I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1038: This is probably happiness

The math teacher didn't say anything when he was ready. He glared at Chen Ge for a while, and then shot the ruler on the podium: "Sit down, don't look out the window again, Du Ming, you come to answer."

The round-faced fat man walked onto the podium, and Chen Ge felt his backpack: "I feel that everything here is too normal, something is wrong, there must be something wrong."

Finally, Chen Ge stopped the class. Chen Ge first stopped the round-faced fat man and took him to the corner of the school.

"What are you going to do? Don't use the homework copy to excite the teacher so much?"

"I want to ask you something, you have to answer me honestly." Chen Ge pointed at himself: "What kind of person am I in your eyes?"

"Lonely, poisonous tongue, unpopular, not very popular scum." The round-faced fat man broke his fingers and said one by one.

"Is my image in your mind always so bad?" Chen Ge looked at the familiar round face. Although he knew the other person was telling the truth, he was not happy.

"It's okay." The round-faced fat man didn't realize his dangerous situation at all.

"Okay, to change the question, has any strange talk happened in our school? Such as unmanned classrooms with strange sounds at night, moving specimens, etc."

Chen Ge's face full of curiosity, the round-faced fat man could not bear to refuse, he took a transcript from his school bag and handed it to Chen Ge.

"Why do you let me see this?" Chen Ge took the transcript and saw Du Ming's name in the second place in the class.

"The top ten of the year, the second in the class, you even asked such a person if there is any strange talk in our school?"

"Do you learn to have anything to do with blame? Isn't it happen if you are a top student?"

"The reason why I can achieve this kind of result is because I spend other people's cranky time for learning."

"Don't say it, if you are not very good, I will show you what is called strange talk now." Chen Ge is also quite speechless, but when he thinks that the other party is a stupid child, he also relieved: "I do not follow As you know, the next question is whether something bad happened in our school, such as school violence, accidental death of students, etc. "

"What are you thinking about every day?" The round-faced fat man shook his head and took back his transcript: "Are you under too much pressure lately? That's right, the class is the last to the bottom. Your score is in It has been steadily declining, and there is really no way to explain to your family. I suggest that you still start to study hard and think that everything else is useless. "

Put the transcript back in the backpack, the round-faced fat man just left.

"This guy's character hasn't changed at all. It's exactly the same in my memory." Chen Ge and Du Ming are not friends, the two are closer, purely because they were very bad at that time, the two had no friends, no The popular guy is just holding a group to keep warm.

The campus quickly saw no students, and the surroundings became very quiet. Chen Ge did not leave. He chose to play steadily, first explore the school, and then search the whole town with this as the center.

"Be sure to note that the day may be over."

The sky became darker and more overwhelming.

"The night in the town will never be as lively and warm as it is during the day. It will tear off the camouflage, revealing its fierce fangs, and tearing apart every innocent person."

Turning into the teaching building, Chen Ge carried a backpack through the window and inspected a classroom. He watched it for a long time and still found nothing abnormal.

Until he reached the top floor of the teaching building, Chen Ge heard that the roof seemed to have footsteps: "Already after school, who will go to the roof at this time?"

Holding the broken skull hammer, Chen Ge entered the corridor, and the door to the roof was not locked. He quietly pushed the door open.

The top floor of the school's teaching building is the place closest to the sky. Looking up, it seems that the whole cloudy sky will fall at any time.


The cold wind blew over, and the raindrops fell on the face, and the rain was very sudden.

Looking back, Chen Ge walked downstairs. When he was about to walk out of the teaching building, the rain outside was already heavy.

"This should be ordinary rain?" The rain behind the door might hide grudges and curses. Chen Ge put his hand into the rain curtain and tried it. The rain fell on his palm, and the coldness soaked into his heart.

"It will rain again behind the door. It seems that we should pay attention to the ghosts that use umbrellas as their deposits. There should be many ghosts of this type. After all, in many stories, there are good places for hiding under the umbrella ... "Chen Ge was thinking about it, and a shadow suddenly covered his face:" Who ?! "

Turning suddenly, Chen Ge saw Zhang Ya who was startled.

"Why haven't you returned home? Have you forgotten to take the umbrella?" Zhang Ya stood behind Chen Ge holding the umbrella. She had just lifted the umbrella over Chen Ge's head.

At this moment, it seemed that only the two of them were in the teaching building. Chen Ge looked at Zhang Ya and opened his mouth. Suddenly he felt his heart beating faster, and he quickly took a step back.

Seeing Chen Ge being restrained, Zhang Ya seemed to find it fun: "Are you afraid of me?"


"Then, I don't know when this rain will stop ~ www.readwn.com ~ I'll take you to the station." Zhang Ya walked to Chen Ge with an umbrella, "Go."

Chen Ge, who has always been very opinionated, didn't know what was going on and followed Zhang Ya. What investigations about the school's strange talks and the secret towns were all left behind.

The faint fragrance of shampoo drifted into the tip of the nose, Chen Ge's eyes always fell on Zhang Ya involuntarily, the feeling at this moment was probably happiness.

The rain was getting bigger and bigger, pedestrians hurried by, the neon on the street looked hazy through the mist, and the world seemed to be the sound of rain falling.

"Zhang Ya ..."

"Well? What did you just say?" Zhang Ya seemed to hear Chen Ge say something, but the rain was too loud, she didn't hear it clearly.

"It's okay, let's go inside. There are many cars outside. I'm afraid they will splash muddy water on your clothes." Chen Ge took the bag and walked to the other side of Zhang Ya. Only then did the two see that the other was wet by rain Half of the shoulders, neither of them wanted to let each other get wet, but they didn't expect both of them to get wet.

Walking on the rainy street, the two did not speak until they reached the nearest station from the school.

"How many cars will you take?"

"Route 104." Chen Ge casually reported a line and stood quietly beside Zhang Ya. He didn't want to talk too much, watching Zhang Ya secretly.

The world behind the door is woven from memory. Although there are absurd and strange places, most of them are contrasted with reality. The reason why Zhang Ya will appear as it is now also related to Chen Ge ’s own memory.

"The car I'm going to take is here. You go home early and don't run around." Zhang Ya took out her mobile phone: "This is my phone, send me a message when you get home, and report a safe."

After swapping the mobile phone numbers, Zhang Ya got on the No. 4 bus and waved at Chen Ge from the window.

The color-painted bus disappeared into the rain curtain, but Chen Ge still stood there.

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