Call you Jia Ming? "

After Shen Jiajie heard the word Jia Ming from Chen Ge's mouth, the hands covering her chest were slowly lowered, and the panic and tension on her face slowly dissipated.

She leaned back against the icy wall and slowly raised her hands above her head: "How did you find me?"

No more sophistry has no meaning, and Shen Bingjie has made the most sensible choice.

"Are you in control?" Chen Ge surrounded Shen Bingjie in the middle of four red clothes. This treatment has rarely been enjoyed by anyone: "Are you coming out yourself, or am I asking you to come out."

"We can talk about it. There is no conflict of interest between you and me. We are all poor people who have been persecuted by the unborn child." Shen Bingjie's voice was still so gentle, but the tone of the speech was completely different from before.

"How do you hear me so familiar with this?" Chen Ge thought for a while, and he seemed to say this often: "It seems that you are unwilling to come out. Everyone goes up to help him."

The digital red clothes walked forward, the kind of pressure could not be described.

Dou Da's cold sweat slipped down Shen Bingjie's cheeks. There was a deep sense of powerlessness in her eyes. The person with the help of several red clothes would choose to open a haunted house. Does the red clothes let you use this?

"If you give me some red clothes, no, as long as you give me a red clothes, you will never be so passive ..." Shen Bingjie clenched her hands, and finally chose to wear soft clothes: "I can tell you a very important message ! In exchange, I hope you will let me go. "

"I don't think you have understood the situation. I don't need you to take the initiative to say anything. Later, I will let some red dresses pull you out of this woman's body, and then let them cast a curse on you. Finally, let the hundreds of obsessions in my haunted house erode you a little bit, and let you watch yourself eaten. Rest assured, I will not let you fly away, I will wait for you to recover slowly, and then repeat this again Process. "Chen Ge's face flashed with a smile.

"Are you a ghost in human skin?" Shen Bingjie was scared pale from face to neck, without a trace of blood.

"I am a talented man in a haunted house, some are good at curses, and can control memories. Then I will slowly experiment on you." Chen Ge waved his hand: "When you tortured others, you should have never thought about it. Such a day? "

"Midborn is about to be resurrected. You are the key. One of the necessary conditions for his birth is that you have to die. I know a lot of secrets about the deadborn. I can help you!" Shen Bingjie changed his mouth and became very good. .

"I don't believe anything you say now, unless you come out of that woman's body now."

"No problem, but after I leave the body, my body will soon dissipate."

"Relax, it's not easy for you to die with me."

Hearing Chen Ge's words, Shen Bingjie's complexion seemed even more ugly.

She slowly sat down on the ground, closed her eyes, a cold wind blew from the classroom, and the woman's shadow slowly stood up.

Using Yin Pu, Chen Ge saw clearly that there was a thick blood-red thread in the woman's shadow.

The silk threads contained curses and viciousness, and slowly formed a man's figure.

This figure is not the same as Jia Ming, much higher than Jia Ming.

"It is attached to the shadow and gradually erodes the whole person. This is what I learned from the unborn child. He was originally a person's shadow." A man is a special type of fierce ghost, whose body is occupied by curses and bloodshot, barely can be regarded as a half body. Hong Yi: "My name is Jiang Long, and I was a victim. My unborn child is driving my family crazy and letting me do things for him. When things are done, he turns me into this way. I dream of killing in my dreams. Got him. "

"What a coincidence ~ www.readwn.com ~ I also dreamed of killing him." Chen Ge took out the comic book: "Don't talk nonsense, why do you come to my haunted house? Don't lie, tell the truth honestly, yes Everyone has benefits. "

"Midborn wants to be resurrected. He took a very important part from each of the nine children. Now he is hiding and sleeping on a child. When he wakes up, no matter whether he succeeds or not, we are going to die." Shivering, when he mentions the word "negative fetus," he feels afraid. That fear is a brand imprinted on the bottom of his heart, which can never be erased.

"Don't talk about these things I know." Chen Ge took a step forward dragging the broken skull hammer: "Do you know the specific information of those nine children?"

Chen Ge had long suspected this. Jia Ming did not have any outside help. In the case of police pursuit, he could still find the shrine with his own power. This is incredible.

"No one knows the information of those children except for the fetus itself, but I know a way to identify those children." The man did not dare to hide: "I brought a child from Liwan Town called Zhen Zhen, who is a shadow trainer A failed product contains a very small part of the same breath as Ming Fei, and it is also considered to be homologous to Ming Fei, so he occasionally has some strange dreams, which are intertwined with the fate of nine children connected to each other. "

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