I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1029: Off-white amnesia world

"Don't laugh and stare at these children who were selected by the underborn, I must speed up the progress."

Chen Ge doesn't want to have a conflict with the cursed hospital for the time being. What he most hopes to happen is actually a life-and-death fight with the cursed hospital, and he is picking it up on his own side, but this probability is too small.

Looking at the cell phone time, Chen Ge did not stay in the child's door for too long. He took a taxi to the park where Fang Yu often went.

The road was blocked and the outside of the park was separated by blue iron plates. Chen Ge saw a square fish standing alone outside the park more than ten meters away.

"She really came here again."

After paying for the car, Chen Ge walked to Fang Yu: "What are you doing?"

Fang Yu turned back staring, she was surprised to see Chen Ge's eyes, and seemed to vaguely remember this face.

"Excuse me, do you know ..."

"I know Fang Yu. I am his best friend. Today I took you to find him."

Chen Ge answered too quickly and scared Fang Yu. Although the girl had a bad memory, she was not stupid. She was a bit suspicious that Chen Ge was a bad person.

"It seems that you have forgotten me again."

After explaining for a long time, Fang Yu still didn't believe Chen Ge. She clenched her fists and turned to run where she lived.

Chen Ge was also quite helpless and had to chase after him.

In fact, he also understands Fang Yu. For the amnesiac, this world is strange, and it is full of uneasiness.

Returning to the community where Fang Yu lives, the eldest sister who had seen Chen Ge before came over. She looked at Chen Ge who was closely following Fang Yu and walked over very kindly.

"Are you looking for Fang Yu again?" The elder sister looked at Chen Ge very strangely. She felt like she was looking for her daughter's boyfriend. She had her own set of criteria.

"Sister, I may have to disturb you tonight." Chen Ge carried a backpack and walked to Fang Yu: "Through the investigation, I know a way to wake up Fang Yu's memory. I want to try it tonight."

"what way?"

"I can't say it, but I can guarantee it will work."

"That's okay, go upstairs, don't stand outside." The eldest sister greeted Chen Ge and Fang Yu to her house, and as soon as she entered the door, Fang Yu hid in her room: "This child, I'm scared of her one day I will forget myself. "

"No." Chen Ge is actually curious about the other fish's illness. He especially wants to know what the world behind Fang Yu's door looks like: "Sister, I am actually a psychotherapist. Today's treatment requires your cooperation. . "

"What do you need me to say?"

"Give us the key to Fangyu's bedroom, treatment starts at twelve in the evening."

The elder sister also hesitated for a while before agreeing.

At midnight, all the lights in the room went out. Chen Ge entered the Fang Yu's bedroom quietly. He saw a blood door standing beside the Fang Yu's bed.

Compared with the door beside Wu Sheng's bed, the door beside Fang Yu's bed was almost covered with blood, and it looked no different from the real blood door.

Fang Yu sleeps relatively shallowly. Chen Ge locked the bedroom door without stopping and walked directly to the blood door.

As he grabbed the doorknob, there was a sudden scene that made him unexpected.

The backpack began to bleed outward, and the sound of pages turning constantly came out.

In order not to wake up Fang Yu, Chen Ge didn't hesitate and directly pushed in.


Opening his eyes, Chen Ge suddenly felt a sudden pain in his brain, as if the memory in the brain was torn, and a hand stirred his mind.

Covering his head, he squatted slowly, and Chen Ge rested for a few minutes before standing up again.

"This is the main entrance of Hanjiang Welfare Institute?"

The world behind Fang Yumen is different from all the world behind Chen Ge's entry. It is gray and white, and there is no blood red and darkness. It is like a completely still place.

Standing in the same place, Chen Ge opened the backpack for the first time, and he found that Zhang Ya's bedtime storybook was on top of everything.

"I remember that I put it in the mezzanine before." Chen Ge flipped the story book to make him more surprised. The blood on the pages disappeared, and all the writing disappeared: "Why did this happen?"

Chen Ge took another look at the other items. Nothing was abnormal. Only Zhang Ya ’s storybook had problems.

"Is it because she is the fierce god? Caused the uneasiness of the unborn child?"

Shaking his head, Chen Ge couldn't figure it out. He tried to communicate with Xu Yin and other ghosts, and it took a long time to get a response.

The world behind this door has been basically stable, Xu Yin they are very restricted, it is not easy to appear.

"This is the third door I entered. Has the situation been so bad? How terrifying would the door really be?

Wandering in the gray world, Chen Ge slowly discovered the difference in this world.

Other behind-the-world worlds have obsessions that pushers can't resolve, but this behind-the-world world is different. All buildings and objects are fading like a painting that is being smeared.

Everything is becoming strange and vague, people passing by are also in a hurry, they have no facial features and wear the same clothes.

"Memory is the core of a person's existence. If there is no memory, will the world become like this? Pale, vague, and slowly numb in anxiety and passing away."

There is a strange place in the world behind the door. Streets and alleys, grocery store entrances, walls, puddles on the ground, and many places are equipped with a mirror.

Chen Ge knows that the mirror in the world behind the door generally has a special meaning. He stood in front of the mirror and examined it. He concluded that the color on his body was slowly fading away, and that he in the mirror was assimilating the world.

"Those colors may be my memory ~ www.readwn.com ~ When I become gray, I may forget myself, it seems that I can't stay here for too long."

Xu Yin they cannot appear for the time being, but Chen Ge knows what Fang Yu has experienced, and he knows the most likely places where Fang Yu is most likely to appear.

"The ghosts in the world behind the door are projections of some people and things in reality. Fang Yu has a very bad memory. Everyone here has no facial features. She has forgotten even herself and will never remember those bad things."

Without memory, you will not be happy, and of course you will not be sad, just like you never had hope, so you do n’t know how to despair.

This is also a blessing in misfortune. Chen Ge is unobstructed all the way, no one is interested in him, and no one is blocking him. He is just a passer-by in a hurry to the world, maybe he will turn around next time. forget.

In the same way, as time goes by, maybe after taking a certain step, Chen Ge will forget what he is doing, where he wants to go, who he is?

He is now glad that he understood Fang Yu's past before he came in. Without any delay, he began to look for the place where Fang Yu is most likely to be-a hut in the jungle of the reservoir.

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