I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1035: There is a devil in my heart

"I can't let you be alone with him, this child's mentality is already fragile, any of your aggressive words may affect him." Nurse Yu refused decisively, it can be seen that even if it became like this, she was still I love Yu Jian deeply and want to spread my wings as much as possible to protect Yu Jian.

Chen Ge's original plan was that after the nurse left, the red clothes were summoned directly after seeing him, and a check was made on the seeing.

Unfortunately, the nurse did not want to leave, and Chen Ge didn't want to expose Zhang Yi's ability, so he had no choice but to leave.

He picked up a piece of manuscript paper on the ground, and the sentences written on it were not easy to read. If he wanted to understand the above content, he could only guess.

"He gave her a gift because of love. The rose is red and the blood is red. The rose stabbed her neck, and there was blood flowing out of the neck."

"She hugs the child because of love, and hugged her tightly because she didn't want him to leave. I was also strangled by my neck, unable to breathe, and dug my fingers into the muddy water."

"I may have also owned, no, I must have."

The content written on each manuscript is different. Chen Ge read several pages and found that it seemed to be a story composed of countless fragments, recording the growth process of a child.

Of course, this is only Chen Ge's interpretation. If it is expressed in the original sentence on the manuscript paper, it should be a seed that fell on the tomb, rooted into the corpse, and bloomed.

Man uses this statement to describe himself. He is not humanoid. He is immersed in his mind, out of tune with the world, like a monster living on earth.

No matter what Chen Ge said, he didn't mean to answer. He just wrote on the manuscript paper by himself. Every time it fell, he seemed to become thinner.

The room was very quiet. Chen Ge had given up the conversation. He picked up a piece of manuscript paper from the ground and looked at it. His eyes were full of curiosity, just like the man's loyal reader.

Writing alone, watching alone, nurse Yu became the least able to do anything.

"I have roughly figured it out." Chen Ge sorted out the manuscripts he had read and put them together neatly: "It's a very good story, but the protagonist of the story is a living person."

Putting a thick stack of manuscript paper on the table, Chen Ge flipped through the comic book in the backpack, and then left the bedroom with nurse Yu. When he closed the door, he put his backpack at the door and came to nurse empty-handed. To the living room.

"This is the case with my son. He has not been out for a long time and it is impossible to participate in the homicide case. If you still insist, I can only call the police."

"Before going to high school, Yu Jian was a complete asshole, hostile to others' happiness and happiness, and did not know how to return goodwill; his biggest change was from the second year of high school. Go out and stop hurting others. As Yu Jian ’s mother, have you ever thought about why this is? ”Chen Ge sat in front of the nurse, his eyes staring at the muddy tea on the table.

"He was trying to change himself and wanted to be a good boy, but no one gave him this opportunity. Everyone was bullying him, so he collapsed completely." Nurse Yu's statement is very one-sided and he is defending himself. Son.

"A person with a devil in his heart will not collapse because of bullying. Something special must have happened to him, and he began to look at the world again." Chen Ge leaned on the back of the sofa: "Yu Jian 'S head teacher is the only one who has helped him. Did you ever go to her after seeing the incident? "

"The teacher left Hanjiang after resigning, and I don't know where she went."

"You have time to find a psychiatrist, why not go talk to the teacher."

Chen Ge said his suggestion, but nurse Yu responded strangely, and she seemed unwilling to mention the teacher.

"The truth is there, you can't avoid it. The deeper you hide, the more scary the wound you see when one day is exposed." Chen Ge stood up: "This is my phone, I will come over tonight , I hope you can think about it by then. Yu Jian ’s illness will be delayed and he will be destroyed in his life. "

Walked to the door of Yu Jian's room, Chen Ge mentioned his backpack, and stood at the door for a while, and finally left without saying a word.

Walked out of the community, Chen Ge stood out of the sun and called out Nan Nan: "Did you find anything just now?"

"There is a lot of curses left on that guy! The reason why he became like that is because he has suffered too much curses." Men Nan gave Chen Ge a surprise when he opened his mouth.

"That is to say, the real womb did exist on him?"


"You ask Zhang Yi, what is the probability that Ming Fei is still hidden in seeing?" Chen Ge was excited. Yu Jian and Ming Fei's personality is very similar, it can be said that the best choice for Fei Fei.

"I can't tell, but Ming Fei and Yu Jian seem to have a difference because of something, so Yu Jian will lock himself up ~ www.readwn.com ~ Men Nan is reciting Zhang Yi's words:" He is resisting Ming The curse that the fetus remains in his body. "

"Yu Jian started to change because of his class teacher, and his class teacher must be clear about that matter, but unfortunately I don't have time to go out to find her now."

Leave from Yu Jian's house, Chen Ge went to the municipal branch again, and he and Zhen Zhen met with the help of Li Zheng.

The little boy recovered very well. He did not yet have the concept of death in his head. He just felt that his mother was sleeping, and often asked the guards police when his mother would wake up.

This child is very cute. Everyone in the police station likes him very much. When asking for evidence, he will also take out candy and snacks.

Looking at the appearance of Zhen Zhen alone, he couldn't be connected with Ming Fei at all. Now Jiang Long, Kitano, and Zhen Yao have died one after another. The mother with mental problems has been seriously injured and comatose. The people who know Zhen Zhen's past in the world except the Ming Fei, Only Chen Ge is left.

But Chen Ge is not going to tell anyone this secret. He hopes this child can grow up healthy.

After asking Zhen Zhen about something, Chen Ge asked the police to help investigate the child with a heart problem. He also said a lot of "bad talk" about not laughing in front of the police, and made the police pay close attention to the monsters who always smile.

The police helped save Chen Ge a lot of time, allowing him to concentrate on the investigation. .

Visited the school and some classmates, Chen Ge found that Yu Jian's problems were much more serious than his mother said, and the police also had a record for seeing. Before he went to high school, the guy was a pervert with a very high IQ, with dissatisfaction and maliciousness.

After making enough preparations, Chen Ge went to Yu Jian's house again that evening.

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