I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1042: Who can I talk to

Back in the classroom, Chen Ge sat in his place.

"Dude, how are your eyes red?" Du Ming found Chen Ge's mood a little low: "Is it broken?"

"I found that there is a reason why you study so well or not." Chen Ge ignored Du Ming and turned his head to the side. He began to think about another question.

Even in the world behind the door, Zhang Ya is still maintaining him.

Under the circumstances just now, a new teacher not only did not help the director to speak, but even took the initiative to protect his students. It was really touching.

"In the world of Yu Jian, apart from his family, only the teacher is helping him. Now I want to experience his experience, the most I can rely on is Zhang Ya." Chen Ge is still very optimistic. He is now experiencing the experience of Yu Jian , But the people around him are not the family members of Yu Jian, but the family members woven from their own memories.

"Lucky people are cured by childhood all their lives; unfortunate people are cured by childhood all their lives."

"Even if they experience the same thing, different families and living environments can lead a person's future in different directions."

"He wants me to understand his despair, and I want to tell him the hope I have always kept in my heart."

"I will do my best to help him before reality collapses and the blood is poured out."

"Midborn never thought of saving him, I have to make him aware of this."

The second class finally passed, Chen Ge was still lying on the table, looking at Liwan Town outside the window.

In his mind, he has divided the entire Liwan Town into four areas: southeast, northwest, and if Yu Jian is not in the school, then he will search area by area.

The school bell rang again, Chen Ge finally sat up straight, and he opened the English textbook after a long absence.

"After so many years, I still can't understand a sentence."

There was Zhang Ya's voice in his ear, Chen Ge rested his cheek on one hand, and for the first time there was no thought of skipping class.

From the rostrum, students can actually see clearly. Zhang Ya's eyes will also sweep Chen Ge intentionally or unintentionally. There is a trace of apology and worry in her eyes.

It was hard to get to school at noon. Chen Ge's family lived far away. He didn't have the habit of going home at noon, let alone now.

When the school bell rang, Chen Ge had walked out of the classroom. He walked alone through the corridor with his backpack, and came alone to the roof of the teaching building.

After seeing the door, the sky of the world is always overcast and there is never sunshine.

Chen Ge is standing on the rooftop, using the yin pupils, looking down on all the students.

"I can't find him. Where did the guy hide? This is his world, but he disappeared." Chen Ge clearly remembered that when he first entered the door, there was a man's voice in his ear, that person should be Yu Jian: "Sinking in the abyss of despair, he should also want to be found and rescued."

While thinking, Chen Ge heard the sound of the iron door behind him, and Zhang Ya in a black suit and skirt appeared at the door.

She was also surprised to see Chen Ge. After a while, she came over with a light yellow lunch box: "Aren't you going home?"

"Don't want to go back, how about you? Why did you come to the top of the building at noon?"

"The cafeteria is too noisy. I prefer to eat in a quiet place. The scenery here is very good, and no one has disturbed yet." Zhang Ya walked to Chen Ge and looked at the backpack Chen Ge had been carrying: "You still think about day Is it something that the teacher did wrong because we did n’t think about it. "

"It's okay, I still have to thank you. If you didn't help me, I would be caught up by the old bald man."

"Old Bald?" Zhang Ya didn't expect Chen Ge to describe Director Shi, so he almost laughed and quickly turned his face to the side.

Chen Ge's focus was not on Zhang Ya. He focused on the students downstairs, frowning slowly.

The students are almost finished, and they still don't see the figure of Yu Jian.

"You seem to have a lot of things in your heart? If you can, can you tell me? Say those things, your heart should be much better." Zhang Ya's voice is very nice, like a wind chime blown by the breeze.

"Don't worry about me, go and eat quickly. The food will not taste good after a while." Chen Ge looked back at Zhang Ya, thoughtful and gentle. If that didn't happen, Zhang Ya would be happy now.

"Would you like to eat together? The aunty in the cafeteria filled me a lot. I have a particularly small meal and I can't finish it alone." Zhang Ya may just want to get closer. She wants to understand Chen Ge and help the child.

"No, you are going to eat!" Chen Ge did, like a child, ran to the other side and continued to look downstairs.

Ordinary people may not understand Chen Ge at all and do not know what he is doing.

In the eyes of others, Chen Ge's face was full of anxiety at this time, with a maturity in his eyes that did not match his age.

The students are gone. No one can be seen on the empty campus. Chen Ge still hasn't found it.

"Where will he hide? Really want me to turn over the entire Liwan Town? Is there time to come? The people around me look more and more tired ~ www.readwn.com ~ It will probably happen if you drag on Good thing. "Chen Ge was very anxious, but it was useless.

Carrying his bag, he turned around and found Zhang Ya sitting in a chair against the wall, watching him all the time.

"Worried you, I'm sorry." Chen Ge never hurt the people who were good to him. He sat next to Zhang Ya with a bag.

Most of the tables and chairs on the top of the building are faulty and are defective products that no one uses.

"If you have any unhappy things, you can really talk to me, maybe I can help you." Zhang Ya is too gentle with people, and there are people like this in real life, and they are often the most Hurt first.

Beside Zhang Ya, even in the world behind the door, Chen Ge had some inexplicable peace of mind. He put down the backpack that he carried in his hand no matter where he went and moved towards Zhang Ya.

"I want to find someone, his name is Yu Jian."

"Why are you looking for him?"

"Because he is the source of all the misfortunes here, I want to tell him something."

"The source of misfortune?" Zhang Ya didn't understand what Chen Ge was saying: "Have he done anything to you or your family?"

"No, I just want to help him." Chen Ge doesn't know how to say that, he has encountered such things many times in reality. He is the one who comes into contact with the ghost world. He can't tell others about all the misfortunes, pains, and despairs he sees.

Even now, he knows that Zhang Ya is gone and knows everything, but he can't say it.

"Actually, I'm also quite tired." Chen Ge leaned gently on Zhang Ya's shoulders, closed his eyes, and let the wind on the roof blow his face.

Being leaned on Chen Ge, Zhang Ya wanted to dodge at first, but she looked at the somewhat familiar face and didn't have the heart to push Chen Ge away.

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