I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1033: From meeting

Chen Ge's expression is dignified. Normally, when the parents of the child hear that the child may be involved in the murder, they must be very sure that it is impossible, but Yu nurse's face is more worried and fearful.

That is to say, in the heart of the nurse, it is really possible for his child to do such a thing.

The first few children selected by Ming Fei are harmless themselves, and can even be said to be more kind-hearted. They are actively fighting against Ming Fei and insisting on the light in their hearts.

But not everyone in this world likes light. Some people don't need to induce fetal fetus at all, they will fall into the abyss themselves. If the fetal fetus is parasitic on such a person, it will become very difficult to handle.

Chen Ge still had helpers in the previous world, and entering this behind-the-scenes world, he will be targeted by everything and cannot get any additional help.

"You think about it, I will stand outside the hospital and wait for you." Chen Ge looked at nurse Yu's eyes: "Don't think about evasion, being approached by the police and by the police are two different concepts."

"I still don't think my son will be related to the murder. There must be some misunderstanding." Nurse Yu calmed down slowly.

"You don't worry, I don't think the murderer is him, I just want to ask him some very important things." Chen Ge motioned to the nurse to relax: "You take me to see him as soon as possible, time is really running out."

Nurse Yu didn't believe Chen Ge too much, but she looked at so much news about Chen Ge on her mobile phone, and people who could repeatedly appear in Hanjiang Legal Daily like this should not be a liar.

"I'll go on leave now, you wait." Nurse Yu ran into the hospital. After ten minutes, she changed clothes and walked out of the side door: "I'll take you to meet him, you talk in person. If you have seen him As I see it now, I should know why I said that he must not be related to the murder. "

The two took a taxi to a family home in the eastern suburbs. The environment here was very good, but it was a bit desolate. There was almost no one in the community, and there were no cars parked downstairs.

"There are many such communities in the eastern suburbs. Buildings were built everywhere in the past, but the occupancy rate is not high." Nurse Yu has no interest in chatting, and he is very weak to speak. Yes, the elevator is a bit slow here. "

It took ten minutes for Chen Ge to come to the nurse's house. When the door opened, he smelled a faint smell.

The smell is not the smell of bad food, nor the smell of garbage fermentation and decay of corpses. It is very special, like the smell emitted from the depths of the soul.

"It's a little messy at home, so you laughed." Nurse Yu first entered the house, took the dirty clothes on the sofa into the bathroom, and then let Chen Ge in.

"Your family is quite big."

"Just looking at it is relatively large, and the building structure is not very reasonable." Nurse Yu didn't care about changing shoes, and walked towards the deepest room in the room: "Yu Jian? Are you in the house?"

While Yu was calling, Chen Ge looked at her home.

Although the room is large in size, it is extremely deserted. There are only two pairs of slippers in the shoe cabinet, one for men and one for women.

"Only the nurse and her son live in such a big room? What about the child's father?"

"Nurse Yu just called her son Yu Jian. Her son has a surname with her. Doesn't the child have no father?"

Nurse Yu knocked on the door for a long time, but her son still didn't come out, and didn't even reply.

"Isn't he at home?" Chen Ge also walked deep into the house. He saw a plate at the door of the room with bread and a glass of fresh milk on it.

"I didn't eat my meal in the morning, this kid ..." Ms. Yu picked up the plate on the floor and returned to the living room: "He has been like this since he dropped out of high school. He doesn't know when he will be shut down."

"Refusing to communicate and shutting yourself down is not a good phenomenon. People will start thinking wildly when they are alone for a long time, and it is easy to do some extreme things." Chen Ge sits opposite the nurse: "I am not scaring you, watching you After this situation at home, I feel that things are more serious than I thought. "

"I can't help it. I've taken him to a psychiatrist before, and have taken medicine, but it didn't work." Nurse Yu felt a bitter face.

"Can you talk about how Yu Jian became like this now?" Chen Ge is very clear. Only by understanding Yu Jian's experience can he seize the opportunity and let himself take the initiative: "Don't hide anything, I can use the city branch. The name of the criminal investigation team assures you that you will never reveal your family ’s information to others. "

"Yu Jian was just like other children when he was a child. He was healthy, lively and cute, and very smart. He learned everything quickly, but I didn't know when to start. I found this child ..." Nurse Yu looked entangled: "How to say He does n’t seem to know how to repay the kindness of others ~ www.readwn.com ~ Just like a neighbor ’s child gave him a candy, he would throw it away; the children made a castle on the sand , Invite him to play together, he will immediately knock down that castle. "

"It's not that I don't know how to return goodwill, it's purely malicious."

"No." Nurse Yu shook her head. She seemed to hate others saying her child: "Yu Jian is a very gentle child, he just doesn't know how to express the love in his heart, or how he expresses love and Ordinary people are different. I had asked a psychologist before. He said that Yu Jian did not seem to have the concept of love in his mind. His body had body temperature and warm blood was flowing in the atrium, but his consciousness was cold. "

"Lack of the concept of love?" Chen Ge remembered the words on the walls of the rental houses in the old city. Love is also a necessity. He thinks that the reason why people can become people is because people understand love, and Have love.

"The doctor said that Yu Jian suffered from a rare disease called Emotional Expression Disorder Syndrome. Although the performance was psychologically problematic, it was actually physiologically affected. My son is not abnormal, just the brain I got sick."

"I have never said that your son is abnormal. In addition, I have to tell you that you cannot find a better psychologist than me in Hanjiang." Chen Ge does not understand psychology, but he clearly remembers Dr. Gao The self-confidence of the patient's current state seems to be innate. .

"Are you also a psychologist?"

"Many adults' psychological defects are related to their childhood growth experience. In the process of understanding the world, they have a little accident." Chen Ge sat up straight and stared at the nurse's eyes: "still That sentence, you do n’t have any reservations, tell me all the things I saw, I can really help him. "

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