I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1028: Xiaobu, I helped you catch him

Chen Ge still remembers the scene when he just got a black phone. In a few months, he and the horror house have undergone earth-shaking changes, but the phone in his pocket is exactly the same as before.

Sliding the screen, Chen Ge stared at the phone screen in a daze: "What is the truth?"

The task reminder on the black phone told Chen Ge that he was getting closer and closer to the truth, but he had no idea in his own mind.

Even if it is such a difficult task as a ghost, a ghost school, the black mobile phone's label is only a four-star trial task. The two words of trial always make him feel creepy.

Chen Ge has been avoiding this problem. He dare not think about it, and he has no time and energy to think about it.

"I lost some of my previous memories, but my shadow should not be forgotten. He followed me and witnessed everything. The task of the fetal trial may be a turning point. If I can talk to the fetal fetus, I can get it from him. Knowing everything that happened before, you can know what I have done and where my parents have gone. "

All questions may be answered at this moment, provided that he grasps the womb and lets him speak.

"The hide and seek of life or death, the game of my shadow and myself, maybe we played that way long ago."

Chen Ge put the hairless toy dog ​​in his backpack and put it with the previous wooden toy.

Ten minutes later, Chen Ge returned to the horror room. He was about to enter the underground scene, and suddenly saw Lao Zhou Zheng smiled and hugged Wu Jinpeng's shoulder, and there were two other students who were scared and dizzy.

"What are you talking about? So happy?"

"Boss, is this our new employee? Talent is different!" Lao Zhou laughed, and he seemed to have a good relationship with Wu Jinpeng.

"Naturally talented?" Chen Ge looked at Wu Jinpeng quite curiously, wondering in his heart that Wu Jinpeng's special ability broke out in desperation?

"Don't make fun of me." Wu Jinpeng said with a bitter face: "I don't know why these two children are so scared of me suddenly, I want to help them, and they accidentally brought them close to the old employees. Surrounded by circles. "

"Don't be humble, actors who can scare tourists on the first day of employment, and I rarely see them." Chen Ge patted Wu Jinpeng's shoulder: "Come on, ask Lao Zhou if you don't understand.

Seeing the staff get along so well, Chen Ge was also relieved.

"Let's get acquainted with everyone first, so that after Wu Jinpeng knows their true identity of Lao Zhou, they should not be too surprised."

Opening the iron gate to the underground, Chen Ge came to the corpse, and he found Dr. Zhang Yihe and Wei Wei.

"Is Zhang Yi's ability useful? Did the three tourists wake up?"

"I can only help them erase their memories for a while, maybe they will wake up from their dreams one night in the future, and then think of some clips." Zhang Yi is still very weak, half dead.

"That's enough, your ability is really terrifying." Chen Ge took out the red high-heeled shoes: "Hurry up and recover, your ability can be useful in the future."

After transporting three tourists and two medical students out of the haunted house, Chen Ge returned to the staff lounge, drew the curtains, locked the door of the room, and summoned Jiang Long and the stench.

It took a whole afternoon, Chen Ge asked all the information Jiang Long knew.

"Chen Ge, everything I know tells you, there is nothing to hide, you ... give me pleasure." Jiang Long, who was almost transparent, was lying on the ground, and he had no strength to lift his head.

"The shadow used you. After he used you, you could have other choices, but you made yourself a second shadow." The afterglow of the evening shone on Chen Ge, and he turned the comic book to the end A few pages: "Cause and effect retribution, because you planted it, so now you have to eat the bitter fruit."

Fingers stroking the pages of the book, everything in the room began to tremble, blood was like a tsunami, and countless bloodstains covered the staff lounge in an instant.

Among the blooming scarlet flowers, a girl appeared beside Chen Ge.

She is not very old, looks a little thin, and feels like a rag doll that can be manipulated.

"Little cloth, the person who made your mother into a rag doll, I got it for you."

When playing the small cloth game, there was a scene that particularly impacted Chen Ge. He manipulated the small cloth and returned to his home. As a result, he discovered the adoptive father who was made into a rag doll.

At that time, he only felt strange, and did not think deeply. In fact, it may be a kind of revenge of Xiao Bu's subconscious mind. After all, it is her mother who is made into a "rag doll" in reality.

A small cloth with a very good personality grabbed Jiang Long's head, and a line of blood wrapped around Jiang Long. The screaming never stopped during the whole process.

Half an hour later, Xiao Bu put away the rag doll Jiang Long, which was made of blood, and she stood in the middle of the room, not knowing what she was thinking.

Standing up, Chen Ge walked over to Xiao Bu and gently protected Xiao Bu.

The sun went down, and Xiao Bu returned to the comic book. Chen Ge looked at the lounge as if he had encountered a typhoon: "I almost forgot. This child is comparable to the top red dress behind his door, but Samsung's half-scene push Doorman. "

After tidying up the lounge, it's time to get off work.

Chen Ge called other living staff, and everyone simply gave Wu Jinpeng a welcome meeting.

Wu Jinpeng was very happy to see that his colleagues were so good, just like a family.

After everyone left the haunted house, Chen Ge took out a document filled with words. This is what he tortured Jiang Long.

Jiang Long and Zhen Zhen identified two children who were selected by the underborn fetus ~ www.readwn.com ~ One child was born with a lack of sense of smell and was already killed; the other child seemed to have a heart problem. The police discovered it before they could start.

"Now I have five nights left, and time should be enough."

"Go to the door corresponding to Fang Yu tonight, and go to the living coffin village as soon as I come out. The reincarnation of Li Gui is exactly what the female ghost of the cast well in the living coffin village has been doing. information."

The cast-in female ghost has existed for a long time. She has also entered the depths of the blood mist many times. Chen Ge felt that the other party must know a lot of things, and she should have a good chat with her.

Putting on his backpack, Chen Ge went to the underground scene to put Zhang Yi and red high-heeled shoes into his backpack, and then ran out of the horror house.

He first found the home of the child with heart disease, but unfortunately there was no one in the other family. He waited for a long time at the door. Instead of waiting for the child's parents, he saw a familiar face on the corner of the street.

The corners of his mouth were cracked, his face was always smiling, and the "no laugh" with a hat appeared around the child's house, but the other party found Chen Ge and left, and the two sides did not conflict.

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