I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1049: Zhang Yi in Red (4600)

All the illusions have faded, this town is just a nightmare used to imprison the sight.

In this nightmare, Yu Jian was wrapped in a thick shell, and the womb became his closest mother.

Perhaps Mingyu wanted to let Yu Jian understand himself and understand his good intentions in this way. After all, they used to have the same three views, and they all distributed malicious “monsters” in their hearts.

Fei Fei feels that Yu Jian is the same type of person as himself. Yu Jian feels that Fei Fei can help himself to do many things. They once hit it off and committed countless crimes.

One day, when I met the teacher who changed his life, he began to defy the instructions of the fetal fetus if he began to violate the fetal fetus.

Chen Ge looked at Yu Jian, who was locked in Du Ming's body, and all the questions were understood.

He is very glad that he used violence without coming up. If he violated his principles and ruined this town unscrupulously, he might become a bargaining chip.

Midborn will definitely tell Yu Jian that everyone has a devil in his heart. This is normal. Everyone will do such a thing. There is no need to do what the female teacher said.

Once the concubine was successfully persuaded to meet, Chen Ge would face not only the concubine, but he would also be targeted by him.

"The worst case didn't appear, and my patience was a reward." Chen Ge gave a lesson to his meeting with his actual actions. If Yu Jian met the teacher, it was a beam of light in his life. , Let him see the real world outside the mist, then Chen Ge is a pair of grabbing his hands, trying to drag him out of the quagmire.

The unborn child finally did not get the approval of Yu Jian. Instead, all he paid caused Yu Jian's fierce resistance.

The whole body was filled with black cursed silk threads, and the unborn child could not understand it. He also began to grudge slowly in the eyes he looked at.

"I'm so good to you and help you wholeheartedly, but you treat me like this?" The baby's face was twisted and deformed, and the hatred in the heart of the unborn child reached the extreme. He couldn't understand how much he paid so clearly. such?

The words he kept telling seemed to have been said to anyone. He repeated it again and again, and his breath became more and more scary, and soon surpassed the ordinary red clothes.

"Isn't this guy a real womb? Is it hidden behind this door?" Chen Ge had no idea, he was very unlucky, but that means under normal circumstances, in certain abnormal special In situations such as when drawing rewards, he always has an indissoluble bond with Li Gui and Hong Yi.

Unsatisfied with seeing personnel, wrapped in layers of curses, Chen Ge couldn't get him out, and throwing him here alone might cause an accident.

Thinking again and again, Chen Ge took out the comic book from his backpack. Regardless of the true or false fetus in front of him, he decided to solve the other party here.

This time immersed in the world behind the door, his mental state has reached the limit, his eyes are red, and he is on the verge of collapse.

"It's over."

Turned the comic book, Chen Ge shouted the employee's name, the blood stained comic book seemed to have a surge of blood, and a pungent **** smell suppressed the strong smell in the room.

The ghost in red and the most vicious curse were **** for tat in the office, and the power of terror and thrill in the eyes of two ordinary people collided with each other.

"Du Ming's mother is much stronger than the woman in Wu Sheng's world, it is not a level at all."

Can't hide in a small space. With the appearance of a blood red figure, this strange world is stained with a shocking red.

The blood was flowing, and a pair of pale hands pierced the cursed woven cage, and will be taken out of it at the meeting.

"Xu Yin, Lao Bai, you two are by my side, don't go past for now."

Called for ten days before the barriers of the world behind the door were broken. With the emergence of employees, this false world could not exist for too long.

The scenes woven together by the memories of Chen Ge, Ming Tai, and Yu Jian are about to collapse, and Chen Ge wants to personally destroy his dream.

"The two of you will try it out first." Chen Ge called out the red costume of the costume he found in the virtual future park and the red ghost of the water ghost in Jiangyuan District.

They were held back for a long time, and it was difficult to find out. The first thing I saw was a black tire that was constantly darkening. The rapidly rising terror made the two red clothes feel a lot of pressure.

"The snail behind Jiang Ming ’s door had a hard shell, and only ten red clothes joined together to open it; the faceless woman behind Wu Shengmen was able to control the blood and could use it all by himself; , Lay traps; the fetus behind each door has different abilities, the guy in front of him has unknown abilities, it is better to try it in red costumes and red ghosts. "

Chen Ge is very cautious. He stayed behind the door for so long, and he never allowed himself to have problems at the last minute.

"Little cloth, look at the right moment and be ready to shoot!"

Among the red clothes around Chen Ge, the strongest now is Xiaobu.

Since becoming a real pusher in Liwan Town, this little girl has not yet exerted her full strength.

All the red clothes appeared, and Chen Ge could only give a few words when they didn't shoot.

The fighting between the red-robed devils is extremely **** and cruel. They are all entangled with deep resentment. Unless they are crushed by absolute power, as long as they start to fight, it will be an endless situation, and no one can pull them apart.

Of course, except for a very sensible red dress like Men Nan, he is a different number.

Shuigui red dress and costume red dress daringly appeared in front of Du Ming's mother, they had to go on, but there was no other choice.

Fortunately, the costume was red. She was full of hatred for the fetus. At first, the fetus forcibly occupied her shrine.

The water ghost red clothes even appeared to throw the enemy's thoughts, which was completely different from what he initially thought: "Chen Ge, the agreement between us does not seem to include fighting with other red clothes?"

He wanted to struggle a bit, after all, Du Ming's mother, who was pretending to be a fetus, gave him a very dangerous feeling.

"This is the agreement between us. Didn't you let me help you find the door pusher in Jiangyuan Community? The unborn child is the door pusher. As long as you kill him, you are the owner of that door." Chen The song didn't lie, at least he didn't think he had said a lie.

"We agreed to kill the doormen together!" The water ghost red clothes are very strong in the water. Here he can't exert his ability at all, and soon he was cursed and scratched on his body: "Help me! Help me!"

"The one given by others is called alms, and the one I fight for is called dignity." Chen Ge's eyes were fixed on the water ghost red dress, and the cursed silk thread followed the wound into the body of the water ghost red dress and crawled towards his heart.

He gradually lost his mind, and all the negative emotions in his heart were aroused, and then it would become a collection of grievances that could not be communicated.

Has no emotion other than hatred, hatred and killing.

"Is the corpse behind this door eroding obsession with a curse? Pollution of the heart in red?"

The heart of red clothes is the foundation of their existence, and it is the crystallization of obsession. Chen Ge didn't expect that the curse of this womb would be so terrible.

"Quick battle and quick decision! Come together! Be careful not to be hurt by it!"

After figuring out his ability, Chen Ge dared not keep his hand.

The curse of the unborn child is too terrible, with such an ability, if you let the unborn child drag through the initial period of time, after the curse occurs, then Chen Ge's number advantage will not be there.

The contaminated red ghost Li Gui will tear up everything he sees, whether it is a former colleague or Chen Ge, the owner of the horror house.

"Now I have tried out several abilities of the fetal womb. The more I understand him, the more horrible he is."

All the red clothes have no hidden strength, and with all their efforts, the body of Ming Fei instantly becomes crippled. He is no longer human, but he still has not disappeared.

The black silk thread hidden in the world behind the door kept pouring into his body, helping him recover quickly.

"The world behind Yu Jian's door is helping him?" Chen Ge knew that he could not drag on. He grabbed the boy's shoulder on the ground: "Yu Jian, can you hear my voice? Your perseverance paid off, I'll pick it up You go home!"

"Wake up! The mother in your heart is ugly, not your real mother!"

"Are you really stubborn about this world? Don't you want to look at your teacher again? There are many people like her in this world. The fetal womb only lets you see the darkest side, in fact at any time It is because there is light that there is darkness! "

Seemed to hear the teacher's word, Yu Jian's eyes blinked, and his brow slowly wrinkled, as if he had dreamed something bad.

"Yu Jian, if you really feel that you have encountered love, then don't sink behind the door, don't let her be sad, use all your strength to make yourself change." Chen Ge will hug her and meet his face Punched hard with a punch: "Cheer up! Maybe she is waiting for you too!"

The flesh that had sunk slowly recovered, so I saw the eyelids twitched a few times, and then he slowly opened his eyes.

Chen Ge picked up the mobile phone on the ground and placed the photo on the screen before seeing it: "Seriously live, walk out of the past, and see her if you have the chance."

Confused eyes slowly came into focus, and one thing that happened once came to my mind, and I saw that my hands were holding the phone with the broken screen, and the expression was no longer numb.

Chen Ge took off his coat and put it on Yu Jian. This child has a strong self-esteem, but he did not wear anything in the world behind the door, which may also represent some of his mental state.

"The unborn child is pinned on you, constantly inducing you to move towards the abyss, he blocked all the light, only let you see the darkness and despair, fortunately you finally met the teacher."

"Mr. Zhang ..." There was a little light in Yu Jian's eyes, and the connection between Ming Fei and the world behind the door was constantly weakening. He could no longer gain strength from the world he saw.

"Yu Jian!" Ming Fei's body is incomplete and full of wounds, it screams: "The person who accompanied you when you were the most lonely! It was me when your father abandoned you and your mother blamed you. Beside! The adults are arguing and scolding, and I am protecting you when I fight to get rid of 'love'! "

The harsh voice came from the mouth of Ming Fei, he no longer pretended to be Du Ming's mother, and talked about his parasitism in seeing what happened to him.

Yu Jian seems to be an illegitimate child, his mother likes a married man, parents' disputes, gossip between neighbors, various reasons lead to Yu Jian's perception of "love" is distorted at the beginning, plus the womb The deliberate guidance of Yu Jian gradually lost the ability to love.

"He's not protecting you, he just wants you to become his tool, a machine that doesn't know how to love." Chen Ge will see him behind him: "If you still keep me behind the door In the memory of time, you can think about what love is and what you should do to truly love someone. "

The unborn child can no longer get help from the world behind him. At this time, he looks grisly and mad. Compared with the physical pain, he is more annoyed to see his attitude towards him.

Seeing the miserable appearance of the unborn child, Yu Jian's mouth twitched, his hand slowly raised, and finally slowly lowered.

"Yu Jian, Yu Jian!" Ming Fei's body was completely torn by ten red clothes, all black silk threads were drowned in blood, and Du Ming's mother, who was posing as Ming Fei, disappeared, leaving only a child's hand-painted watercolor on the ground.

A family of three happily stood in front of the haunted house. The sky was painted with a fiery sun. The road was planted with green trees. The family was wearing bright clothes. The haunted house behind the three also used various colors.

This picture was painted by Chen Ge when he was a child, and his name was written obliquely next to it. This seems to be the homework assigned by the teacher at that time, and he drew a picture on the subject of home.

"This picture is in the hands of the unborn child?" The painting in front of me was ordinary. Chen Ge looked at it for a while and then found that it was abnormal. There was more in the painting than he remembered.

A family of three happily stood in front of the haunted house, under the fiery sun in the sky. Behind the villain representing Chen Ge, someone added a small shadow.


Chen Ge put this picture in his backpack, helped him to see it, and walked out of the office accompanied by the staff in red.

"It's time to leave."

The town has changed beyond recognition. The beautiful dream has awakened. Chen Ge stared blankly at the window, as if looking for someone.

The streets are covered with cracks and the rain is pouring, and the world is about to collapse behind this door.

Chen Ge finally did not see the figure, he walked to the black iron door in the school equipment room.

Just as he was about to open the iron door with the staff in Red, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Chen Ge immediately connected the phone without hesitation. He put the phone to his ear and held his breath.

After a moment, Zhang Ya's voice came from the phone: "The teacher promised you, and when you leave, you will be told, Chen Ge ..."

"Where are you?" Chen Ge took the phone and ran to the window: "I'm going to find you!"

Without an umbrella, Chen Ge rushed into the rain with a backpack and a mobile phone. He ran on the cracked street, passed through the world that was about to collapse, and finally saw the slightly lonely road at the crossroads of the town Figure.

Zhang Ya stood on the side of the road holding a red umbrella, and the phone in her hand had not been hung up.

Gasped, Chen Ge was wet with rain.

"I didn't want to call you, I was afraid that it would affect your study, but when I really made up my mind to leave, I was a little unable to control myself." Zhang Ya raised the red umbrella over Chen Ge's head, quietly Standing in front of him: "Can you forgive my selfishness?"

The gray town begins to tilt ~ www.readwn.com ~ The black cracks tear the whole world.

Chen Ge did n’t answer Zhang Ya ’s question. He looked at Zhang Ya at such a short distance for the first time: “If the dance studio did not happen, if we are not teachers and students, if you are just Zhang Ya, I am just Chen Ge , How good it should be. "

Hearing Chen Ge, Zhang Ya said nothing. She took another step forward, tipped her toes, and leaned against Chen Ge lightly.

Lifted his hands, Zhang Ya whispered in Chen Ge's ear: "Hug me tight."

Under the blood-red umbrella, Chen Ge's arm has not fallen, and Zhang Ya's body has become unreal.

The red umbrella fell to the ground, and Chen Ge had nothing in his arms. He stood silently in the rain.

The world behind the door collapsed and collapsed, and the employees in red clothes would bring Jian and Chen Ge to the iron gate and work together to push the door open.

As they left the world behind the door, a few drops of blood-red rain fell on Chen Ge's backpack, penetrated into it, and finally stained Zhang Ya's book.


Stepped out of the iron gate, the world was spinning around, Chen Ge fell in the bedroom where he fell.

His eyes were flushed and he couldn't take care of anything. He directly opened his backpack and took out Zhang Ya's bedtime story book.

Turned back page by page, and Chen Ge turned to the last page.

"* Year * Month * Day, I had a dream, dreamed that I became a teacher, he became my student.".

"I dreamed that I would go home with him under an umbrella, dreamed that we were waiting for the car at the platform together, dreamed that we would cook together and live together."

"I also dreamed that I embraced him, and he hugged me tightly."

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