I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1040: My family

Luo Ruoyu is the guardian spirit of the new century paradise and Chen Ge ’s childhood companion.

They grew up together, and Chen Ge ’s parents also treated Luo Ruoyu as a daughter. This non-existent family received no less love than Chen Ge.

Luo Ruoyu was usually hidden in a puppet made by Chen Ge when she was a child. Later, Luo Ruoyu helped Chen Ge in the Dongjiao Reservoir, which caused her to be hit hard. Once she left New Century Paradise, she would lose all her abilities.

Chen Ge did not expect that he could meet Luo Ruoyu behind the door he met, and still in this form.

"time to eat."

The man poured the pig's trotters into two bowls and fried a few more dishes. At first, the atmosphere was more serious. I don't know when it started, everything became warm.

Chen Ge and the man both showed smiles on their faces. Perhaps this is how they feel between their families.

"Chen Ge, why did you come back so late today? Did you dare not go home because your test scores were too bad?" The man didn't eat pig's trotters and had been eating vegetables. He looked much older than he actually was.

"No." Chen Ge didn't know what to say. The closer he was, the more unable to speak. He didn't want to be treated as a weird by his father. It was good to maintain this false warmth.

After a little physical activity, Chen Ge looked into the back room. He didn't answer the man's question, but asked casually: "How about my mother? Why didn't you see her?"

After finishing this sentence, Chen Ge felt a little regretful. He saw his father's eyes suddenly dimmed, as if the whole person had no light.

"Did you not go home because you missed her?" The man obviously misunderstood Chen Ge: "I miss her too, but people can't be reborn."

He didn't go on with the topic any more, and after a few bites he ate the rest of the meal and turned to enter the kitchen.

Sitting in the living room, Chen Ge compared his current situation with that of Yu Jian at the time: "Single-parent families, the most important person except for their parents is a teacher, these are the encounters of Yu Jian. Now I can be sure that he is just My memory melted into his own encounter, and then let me experience his past. "

"What is the purpose of doing this? Do you want me to understand him? Or do you want to drive me crazy and become like him?"

"The world behind Yumon is too peaceful and normal. All the beautiful things in memory appear around me. If one day these things are all taken away and torn, I will definitely be in pain and despair."

When Chen Ge was thinking, his hand was suddenly caught by someone. Luo Ruoyu was lying on the dining table with his big eyes open, and some of her soup stained her clothes.

"Hurry up."

"I, too, miss Mom, Mom, but I, I will not run around, I will wait for her here."

"Well, we are waiting for her here." Chen Ge hugged Luo Ruoyu's head, this home is too warm, this is a memory cherished in the bottom of his heart.

After eating, Chen Ge packed up the table and took his backpack back to his room.

He lay on the bed and looked at the night sky outside the window. Even though the sky seemed to be overcast in the evening, with no stars and moon, all the light came from the lights in memory.

"It always feels that something bad will happen." Although Chen Ge is also very sleepy, he is not yet bold enough to sleep behind the door.

When there was no movement outside the room, Chen Ge wrote a note and quietly came to the door with his backpack.

"You can't waste time. Yu Jian must be hiding somewhere in this town. He may be looking at me in the dark."

When the door was opened, the night faded and it was dawning.

Chen Ge stood on the spot holding the door handle. He looked at the window in the corridor. The sky outside was gray with thick dark clouds.

"Why does it light up as soon as I open the door? Does every time I go out represent a new day? Is this home the place to start?"

"How did you get up so early today?" Chen Ge's neatly dressed father walked out of the house and was surprised when he saw Chen Ge.

"Occasionally I want to get up early." Chen Ge was ready to do an experiment. He walked out of the door, stood outside for a while and re-entered the house, closing the door.

While closing the door, Chen Ge looked at the window inside, and the sky outside was already dark.

His father did not go out at all, but he was exhausted, and there were some small black particles under his skin.

"As soon as I get home and close the door, the night will fall immediately. When I push the door open, the new day will start immediately."

Chen Ge pushed the door open again. His father said the same thing, but the tiredness on his face was more obvious, and the small black particles seemed to have become more.

"No! Every time you open and close the door has no effect on me, but it will cause invisible trauma to other people in the town."

"Time is limited. Maybe after a few pushes ~ www.readwn.com ~ everything I cherish will be torn apart. I have to find Yu Jian before the accident and find out the secret here!"

The acquaintances appearing in the town are all people Chen Ge can't forget. They are all woven from Chen Ge's memory. If they have an accident, maybe Chen Ge's memory about them will also be erased.

"What are you doing standing at the door? Don't want to go to school?" Chen Ge's father came to the door neatly dressed, he was about to go out but was stopped by Chen Ge: "What's wrong?"

"If you are really the one in my memory, you will believe me, right?" Chen Ge seemed to be talking to herself.

"what are you saying?"

"In this small town, you should always pay attention to a person called Yu Jian. All the misfortune and pain come from him."

"See you?"

"I may have been home late for some time recently, or I might do something that ordinary people cannot understand, but I hope you can believe me and believe me at all times." Chen Ge grabbed the man's arm Hard.

"It seems that you did encounter something." The man patted Chen Ge on the shoulder. "I believe in you, but you also have to believe in your family. If you can't solve it, go home."

The sound in the ear, the touch of the fingertips, the picture in front of him, everything is too real, Chen Ge even had an illusion at a certain moment, as if this is the reality.


Carrying a backpack, Chen Ge walked out of the house. He decided not to push the door of the house for a long time in the future. Only in this way can the time be extended as long as possible.

"Liwan Town is not too big, but it is not too small. It is too difficult to carry out carpet-based investigations."

Chen Ge decided to start searching from the school first. The transformation of Yu Jian started from the school. The black iron door was also in the school. There are various signs that Yu Jian has a high probability of hiding in the school.

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