I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1026: Be alert

Chen Ge and Ming Tai play hide-and-seek with the entire city as the background. Now it is dark, and he is bright, which makes him very uncomfortable.

But Zhen Zhen's appearance made Chen Ge see the hope of changing his situation, but only if Jiang Long didn't lie.

"Where is that child now?"

"I hid him, the police were looking for him, and Hanjiang and a group of people were looking for him." Jiang Long's body was bloodshot, looking disgusted.

"Another group of people?" Chen Ge was interested. He didn't expect that Han Jiang would be interested in the fetus besides himself.

"We met him in Liwan Town. The guy's mouth was cracked, his face was always smiling, and he always wore a sick suit under his jacket."

"Do not laugh!"

"Yes, I don't know if he acted privately, or it represents the cursed hospital in Xinhai." Jiang Long's voice slowly became calm, and he seemed to have accepted the fact that he fell into Chen singer and gave up struggling. .

"You still know the cursed hospital?" Chen Ge narrowed his eyes: "Are you deliberately deceiving me? Want to focus my attention on that hospital?"

"I don't need to lie to you. The reason why I would venture into your haunted house today is because I was forced to go out of my way." Jiang Long smiled bitterly on his face: "The police pursuit made me breathless, but really What made me desperate was that I saw No Laughs downstairs the night before yesterday. The madman was standing outside. I saw him, and he found me. "

"You don't seem to have any necessary connection between despair and adventure into my haunted house?" Chen Ge entered the police station many times and faced police interrogation several times. A lot of experience has been given, so now I am very proficient in interrogating others.

"Shadow said that there is a door hidden in your haunted house, and he will only be what he is when he enters that door." The shadow had been pinned on Jiang Long for a long time, and he knew many secrets about the shadow.

"Did he tell you what's behind that door?"

"You don't know what's behind that door?" After hearing Chen Ge's question, Jiang Long was stunned and then immediately returned to normal: "The shadow never said what he saw behind the door, I want Entering that door is just because I want to be like a shadow too. The police chase is enough to make me headache, and now I am stared at with a smile, I have to leave myself a way out. "

Jiang Long's reason was clear. Chen Ge thought about it for a while, and did not continue to ask: "That child is too dangerous outside alone, tell me where he is, and I will take him over."

The classroom became quiet, and after a long time Jiang Long spoke: "He is in a basement in the western suburbs. That place is not easy to find. I will take you there."

Opening the comic book, Chen Ge kept Jiang Long and stench together.

"Let everyone go back to their jobs, people have already caught." Chen Ge asked the staff to return to their respective scenes, he walked out with a backpack.

In order to prevent Jiang Long from reserving his backhand, Chen Ge left Mennan and red high-heeled shoes in the bathroom of the haunted house to watch the "door", and allowed Lao Bai and Lao Zhou to tour the underground scene without interruption.

After ensuring that there would be no problems, Chen Ge left the paradise and rushed towards where Jiang Long said.

The place is very close to the paradise, but few people usually pass by.

When Chen Ge left the paradise, several plainclothes also followed. In fact, Chen Ge discovered them long ago, but did not stop each other.

After a large circle, Chen Ge found the room where Zhen Zhen was hiding in the back alley of the old street that was about to be demolished.

"It's not easy for you to find this place."

Jiang Long should have been staring at Chen Ge's haunted house for a long time, but because the information was not equal, his thoughtful plan died before he even started.

The owner of the house did not know where to go. Chen Ge entered the backyard under the direction of Jiang Long, and lifted the planks from the cellar.

He looked down into the cellar and found a child bound to a wooden board, and there was an unconscious adult man beside him.

"Zhen Zhen?"

Hearing the sound, the child opened his eyes and yelled at Chen Ge.

"It's okay, don't be afraid." Chen Ge entered the cellar and untied the child's rope.

The child was tied for a long time, and his hands and feet were covered with blue and purple striations.

He took the child out of the cellar and looked at the unconscious man again.

The man who fainted beside the child was Jia Ming. Everything was done by Jiang Long, but it was Jia Ming who was responsible for his sins. He had already lost himself. His soul and obsession were eaten by Jiang Long, leaving only one living Human empty shell.

Jiang Long has already destroyed Jia Ming.

"You guy is really harmless." Chen Ge was about to ask Jiang Long something more, and the door of the courtyard was pushed open.

"Don't move! Squat down!"

"Crouch down!"

Two plainclothes rushed in, the siren sounded outside the alley, and soon two policemen in uniform ran over.

"I am our own! My name is Chen Ge, this time the suspect came to kill me to vent my anger!" Chen Ge said the fastest message in the shortest time: "If you don't believe it, you can call Li Zheng for the Criminal Investigation Team! "

"Kill you to vent your anger?" The two plainclothes looked at the comatose Jia Ming, and then looked at Chen Ge, who was still alive and well. They dare not care about it now.

"Put the gun down, he is indeed our man!" The two policemen who came behind were from the Criminal Investigation Team of the Municipal Branch. Although Chen Ge did not impress them, they knew Chen Ge.

The misunderstanding was unraveled, and Chen Ge was relieved. He was really pointed at by the gun to understand the pressure.

"Acknowledged, it was Jia Ming, a Class A wanted criminal who collapsed on the ground." The policeman held Chen Ge's hands: "Brother, you have done a great job!"

"Yes, it is the duty of every citizen to assist the police in maintaining public order. Of course, it would be better if there were bounties."

Chen Ge and the little boy Zhen Zhen stood on the side, and the two policemen lifted Jia Ming to the left and right to take him to the police car.

The arrest was smooth, but just as the two policemen dragged Jia Ming out of the courtyard, the comic book in Chen Singer suddenly blew a cold wind.

Bloodshot and curse were entangled with each other, forming a fast-moving black shadow, and directly penetrated into Jia Ming's body.

The originally comatose Jia Ming suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were red with a screaming heartbreak: "He wants to kill me! Save me! Save me!"

After he finished speaking, he went into the police car like he was crazy, so the murderer who wanted to be caught was the first time that the surrounding police met him.

To be honest ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chen Ge was also stunned for a moment, he really didn't expect Li Gui to even ask the police for help.

However, Chen Ge responded very quickly. When Jiang Long returned to Jia Ming's body, he opened the comic book and threw it directly: "Be careful!"

"Save me! Take me to jail! Hurry!"

Chen Ge threw a fist at Jia Ming's face and smashed it over. He had to make the other party shut up.

Under Chen Ge's intentional control, he bumped Jia Ming into the corner of the alley. Using this extremely brief half-second time, Chen Ge packed all the red clothes he could call into Jia Ming's body.

"Police! Save me! Hold me, hold me ..."

Jia Ming rolled his eyes and passed out again.

"Chen Ge! Are you okay!" Several policemen immediately came around.

"It rubbed a little bit of skin." Chen Ge picked up the comic book that had turned into blood red and slowly stood up: "This guy just pretended to be dizzy, it was really cunning."

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