I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1039: Why not go home?

"Zhang Ya in the world behind the door loves to laugh very much, and she also looks good when she smiles, but I always feel a little sadness hidden in her smile."

"Did she recognize me?"

"Is the appearance of Zhang Ya an accident? Or was it influenced by that storybook?"

"The turning point in Yu Jian's life was when his head teacher resigned, and he fell over with the unborn child at that time, that is to say, the most important person in the world after seeing the door may be the 'teacher', the one who is in his The only one who helped him when he was in trouble. "

"Does he want me to experience the things he experienced before?"

"Use my memory to experience his past?"

Relying on the billboard, Chen Ge looked at this rain: "Anyway, maybe this is an opportunity for me to really understand Zhang Ya."

Slightly patting his face, Chen Ge woke him up: "Calm down! Although I feel a little youthful and inspirational on campus life, it may turn into a **** escape at a certain moment, and I will kill myself."

Rain didn't mean to stop, Chen Ge "borrowed" an umbrella from passers-by and returned to school again.

It's already dark. The world behind this door seems to have no concept of time. Everything happens in a trance and changes very quickly.

Taking out the broken skull hammer, Chen Ge wandered around the campus.

"At night, ghosts and all kinds of dirty things still didn't appear. Is this the Liwan town I remembered?"

You ca n’t see a murderous man, nor a red dress. You see a very ordinary town.

"Wu Sheng was deprived of sound, so everyone in the world behind his door was sewn; Jiang Ming was deprived of hearing, so his world was very quiet; Fang Yu was deprived of memory, so her The world behind the door is gray. All children selected by the unborn child must be crippled. Whatever the child is deprived of, the passers-by behind the door will be missing, but this world is obviously different. "

"Everyone looks normal, and they don't seem to lack anything." Chen Ge was dazed in the empty corridor with his umbrella, his cell phone suddenly vibrated.

"Zhang Ya? What did she call me for?" Chen Ge glanced at the caller ID and then connected the phone.

"Where are you now? Why don't you go home!" Zhang Ya's voice came from the phone, and she seemed very angry.

"How do you know I didn't go home?" Chen Ge felt a little strange and asked instinctively.

"Your dad is crazy! He is looking for you everywhere! He called many people!"

"My dad?" Chen Ge didn't expect his father to appear, his eyes widened instantly: "Where is he? I'll go find him now!"

The blood in the whole body began to accelerate. Chen Ge ran towards the school with an umbrella. He seemed to have a fire in his heart: "Is it really my dad who came to me? Is it possible that the world behind this door is Is he a trap for the womb? "

"He is rushing to the school, and a student said you returned to school after school."

"Thank you." Hanging up the phone, Chen Ge cherished the hope, like a child holding a candlelight, and rushed into the heavy rain.

Walking out of the school gate, running past bus stops and convenience stores, Chen Ge stopped at a crossroads.

Vehicles come and go, choose different roads, they will lead to different places.

"Chen Ge!" A familiar voice rang across the road. Chen Ge followed the voice, and a man in an old jacket was running across the zebra crossing.

He is a little lower than Chen Ge. For such a cheerful person on weekdays, the wrinkles of anxiety become obvious now.

The rain wet the coat, the man ran to Chen Ge, he gasped lightly, suddenly closed the umbrella and hit Chen Ge's arm.

The hands were raised very high, but it didn't hurt to hit Chen Ge. He didn't use any force.

"Why not go home! If you have something, let me know in advance, I won't stop you! Do you know how worried me and your sister are?"

Looking at the familiar face, I haven't seen it for more than a year. The man seems to have lost a lot of weight and has white hair.

Chen Ge did not speak, and the candlelight in his heart was flooded by heavy rain.

At the first sight of a man, Chen Ge knew that the man in front of him was not his father, but a memory, or a fragment destined to dissipate.

"You are not him."

Holding an umbrella, Chen Ge walked over to the man and lifted the umbrella between them.

Ears are familiar voices in memory, with scolding, caring, disappointment, and of course more of the usual trivial words, all of which are intertwined to form a complete impression-father.

The two did not take the car and walked back home. At first the man was also very angry, but after saying a few words, he stopped talking and the father and son walked silently in the rain.

When approaching the door of the house, the man suddenly motioned to Chen Ge to wait. He ran to the stew shop and sold two pig's trotters ~ www.readwn.com ~ When he came out, he saw an old grocery shopping outside the stew shop Pushing the car to avoid rain.

It may be because of the rain. There are still a lot of dishes in the old tricycle that have not been sold. After a day of storage, some of the dishes are already very poor.

The man took out his wallet and glanced over to the old man. After a while he carried two large packages of leftovers and helped the old man put away the partitions before putting it back.

"Are we finished with so many leftovers?" Chen Ge silently lowered his head, silently chanting the next sentence in his memory: "It's okay, we have a refrigerator in our house, and we can keep it for a long time ..."

"It's okay." The man didn't care: "We have a refrigerator in our house, we can store it for a long time, and we can eat it slowly if we can't finish it."

The two entered the corridor, and before they reached the door of a house, the door of a room opened.

A girl who looked at the thirteen or four years old looked up, and she heard footsteps in the house. Before Chen Ge came to the door, they hurried to open the door.

"Have you found me, my brother?" The girl stuttered and her hands moved uncontrollably. She picked up the security door. Her mouth was slightly slanted, and her tooth pitch was much wider than normal. With a simple smile like an angel.

"If it rains, go back quickly, don't fall anymore." The man brought a bunch of vegetables and two braised pig's trotters into the house, and Chen Ge followed behind silently from beginning to end.

There are not many furniture in the house, the decoration is relatively simple, but it feels very warm.

"Brother, brother ..." The 13th and 4th girls felt like the five- and six-year-olds. When they saw Chen Ge coming in, they lay beside Chen Ge like a rag doll.

"Ruoyu? Luo Ruoyu?" This is the name of Director Luo's daughter. She suffers from Angel Syndrome. After her death, Director Luo put her ashes in the paradise. In fact, the new century Paradise was originally built by Director Luo for Luo Ruoyu.

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