I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1037: You really treat me as a child

"That classmate, hello! What are you doing standing there? Sit down!" The middle-aged man glared at Chen Ge, but Chen Ge didn't respond. He coughed again and Chen Ge recovered. Quickly sit back.

"Dude, what do you want to do?" The round-faced fat man secretly asked Chen Ge, but Chen Ge didn't say a word, his eyes kept staring at Zhang Ya on the podium.

"Xicheng Private College was closed six years ago. Zhang Ya died one year before the closure. Counting the time, if there is no such thing, she should be like this now at 25."

Being stared by Chen Ge all the time, the female teacher on the podium smiled at him, and then looked at the other students.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Ge forced himself to calm down. He hid his backpack under the table and secretly opened it to check the contents.

There is no change in other things, only Zhang Ya's bedtime storybook "runs" out of the mezzanine, pressing on all objects.

The middle-aged man left, Zhang Ya began her first class, and Chen Ge sitting by the wall quietly opened Zhang Ya's story book.

Inside the blood-red cover is a blank page of paper. All the **** and scary stories are gone. The words written in blood seem to have never appeared.

"When you enter the world behind Fang Yu, all the words in the storybook seem to disappear. What is the real role of this book? Why does every blood word in the book disappear every time you enter the world behind the door? They go Where did it go? "

"When I first opened the door, I felt as if I had fallen into the sea of ​​blood, and almost died of suffocation. Fortunately, I had two hands holding me."

"I remember there was a strange man's voice at that time. It seemed to be asking me why I came in to find him. Is the owner of this voice meeting you?"

Chen Ge was a bit confused. He was lying on the desk, pillowed on the storybook that ordinary people would die from, even the red clothes were scared.

"I'm going to sort out my thoughts carefully. The world behind this door is too special. The probability of having a hidden tire here is very high."

Picking up the pen on the table, Chen Ge wrote on the blank note: "The school and the buildings outside the school are scenes in my memory. Until now, there are two people around me who are in my memory. Some people. I have no impression on most of the remaining students. I also saw the middle-aged man who brought Zhang Ya just for the first time. It can be seen that the general framework of the world is woven according to my memory, but it also contains The memory of another person. "

The memories of different people are interwoven into a common world. Chen Ge has seen this before, and it is the psychic ghost school.

Originally a ghost school for ordinary Samsung scenes, it constantly absorbs students' memories and continuously merges scenes, eventually transforming into four stars.

But the difference between the world behind the door and the psychic ghost school is that there is no such a depressing atmosphere at all. If it is not Chen Ge who clearly remembers that he opened the door, I am afraid he will think it is at the door. Somewhere outside.

Everything is too real and will be completely consistent in reality.

"I seem to have missed something important, and now I know too few clues, I can only focus on Zhang Ya and the math class representatives ..." Chen Ge is carefully listing the known information in his notebook, preparing for the next plan, and suddenly found the classroom Li became quiet, and all the students seemed to be watching themselves.

The hand holding his head slowly lowered, Chen Ge looked towards him, and a faint scent came from the tip of his nose.

"Listen to the lesson." Zhang Ya stood behind Chen Ge, tapped Chen Ge with the book in her hand, and then she left.

Looking at Zhang Ya's back, Chen Ge touched the place where Zhang Ya knocked just now. The woman in front of him coincided with the woman in his mind, and he suddenly had an unspeakable taste in his heart.

One lesson passed quickly, and apart from seeing the teacher, Chen Ge did nothing: "I really want Zhang Ya to be a teacher in high school, and the college entrance examination score is estimated to be one hundred points more."

"You can pull it down, the class is over, you haven't even taken out the textbooks." The round-faced fat man covered his face: "Wake up, brother, don't dream, and learn occasionally."

"You don't understand. It's not me who really dreams." Chen Ge left the seat with a backpack and chased him out. He knew that calling the teacher's name out loud in the hallway, he ran to the new teacher specially: "Zhang Ya ? "

Hearing the sound, Zhang Ya froze for a moment, then smiled and looked at Chen Ge: "Are you going to call me a teacher, is there something wrong?"

"You really don't remember me?" Chen Ge wanted to try it out. The world behind the door was formed based on the memory of the gatekeeper. Those who are formed of memory will definitely remember the gatekeeper.

"I remember you." Zhang Ya looked at Chen Ge very seriously, and suddenly his expression changed: "You are the guy who did not listen to the class just now, and draws in my class."

"Drawing?" Chen Ge looked at Zhang Ya in front of him. He didn't know what he was like in Zhang Ya's eyes at this moment. Maybe the other party really forgot him: "I was writing something ~ www.readwn.com ~ Taking the story book out of the backpack, Chen Ge flipped in front of Zhang Ya: "Is there an impression? "

"Is this the outline of the novel you wrote?" Zhang Ya was a little surprised.

"How about writing novels again." No matter what Chen Ge said, Zhang Ya just treated him like an interesting big boy, with a smile on his face.

"Go back to class, I support the interest of writing novels, but do not affect learning."

In front of him, Zhang Ya faded away, mature and tender, and people couldn't help but want to be close.

"You really treat me as a child." Chen Ge retreated helplessly from the storybook.

"Isn't it?" Zhang Ya, who looked very stable in a suit and skirt, inadvertently showed a very cute expression.

"You are the teacher listening to you, I went back to class." Chen Ge took the backpack to the side of the classroom. When he was halfway around, he looked back again. Zhang Ya entered the office alone: ​​"It turns out that Zhang Ya smiled like this It looks completely different from usual. It's a bit foul. "

Looking at his shadow, Chen Ge sighed softly: "I finally encountered an opportunity to bully Zhang Ya. I didn't expect that she was still a teacher. I was too difficult."

Back in the classroom, Chen Ge did not attend the class at all. He used Yin Tong to observe the small town outside from his seat.

This is indeed Liwan Town, but it is completely different from the chaotic and crazy Liwan in memory. The folk customs are simple and everyone lives and works happily, not to mention the unborn child, and he does not even feel the slightest negative emotions.

"Is this place the same as psychic ghost school, day and night are the two extremes?"

"The student by the window asked you to come up and answer this question on the blackboard." A male teacher's voice came from the podium.

Chen Ge also respected each other very much, stood up and glanced at the blackboard, then shouted loudly: "I will not."

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