I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1043: 2 people platform

After closing his eyes for a while, Chen Ge was the first time in the world behind the door to feel so relieved.

After a while, he felt that his behavior was a bit inappropriate, and he sat down again and whispered: "Sorry."

This is an unprecedented experience. Chen Ge now recalled that he suddenly had a belated "shyness". He didn't wait for Zhang Ya to say anything again, and slipped away after lifting his backpack.

Closing the door on the top of the building, Chen Ge trot and left the school, which may be the reason for running too fast, and his heart was beating.

"It seems that the pressure on me is too great, and this door can't be underestimated."

Going out of the school, Chen Ge started a search from the east area of ​​Liwan Town where the school is located according to his own plan.

The staff of Li Gui cannot use it. He can only use his five senses far beyond ordinary people to constantly perceive cold and unknown places.

Until the afternoon class, Chen Ge found nothing.

He had no keys and could not enter other people's homes to check. In the middle, he also considered breaking into the door, but after seeing the police car downstairs, he decisively dismissed the idea.

Hades and Yu Jian want him to experience despair and sink into the darkness. If he uses violence violently, he will probably accelerate the arrival of doom.

"The world behind this door is too big. Liwan Town, which has been half transformed by the shadow, is a Samsung half scene, and the complete Liwan Town should be a four-star scene ..." Chen Ge was surprised to think of it here: "Liwan Town is my memory. Wrong, but it may also be the memory of the unborn child, after all, the shadow of the old nest is Liwan Town. "

Chen Ge ’s memory of Liwan Town is not deep. He does not know the specific location of each building: “There is no Liwan Town in the growth trajectory of Yu Jian. I have only been to Liwan Town a few times. Is it possible that the world is still combined The memory of the unborn child? "

He was taken aback by his own thoughts. If this is the case, the probability that the unborn child is hiding behind the door will increase again.

"I still can't get in touch with my employees, and I can't even do basic communication. Now it depends on whether my employees get rid of the constraints first, or whether the disaster in this world has arrived first."

In the afternoon the sky floated with rain flowers, and Chen Ge returned to the school honestly.

He tried to communicate with other classmates, but everyone seemed to hate him and had a feeling of avoiding him.

"Is my popularity so bad in high school?" Chen Ge reflected on it. He felt that it was imposed on him by Yu Jian. What he is experiencing now is what Yu Jian experienced.

"School skipping, lateness, poor grades, and a cold face every day. I advise you to admit your life." Du Ming, the fat man, unscrewed the thermos, blew it a few times, and then drank. , Loneliness is a carnival of a person. "

Chen Ge ignored Du Ming, he was thinking about how to break the game.

If Yu Jian could not lock himself in a certain room and Chen Ge did not rely on the help of his employees, it would be impossible to find the other party.

"It seems that I have to start with important people, maybe I can find clues from Zhang Ya, my father, and Luo Ruoyu." Chen Ge turned his head to look at the little fat man Du Ming. Strictly speaking, this table at his own A more important person, at least he has a deep memory of Du Ming.

"Du Ming, how about discussing something?" Chen Ge whispered.

"Which subject do you want to borrow?"

"It's not homework, can I go to your house?" Chen Ge wanted to find clues, maybe he could find something in Du Ming's house.

"Absolutely not. If my mother knew that I was playing with you, it would probably break my leg."

"Is it so serious? My impression is that the aunt is very kind and good to everyone." Chen Ge also wanted to fight for it: "Just help, we can sneak in, don't forget your last birthday I also gave you a birthday present. "

"Don't say it, the last time you gave me the startle gift box, a clown popped up when I opened it, and my mother sent it directly to the temple after it was opened." Du Ming shook his head firmly: "She still Having said that, in the future I will take the things you sent home and throw me away. "

"Has this happened?" Chen Ge's eyes widened, and there seemed to be no such paragraph in his memory.

He was not sure whether Du Ming had just forgotten what he said, or whether Du Ming fabricated it.

The rain outside the window is getting bigger and bigger, and the sky is getting dark.

Time passed slowly, and Chen Ge was so bored that he started taking classes to take study notes.

He looked forward to it for a long time, and finally looked forward to school.

"Every evening, it starts to rain until the next morning. From the weather conditions, it seems to be repeating the same day." Chen Ge looked out of the window and watched the drops of water slide from the glass window: "Maybe This is the weather when Yu Jian left school. "

There was almost no one in the school. Chen Ge got up and walked to the entrance of the corridor. He found himself forgetting to bring an umbrella again.

"Don't you have an umbrella?" Du Ming, the little fat man, came from a distance carrying his schoolbag.

"It came out in a hurry, I forgot, did you not bring an umbrella?" Chen Ge looked at the increasing rain, he always felt that the rain seemed to represent something ~ www.readwn.com ~ I also No umbrella. "After talking, Du Ming took out the folded raincoat from the schoolbag:" But I have a raincoat, so I'll see you tomorrow. " "

"Are you here to show off your raincoat? Before I leave this world, I will definitely beat you up." Chen Ge is still gesturing with his fists, Du Ming suddenly coughed, and he lifted his belly, raised his chest, and raised his head .

"Are you afraid? Can you understand what I mean by leaving this world? Let me go! Your kid really has something to do with seeing!" Chen Ge was about to question Du Ming when he suddenly heard footsteps and he turned Just saw Zhang Ya standing beside him: "Zhang ... Teacher?"

"Don't quarrel with classmates." Zhang Ya held up the umbrella: "Did you bring an umbrella again? Let's go, I will take you to the station."

She and Chen Ge stood together, holding an umbrella into the rain curtain, and Du Ming, who was wearing a goose yellow raincoat, stood in the teaching building.

"What's the situation?" Du Ming looked at the raincoat on his body: "What is this emotion that clearly wins, but full of frustration?"

Chen Ge didn't pay attention to Du Ming, he moved closer to Zhang Ya: "I'll take an umbrella."

"No, I am a teacher. I take care of you when I play umbrellas. I always feel weird when you play umbrellas." Zhang Ya refused with a smile.

The two walked to the station together as they did yesterday, because they missed the peak period of school, and now they are the only two on the platform.

No one was talking, one was looking at the rain falling from the sky, one was staring at the vehicles coming and going.

This time it was the No. 104 bus advanced station, but Chen Ge did not get on the bus.

"The 104th road is coming. Remember to bring an umbrella tomorrow." After Zhang Ya finished, Chen Ge was still standing on the spot: "The car is about to leave, Chen Ge?"

"After you get on the bus, I will go." Chen Ge looked at the figures of the two in the standing water: "So at least we can stay longer."

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