I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1027: The common choice between the unborn child and the black phone

Chen Ge, who has subdued the fierce and violent gangsters twice in a row, has a good impression in front of the police.

The arrest of a class A fugitive is a sensation, but because of Jia Ming ’s particularity, the case involving him was not disclosed, so Chen Ge ’s name was only further circulated in the police circle.

"Several police officers, the child's father was killed and his mother was seriously injured in a coma. Now is his most vulnerable time. If I can, I want to accompany him." Chen Ge carried the backpack and gently hugged the child's shoulders to let him Lean on yourself.

"You can rest assured that we will ask professionals to take care of him and counsel him."

"Then can I visit him occasionally? My parents and I have had a relationship, and there should be more topics, please." Chen Ge looked at the little boy reluctantly.

"You want to see him, just call Captain Li Zheng to apply." Several police officers couldn't bear to refuse Chen Ge.

"Thank you." Chen Ge squatted in front of the little boy: "My name is Chen Ge, you can find me if you need anything."

"I remember you ... on the bus, you sat behind Dad ..." The little boy used to ride Chen He into the Liwan town on the same hearse, and he vaguely remembered Chen Ge's face.

"The uncle should take you directly that day, if you do this earlier, there will be no such things behind." Gently hugged the little boy, Chen Ge walked out of the alley with a backpack.

Looking at his slowly going back, the two plainclothes sighed softly: "It's a kind and gentle person."

Chen Ge did not know how the police viewed him. After leaving the alley, instead of returning to the New Century Paradise, he walked into a corridor next to it.

Standing in the corridor where the sun can't directly shine, Chen Ge flipped through the comic book, and a faint **** smell floated at the tip of his nose. After a while, stench and Xu Yin appeared holding Jiang Long.

"Chen Ge, you give me another chance. Just now I was confused. I couldn't control myself, the instinctive reaction of the brain!" Jiang Long was so frightened that his body became a lot more illusory. He kept begging for mercy: "I tell you this Very important information, Zhen Zhen and I have already found a child who was selected by the fetal fetus. The child could not smell any odors before, and he was taken away by the fetal smell! "

Looking at Jiang Long, Chen Ge was expressionless: "Take me to the kid who was sniffed."

"He is dead and is Kitano's moving hand." Jiang Long never dared to conceal: "Every child selected by the fetal womb corresponds to a door. There is a power of the womb hidden behind the door, as long as you find it Items that have a fetal breath behind the door can gain that ability. "

"Is this the same?"

"These are all told by the shadow, but it seems that it is not so easy to practice in practice. We found the child selected by the fetus seven days ago. After he fell asleep and entered his door, the remaining breath of the fetus adhered to the "A toy dog." Jiang Long said, sneaking a glance at Chen Ge here: "I can take you to find the toy dog, and the clay sculpture with the boy's name written on it."

"Wait a moment, at best you are a half-length red dress. How can you get rid of the ghosts with a bad fetal smell behind the door?" Chen Ge himself has also entered the world behind the selected child. The world behind the door comes out, the difficulty is more than the ordinary two-star horror scene.

"The more doors you open, the easier it will wake up, and the stronger the breath it emits. The first door I opened was the least difficult."

Chen Ge calculated the time, Jiang Long did not lie about this matter, he also entered the world behind Jiang Ming and Wu Sheng, the world behind Wu Sheng was obviously larger than the world behind Jiang Ming , Also more terrifying.

"Take me to see the toy dog."

"Okay, they are in the small courtyard just now."

Under the leadership of Jiang Long, Chen Ge returned to the small courtyard just now. He entered through the back door and found a black leather bag under the bed.

Opening the purse, Chen Ge saw a toy dog ​​whose hair was almost finished.

This toy dog ​​Chen Ge also had an impression. When he moved for the first time, he found this toy dog ​​in the corridor. At that time, the dog hadn't shed its hair and looked very cute.

He didn't know who threw it. He waited silly for an hour, and finally took the toy dog ​​home.

"Is this a shadow toy?" Chen Ge reached out and picked up the toy dog. At the same time, the black phone in his pocket vibrated.

Chen Ge first took Li Gui back to the comic book, then took out his black phone and glanced at it.

"The four-star trial mission Netherborn has completed three-ninths, and the Netherborn's sense of smell has been severely damaged. Lucky red clothes caregivers, your time is running out!"

After receiving the message from the black mobile phone, Chen Ge was relieved. Jiang Long did not lie to him. The toy dog ​​was indeed brought out from behind a door. The only pity was that it was not Chen Ge but Jiang Long who found the child And Kitano.

With a soft sigh, Chen Ge placed the clay sculpture in his leather bag on his shadow, and Liu Wen was written on the blood-stained clay sculpture.

After the clay sculpture touched Chen Ge's shadow, the black and red blood stains on its body began to disappear quickly.

This time Chen Ge stood next to him and watched quietly. He found his shadow seemed to be a deep pond. In a distant place, he could vaguely see a woman's sleeping face.

"The injuries on Zhang Ya's body seem to be much better. It seems that the black blood on the clay sculpture helped her a lot ~ www.readwn.com ~ Pressing on the shadow, Chen Ge's double pupils shrank, as if sleeping deep in the ocean Woman's eyelashes flickered as if to open her eyes.

The last drop of black blood was sucked away by the shadow, and the clay sculpture with Liu's famous words shattered into pieces.

"Liu Wen, Wu Sheng, Fang Yu, and my clay sculpture ... If Zhang Ya absorbed all the black blood on the clay sculpture, maybe she could wake up."

Standing in the corridor, Chen Ge looked at the crumbling clay sculpture on the ground: "Midborn deprived a part of his abilities from nine children in order to be born, including hearing, smell, vision, etc. This is a gift reward from the black mobile phone. Almost exactly! "

"The first ability I got when I first got the black phone was the yin pupil, which was related to vision; then I got the gift of living couple, and it was related to the body making; and then I got the ability of ghost ears and spirit sniffing. It happens to correspond to the five senses of the human being, which is exactly the same as the various abilities that the fetus is now depriving from the child! "

"Is the fetal tire repeating the process of the black phone? Or is the black phone and the fetal tire doing the same thing?" Chen Ge felt an inexplicable chill, which may have been from the moment he got the black phone Doomed.

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