I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1048: The love deprived by the womb (5,200)

"Is this love ..." Chen Ge started very hard, Du Ming couldn't get up in a moment, he covered the wound on his face, seemed to finally calm down and began to think about Chen Ge's words.

"Your mother is strict with you, but she doesn't seem to tell you what love is, or she hasn't taught you how to love someone correctly."

"Love is an ability and a responsibility. It is not the same as happiness. It is not just a vision of the person you love. It also includes an attitude towards family, friends, and the world."

"People who know how to love have gentleness in their eyes and light in their hearts. Even if they walk in the fog and night, they will not get lost."

Du Ming's tutoring is very strict. His mother has reached a harsh point for him. If you continue to develop like this, Du Ming will become an excellent person, but he is destined to lack something.

The wind of the rooftop hung over, Chen Ge gave Du Ming time to think, and then he took his mobile phone and crouched in front of Du Ming.

"Did you spread the rumors in school?"

Chen Ge opened the mobile phone album, and the photos in it have been emptied. There are only two photos in the collection, one is Zhang Ya, who is secretly taken, and the other is Zhang Ya and Chen Ge walking outside the school under the umbrella Back view.

"It wasn't me." Du Ming held a word for a long time, and he lifted his puffy face: "My mother peeked at my phone. When she found the photo, she asked who the woman was. I said it was our new arrival. Teacher. "

"What does this have to do with rumors?"

"She saw you and the teacher going home under an umbrella, and felt that such an intern teacher was very unqualified, and she said this in the parent group." Du Ming's eyes were full of self-blame and guilt, and he hated his inability to do anything. Looks like.

"Parent group? When? What does my dad know?"

"On the day you walked with the teacher, your dad should also know about it. At that time, some people in the group recognized you through the back, and many people asked your dad to come out and give an explanation. Your dad has been talking to you, and later He seems to have been kicked out of the group, I thought he would tell you about this. "

"My dad already knew?" Chen Ge counted the time, that day he happened to live in Zhang Ya's house, did not go back.

His father did not accuse him, and proved his trust in Chen Ge by his actions.

"Parents felt that such a teacher could not teach students at all, and felt that there was a problem with her quality, so they decided to consult with the school. Some parents also told their children about this and warned them not to do such stupid things." Du He knew everything clearly, but he never said it. No wonder he did not dare to talk to Chen Ge, but just put all his homework on the table. It seemed that he wanted to express his apology in this way.

"Zhang Ya's interview and written test ranked first among all trainee teachers. Of course, the school will not dismiss Zhang Ya because of a few photos, and the two sides have been deadlocked for a few days." Du Ming said here became more guilty: "I am because of this I was very dissatisfied with my family. I had never rebelled against them before, but I did n’t want to back down on this matter, but my resistance was not understood by her family. Instead, she felt that the child she carefully taught was the newcomer. The teacher's belt is broken. "

"That is to say, your mother blamed Zhang Ya on the reason for her failure in education?" Chen Ge found that he had ignored a person before, that is Du Ming's mother, that woman is the best person in the world for Du Ming. , But also the person who hurt him the most.

Chen Ge had never understood why Du Ming, who had such a good academic record, was so unpopular. Many times he was selfish and indifferent and never responded to others. Now he finally understood the reason.

"The contradiction really broke out because my test scores a few days ago were very bad. My mother felt that my grades would decline completely because Zhang Ya, and then let this new teacher take charge of educating me, it would probably ruin me. "Du Ming's expression was bitter and painful. He was like a bird locked in a jar. The people outside the jar appreciated his sweet" tweets "and felt that everything was the credit of the bird trainer. She didn't even consider that The inner feeling of a bird.

"My mother told me about it in the class that night. Many parents stood up to support her and involved their children's education. They could not afford to be a little careless. They decided to go to school and discuss with the school." Du Ming has already There is no energy to talk about it again: "You know everything about the following things, saying 'consultation' is actually a quarrel, my mother is a very strong person."

"Adults don't understand children. My mother feels that she has done so much for me. I should understand her pains. She thinks that she is arguing loudly in the office for the children. But I heard her sharp voice and just wanted to find a place. Hiding, I know she loves me, but I am now afraid of being told that she is my mother. "

There was indeed a problem with Du Ming ’s mother ’s education. Chen Ge felt that he should see each other once: “I think you should communicate with your mother well, never admit mistakes, and only use strict requirements and moral binding to restrain children , This is not education. "

Du Ming has been able to communicate normally. Chen Ge dragged him from the ground. Both eyes are covered with bloodshot eyes: "Listen, there is still a chance to leave Teacher Zhang Ya, but I do n’t know if you dare Do it. "


"Yes, you take your mobile phone to the office now and tell everyone the truth about the picture. There is nothing invisible between Zhang Ya and me. That day we held an umbrella because I forgot to bring the umbrella. These you It's all clear, you can testify, you can pierce the rumors. "Chen Ge put the phone back in Du Ming's hands:" The key lies in how dare you? "

Holding a mobile phone with a broken screen, Du Ming stood there and did not speak.

"If you want to be clear, tell me again." Chen Ge didn't force Du Ming. He stared at Du Ming quietly, but what he saw was in his mind.

"I ..." Du Ming held his fingers together, his eyes were red, and after a long time he slowly spoke: "I can't go."

"How did you question me just now? Why don't you dare to face it because your pain is not less than me? You want to sink like this all the time, right?" Chen Ge wants to help Zhang Ya, but also helps Du Ming, if Zhang Ya left, Du Ming estimated that he would be guilty for a lifetime, this is an inextricable knot in his heart.

"If I go to clarify all this, my mother will be very angry. After all, she did these things because of me. This is her love for me." Du Ming put away his phone, and his eyes slowly appeared gray. The whole face seems to be dead, and making this decision is not easy for him: "Mr. Zhang still has you, but my mother is only me, my dad left when I was very young, she was right I strictly demand it because she put all her expectations on me. "

"For your good, so I turned you into a selfish and selfish monster? Depriving you of your happiness, depriving you of the ability to love other people, does your mother always love to emphasize how difficult it is, how hard it is for you A lot of things have been paid? "Chen Ge can understand, but he does not agree:" Your mother did not train you to be yourself, but to train you to be what she wants. I do not deny that she loves you, but Her love for you should not be based on strangling your personality. Love is mutual. There may be certain inequalities, but it is generally fair. "

Du Ming heard Chen Ge's words and clenched his teeth.

Chen Ge did not disturb Du Ming, he looked at the little fat man in front of him.

Physical Du Ming does not have any defects, but he also lacks a thing, a thing that should be possessed by human beings, that is "love".

"I will accompany you to explain all the circumstances." Chen Ge grabbed Du Ming's shoulder: "I can drop out of school, I can give up everything, because this is my mistake, the person who should be punished is me, It should not be Zhang Ya. "

With the continuous efforts of Chen Ge, Du Ming finally nodded.

Seeing that Du Ming changed his mind, Chen Ge was relieved, and he accompanied Du Ming to leave the roof.

Knocked on the door of the office, and Chen Ge and Du Ming with swollen nose walked to the desk of Director Shi.

"Have you two something? Who did you fight with?" Director Shi was shocked to see Du Ming like this. After all, Chen Ge really took a heavy hand. He first hit Du Ming until he could not stand up before he started to make sense. .

"Director Shi, in fact, Teacher Zhang did not do anything that violated professional ethics as rumored." Du Ming took out his mobile phone: "This is the first photo in the parent group, which was true that day. The situation was that Chen Ge did not bring an umbrella. Teacher Zhang was worried that he would get wet, so he took an umbrella away with him. I was right next to it. "

"But your mother said it yesterday, didn't you tell her that?"

"I said, but she didn't believe me." Du Ming placed his mobile phone on Director Shi's desk.

"It turned out to be a misunderstanding. It happened. You immediately called your mother and asked her to come over. We said everything." Director Shi wanted to solve the problem. Zhang Ya was the most interviewed by him. An excellent teacher fired people because of a misunderstanding.

Du Ming called his mother and his mother came over quickly. Director Shi also called Zhang Ya, but he didn't get through.

"Ms. Zhang will not be in trouble?" Chen Ge wanted to take a look at Zhang Ya's house, but Director Shi refused to let him go, saying that he was also one of the parties and had to testify for Zhang Ya on the spot.

Waited for about half an hour, there was footsteps outside the door, there was no knock on the door, the office door was pushed open directly, and a middle-aged woman came in.

Originally had impatience on her face, but when she saw Du Ming's miserable appearance, her expression changed instantly and trot to Du Ming.

"What's the matter? Who was beaten? Was it him?" The woman stared at Chen Ge: "I told you not to deal with this kind of person long ago. He doesn't learn well, do you want to follow him? I happened to come today , Director Shi, how about changing my son ’s seat? "

"Calling you today, I still want to tell you about the previous thing, you have wronged Teacher Zhang." Director Shi took out Du Ming's mobile phone: "Teacher Zhang did not do anything extraordinary with the students, they played together The umbrella is because Chen Ge did not bring an umbrella. "

"Who told you?" The middle-aged woman's face darkened with a brush.

"Du Ming told me, don't you believe Teacher Zhang, don't you still believe your son?" Director Shi thought he could easily convince Du Ming's mother, but he didn't expect the other party to be hard-hearted and wanted Zhang Ya to leave. .

"Impossible! Someone must have forced him to lie!" The middle-aged woman looked at Chen Ge: "Where did the injury on my son come from? Did you force him to ask him to give you false evidence?"

Du Ming's mother is like a lion irritated, the tone is constantly rising.

The quarrel led all the teachers in the office to watch. Du Ming lowered his head, but Du Ming's mother seemed to be completely indifferent. Her voice grew louder.

"Mother Du Ming, please calm down first. Teacher Zhang was interviewed by me. She is really a good girl. She will never do what you say."

"How can you guarantee?" The middle-aged woman dropped her bag on the table: "She doesn't look like a good teacher. I sent my son to you for class. I trust you. This is your attitude towards me. ? "

"You are a bit unreasonable." Director Shi is also a little embarrassed. He has said all the good things and can't change the middle-aged woman's thoughts. He can only look at Du Ming: "Du Ming, you tell the truth to the teacher. Did Chen Ge force you to say that? "

Lowered his head, Du Ming clutched his clothes with both hands, his face pale.

"Du Ming, tell us how Chen Ge forced you to say it!" The middle-aged woman was almost in command tone.

The office was quiet, Du Ming kept silent, his mother's expression became more and more irritable, and when she was about to explode, Du Ming spoke.

"No one forced me."

Director Shi and Chen Ge were relieved, but Du Ming ’s mother could n’t accept it. She grabbed Du Ming ’s shoulder: “Do n’t be afraid, to be honest, are you threatened by him?”

"I'm telling the truth. Teacher Zhang didn't do anything shameful with Chen Ge. You just saw a picture of Teacher Zhang on my mobile phone. I was afraid that Teacher Zhang would affect my academic performance. So I tried my best to take Zhang The teacher got rid of it! "Du Ming suffocated for a long time, and said everything he wanted to say in one breath this time.

"Du Ming?" The middle-aged woman's face was covered with clouds, her teeth were squeaking, her nose was panting, she seemed to have never thought that Du Ming would say that, the feeling of anger and betrayal immediately surged. Over the head: "Don't I do this for you? Why don't you understand!"

Du Ming didn't dare to answer the question. At this time, the school bell rang and many students ran out of the classroom and came to the corridor.

"I am a dad and a mom alone. Is it so easy to pull you? Do you know how much sin I have suffered?" The middle-aged woman clenched her teeth. "I put all my expectations on you. Is that how you responded to me? "

Mr. Du Ming's voice was loud, and the students in the corridor could hear clearly. They gradually came around and peeked beside the window.

"I'm talking to you! What the **** are you thinking about every day? For that teacher Zhang, you didn't even listen to my words? What ecstasy did she give you?" The middle-aged woman grabbed the clothes on Du Ming's shoulder : "After your father abandoned us, I am the best person for you in this world. Everything I do is for you. As long as you are good, I am also very happy. Why don't you understand?"

"Only I am really good to you in this world! Du Ming! You are too disappointing me!"

Sentence teared Du Ming's heart, the wound split open, full of blood in the name of love.

He gasped violently, his hands clenched tightly, and his phalanx rang.

The sound of the quarrel was too loud, and the outside of the corridor was also clearly heard. The faces of the students were stuck on the windows, and strange eyes fell on everyone in the room.

Du Ming felt like he was stripped off and put it on the stage now. He clutched his private parts desperately, looking for a place to hide.

"Du Ming and his mother are here again?"

"I heard the sound when I was in class."

"Du Ming's mother has a terrible temper."

"Come and see! It's noisy again."

"Is Du Ming a single-parent family? His father abandoned them?"

"No wonder he is lonely and inferior, and he stutters in class ..."

A sentence came into Du Ming's ears, tormenting every nerve of him, and the last point of self-esteem he tried to maintain was crushed.

The chest undulates violently. He wants to cover his ears and wants to escape from this place.

The pupils' uneasy rotation, the mother's reprimands and interrogations kept coming, and the strange eyes and comments on the corridor also poured into my mind.

"Don't say it, please don't say it, please don't say it again ..." His mouth opened unconsciously, his body trembling, and he slowly backed back to the window sill.

'S unconscious fingers pressed against the edge of the window sill. Du Ming, who was panting violently, seemed to find that the drowner had finally found the exit from the cellar, and he suddenly opened the window.

Legs crossed the window sill, his body seemed to be lighter, the wind was blowing head on, and he grabbed him with both hands when his world was about to turn upside down.

"Are you crazy?"

Things in Du Ming's eyes are Chen Ge slightly unreal face: "Death can not solve any problems!"

Tried his best and Chen Ge dragged Du Ming back.

Just now that he found out that Du Ming had a problem with his emotions, he always stood by his side.

Everyone in the house was frightened ~ www.readwn.com ~ They didn't expect Du Ming to do such a thing, including his mother.

The teachers in the office all looked at Du Ming, and the onlookers dared not speak anymore. The world seemed to be suddenly still.

"Why do you do this?" Du Ming's mother took a long time to speak, but her voice was significantly different than before, as if she had said something else in her mouth.

"Why would you rather die than listen to me? Obviously I am the best person for you in this world, and I am the one who really understands and loves you in this world."

The middle-aged woman's face appeared black patches. The door behind the world, which is not much different from the real world, began to change. A thin black thread appeared in the corner, and a pungent stench came from all around.

The overcast sky pressed over the head, and the heavy rain poured out, washing away the false disguise of the town.

Black sky, red rain, gray buildings, and countless intertwined curses.

"You are obviously the same person as me. In this world, only I can understand you, and only I am really helping you, but why would you rather die than be like me?" The middle-aged woman lifted up At the head, the black curse escaped all around, revealing a baby's face.

Birth tire! !

When this face appeared, Du Ming's body was slowly changing, and his fat body was like a prison cage woven with a curse, and inside it was a skinny boy.

Du Ming's mobile phone also fell to the ground. The woman in the background of the screen is no longer Zhang Ya, but another strange woman wearing glasses.

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