I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1036: The new teacher is called Zhang Ya

It's no different from seeing home and coming during the day. There is a smell that only Chen Ge can smell in the room. There are two sets of tableware and cold meals on the dining table.

In order to further persuade the nurse, Chen Ge took out the information he had compiled, which was included in the record of the police station.

"Tomorrow there will be a policeman coming. Tonight I want a simple treatment for seeing. You can stand outside and watch, but please do n’t make trouble."

Chen Ge has only four nights left, and tonight's things must be resolved.

"Okay." Nurse Yu nodded, her eyes full of worry: "Will the police come tomorrow to take Yu Jian away? His body can't stand the toss, I'm afraid something will happen on the road."

"You can rest assured that the police will definitely be more thoughtful than you." Chen Ge glanced over to the bedroom. The plate on the floor had not been touched, and Yu Jian never came out of the room: "At night, he will be asleep Later, treatment begins. "

"Why is it so late?" Yu nurse and Chen Ge are less than twenty-four hours from now. Although she doesn't think Chen Ge will deceive her, it is impossible for her to completely believe a stranger.

"Because only after he falls asleep can I treat him." To ensure that Yu Jian can sleep well, Chen Ge also prepared a bottle of sleeping pills in his backpack.

Talking to eleven thirty in the evening, Chen Ge borrowed the key from nurse Yu. He walked to the door of Yu Jian and stopped.

"Don't you go in?"

"You keep quiet." Chen Ge took out the comic book from the backpack and secretly summoned Mennan. Let Mennan enter the house to check. After receiving Mennan's prompt, he was relieved.

Yu Jian has fallen asleep, and now he only has to wait until twelve in the evening.

Yu Jian is most similar to the character of Ming Fei, and is the only child who has taken the initiative to accept Ming Fei. He should be regarded as the best choice for Ming Fei. What Chen Ge does not understand is that they finally fell out.

Fangyu lacks memory, and the other few children lack smell, hearing, etc. The defects on them can be seen at a glance, but they are different.

This child is physically free from any defects. What he took away by the womb should be something more important to people, perhaps a certain emotion, perhaps human nature, or maybe love.

At midnight, Chen Ge opened the bedroom door and saw Yu Jian leaning against the corner in a thin blanket.

He lowered his head and stood a blood-red door beside his bed.

This door is almost completely occupied by bloodshot eyes. Thick blood vessels surge on the door panel. It looks like it has life, and it feels more terrifying than the real blood door.

"What's that ?!" Nurse Yu called out directly. Although she had a low voice, she was still noisy.

Chen Ge didn't hesitate, he knew that Yu Jian could wake up when the door woke up, and rushed past decisively.

Carried the backpack and pushed the blood door together with many red clothes.

The viscous blood wraps itself, as if stepping into the blood pool with one foot, Chen Ge can't breathe, his hands are struggling desperately, and there is a strong sense of falling in his body.

Couldn't open his eyes, the sound of pages turning in the dark, as if there were countless things climbing up his body.

He couldn't see what it was, as if it were blood beads condensing into ice, and finally those things all gathered behind him.

"Why come to me ......"

An unfamiliar voice sounded in his ear. Chen Ge felt that his hands were holding his shoulders. The feeling of falling slowly disappeared, and he opened his eyes suddenly.

"who are you!"

He yelled out, the surroundings were very quiet, and the atmosphere was a little weird.

'S eyes slowly became focused. Chen Ge looked around. He found himself standing at the entrance of a school's equipment room. Behind him was the black iron door of the equipment room. Many students around him were looking at him in surprise.

"It's school again?" Chen Ge frowned. He reached into his backpack and stared at the students around him cautiously. As long as someone dared to deal with him, he would fight back immediately.

"What are you doing, Chen Ge?" There was a round-faced fat man in the corridor holding a stack of homework, and looked at Chen Ge with a speechless face: "People are late for a few minutes, you are late for a class, It ’s also enough. "

"Do you know my name?" Chen Ge slowly realized that something was wrong. He was very familiar with the corridor and surrounding layout in front of him. This is where he used to go to school. The round-faced fat man was the representative of the math class in their class: "School It may be the same that Yu Jian went to the same school as me. How could the students be the same? Is n’t this the memory of Yu Jian? It ’s my own memory? ”

Passing classmates, there are also many strangers, completely unimpressed.

The situation is a little complicated now, and Chen Ge doesn't dare to care.

He stood on the spot, trying to call all the names of the red clothes, only Xu Yin sent a very weak response.

I do n’t know why this behind-the-scenes world is more stable than the real behind-the-scenes world. They are very repulsive to all the ghosts in red clothes. They ca n’t get out of the deposits at all.

"A big problem happened."

The world behind the door is very stable, and it is possible to hide a sleeping fierce god.

"My luck wouldn't be so good? A total of nine doors, and I only found the fifth tire before I entered the fifth door?" Chen Ge's mood is hard to describe. He is happy and worried again: Go and persuade the son of the tunnel ghost and the red coffin in the living coffin village. "

The school bell rang, and the students returned to their classrooms. Only Chen Ge was still in the same place.

"Aren't you going to class? I heard that a new teacher came over today ~ www.readwn.com ~ Are you going to give her a dismounted horse?" The round-faced fat man's mouth is broken, but the person is not bad. Although he is not a friend with him, he has copied his homework.

"I'll go back here." Chen Ge didn't dare to relax at all. He carried his backpack back to the classroom.

Looking at the familiar scene, the memory in Chen Ge's mind is awakened: "This is my classroom when I was in high school."

Sat in his seat, Chen Ge looked out the window.

The sky is overcast, there is no trace of sunlight, the school is not big, and there are old buildings all around.

"Liwan Town?"

Eyes stared out of the window, Chen Ge found that the scene behind the door was very large, and more importantly, all buildings seemed to be woven according to his own memory.

"Why is there such a thing? Shouldn't the world behind the door be the experience of a doorman? Is this a trap for the unborn child?" Chen Ge clenched his hands tightly, his brain running fast, thinking about everything possible.

"Ms. Li is going to take maternity leave. This is your new English teacher. Everyone is warmly welcome." A voice of a middle-aged man came from the front door of the classroom. Then the footsteps sounded, and a young woman in a black suit and skirt walked Go to the podium.

Long black hair was draped over her shoulders. She wore very light makeup and wore a low-key and unassuming look. She smiled very friendly, as if it brought a gentle wind.

"Good morning, fellow students, I am your new English teacher, my name is Zhang Ya ...".

What the female teacher said later, Chen Ge couldn't remember it, he was stunned when he heard the name.

Looked up a little bit at the podium, Chen Ge didn't know how he got up from the seat.

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