I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1034: Child choice

Nurse Yu thought about it again and again, looked at the deepest room several times, and finally said the strange things that happened to Yu Jian.

"Yu Jian hasn't seen his father since I was a child. I pulled him up."

"This kid is very sensible and never worried me, plus I usually work very busy, so he often stays at home alone."

"I don't know when it started, he gradually refused to communicate with me. I always feel a lot of guilt for him, and encourage him to go play with other children."

"The first accident happened when I was seven years old. I was working and suddenly received a call from my neighbor, saying that Yu Jian had a fight with a neighbor's child and almost poked the blind person's eyes."

"I was angry at the time, and I hit Yu Jian when I came back, but I found that the kid kept looking at me with that terrible look when he was beaten by me."

"He's crying, but he's not noisy, he doesn't make a big noise, he doesn't ask for mercy, he just looks at me with that kind of look, as if he is asking me why I should do this?"

"More and more things happened later. This child seems to hate communicating with others in his heart. As long as he sees other children as if he has become a person, he wants to destroy their happiness."

"After school, he calmed down a little bit, but no one was willing to be friends with him. His character became more and more irritable and lonely. He said no more than five sentences to me every day. By the middle school, he basically did n’t have any more I have spoken to me, and even when I saw me, my eyes were full of irritability. "

When nurse Yu said here, her voice choked, and she felt that she had failed very much as a mother.

"Your son is lonely and irritable. He wants to blind other people's eyes when he fights. He seems to be hating everyone including you." Chen Ge frowned, and he felt that Yu Jian and the unborn child were just one. Made in the mold, the happiness of others will make them feel inexplicably angry. When they see the happiness of others, they will remember the pain they have suffered.

This mentality is hard to understand, but it does exist.

It was as if two children saw a beautiful butterfly at the same time. One of the children was amazed by the beauty of the butterfly and exclaimed aloud, while the other stretched out his hand to screw the butterfly and tore the wings of the butterfly

Chen Ge did not know when the fetal womb was found in Jian, from the various arrangements in the old city, Yu Jian estimated that it was the child with the highest match with the fetal womb, because the fetal womb is likely to be attached to the body of the see. The curse was completed in a rental house in the old town.

In other words, there is a high probability that the womb is still hidden in the body.

"After seeing junior high school, it was the darkest period of my family. He didn't talk to me, he seemed to be doing something alone."

"I beat him, scolded him, he didn't fight back or talk, just looked at me coldly, that kind of look wasn't like looking at his family, maybe he didn't treat me from a certain moment Be a family member. "

"It was also from that time that Yu Jian started to stay home at night and ran away from home. In order to find him, I ran all over Hanjiang."

"He may hate me from the heart. No matter how many times I go to him, he will leave again and again. During that time, he had a lot of disasters, and some things even alarmed the police."

"After finishing junior high school, he started not going home all night again. I knew I couldn't go on like this. I contacted a private high school with very strict management and spent a lot of money to go to school."

"In a new environment, Yu Jian's situation is indeed much better, and I have hope for life again."

"But this time lasted only a few months. The school informed me to pick up the school. The parents of the other children in the class asked Yu Jian to drop out. I didn't know what happened, and Yu Jian didn't tell me anything. "

"Later, I learned from the principal's mouth that the students all said that Yu Jian was mentally ill. They exaggerated those abnormal behaviors. The only teacher in class who was only seeing him was always talking to him."

"It took a lot of money before and after, and it took a long time. I tried my best and finally let the school stay in sight."

"But the good times didn't last long. In the second year of high school, Yu Jian's class teacher resigned for some reason, and Yu Jian also left the school that afternoon."

"He returned home, shut himself in the house, and sealed himself completely."

"I didn't know the specific reason until I went to the school to go through the suspension procedures for him. The head teacher was the only one who saw good. As a result, there were rumors in the school that the female teacher seduce the students, and some parents also started to make trouble. At last the teacher was forced to resign. "

Nurse Yu looked at the closed bedroom door in the house and spoke after a long time: "When I knew the reason, I was not angry, but I felt very tired. I no longer struggled, I accepted my life, I admit that Yu Jian is different from ordinary children, No longer begging him to be like an ordinary child. "

"Did he stay at home after he dropped out of school?" Chen Ge took note of every sentence that nurse Yu said ~ www.readwn.com ~ These things may be of great use behind the door.

"At least every time I go home, he stays in his house honestly, so I don't think he has anything to do with the murder."

"I already know the basics." Chen Ge got up and walked towards the bedroom: "Is there a key? I want to see him."

"It's okay to see him, but I hope you don't say anything radical." Nurse Yu took a bunch of keys from her handbag, and she kept carrying the spare keys for the bedroom door.

The two came to the bedroom door, and nurse Yu opened the door.

Chen Ge smelled a pungent odor when the door opened a thin slit. He instinctively covered his nose and mouth, but the nurse Yu next to him seemed to not smell the odor at all.

"So far, this is the most pungent odor I've ever smelled in the world outside the door."

Chen Ge looked at the bedroom with a yin pupil. Unlike in his imagination, there was no accumulation of garbage or litter in the house, only a large amount of used manuscript paper.

Manuscript paper was thrown on the floor, tabletop, and bed surface, with intermittent text written on it, many of which were unreadable.

In the middle of this large pile of manuscript paper, stood a bare-footed man, who wore nothing and was skinny.

Seeing that someone came in, the man still didn't react. He raised his thin hand with only two layers of leather, holding a pen and writing something on a blank manuscript paper.

"Sorry." Nurse Yu seemed to be used to it, and she picked up the blanket on the ground and covered it on the man. .

It wasn't until this time that the man responded. His turbid eyes turned towards the door of the room. After glancing at Chen Ge, he continued to sketch on the paper again.

"Don't step on his manuscript paper." This sentence is what Chen Ge said to the nurse: "Can you go out first, I have some questions to ask him alone."

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