I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1050: 7th child (four thousand)

Many stories of cruelty and murder are recorded, and its last page turned out to be a warm dream.

Finger stroking the writing on the book, tired and flooding, Chen Ge hugged the book, closed his **** eyes, and lay down on the ground.

Ten days and nights after, he was under great psychological pressure and was almost on the verge of collapse.

After leaving Yu Jian's world, he couldn't hold it anymore.

The backpack fell beside him, Chen Ge fell asleep like this, and on the single bed beside him, Yu Jian woke up from his sleep.

Wearing a thin blanket, Yu Jian looked at Chen Ge and slowly buried his head in front of his chest.

Yu Jian's mother standing at the door saw this scene, and she didn't know what had happened in the house.

She just felt that before Chen Ge came in, she only saw that one person was abnormal. After Chen Ge's treatment, now both of them seemed crazy.

"This is how to do?"

Yu Jian ’s mother entered the house and wanted to drag Chen Ge away. She tried it and found that she could n’t drag Chen Ge at all with her own strength, so she had to leave.

Walked out of the bedroom with a frown on her face, and **** red figures appeared behind her.

If she did something bad just now, the whole building might suffer.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Chen Ge was woken up by the mobile phone alarm clock, and the blood in his eyes had not completely disappeared.

Covering his still-painful head, Chen Ge glanced out of the window, the sun shining into the bedroom through the gap of the curtain, and dressed neatly, Yu Jian was sitting at the desk.

"you're awake?"

Hearing the sound, Yu Jian turned around. He was dressed neatly and seemed to be ready to go out.

"My head hurts a little." Chen Ge picked up his backpack and put everything away: "You should remember that dream last night?"

Yu Jian shook his head: "I don't remember clearly, but I didn't forget what you said to me."

He gave Chen Ge several pages of white paper organized on the table: "All my sins are written on it. I will go to see Teacher Zhang and then surrender to the police station."

The content on the white paper is shocking, full of malicious ideas and mean curses, three of which are the most serious.

The first thing is that when he was very young, with the encouragement of the unborn child, he almost poked the eyes of blind neighbors and children.

The second thing was when he ran away from home in junior high school, he completely handed him over to the fetus, conniving at the fetus to complete the layout of nine children.

During this period, the unborn child had repeatedly injured others, including the hand of Wu Jinpeng ’s younger brother who was injured by a fan.

Wu Kun wanted to deprive Wu Sheng of his voice. Wu Kun, whose IQ is much lower than ordinary people, was not afraid of Ming Fei and tried his best to block it. Unfortunately, he was not his opponent at all.

The third thing is related to Yu Jian's biological father. If it was not the teacher, Yu Jian might have been forced into a dead end by the fetal womb.

"I know he is using me, and I knew from the beginning that he couldn't choose me at all." Yu Jian looked at Chen Singer's blank paper full of text: "I am the same person as him, he hates it from the bottom of my heart For people like us, his deepest hatred comes from himself. "

Yu Jian is the living person who spends the longest time with Ming Fei. He should be regarded as one of the people who know Ming Fei most.

"Since you know that Mingtai is using you, why should you help him?" This is where Chen Ge cannot understand.

"I said that I was the same person as him. For a moment, I felt that he was my only friend." Yu Jian was very weak. He took back some blank sheets of paper and pulled open the bedroom. curtain.

The sun was long gone into the bedroom, and Yu Jian looked at the scenery outside the window: "This world is actually quite beautiful."

Put those few pages of white paper into the schoolbag, Yu Jian turned his back to the sun, opened the bedroom door, and walked out of the hut that looked after him.

In the hallway, Yu Jian's mother saw Yu Jian walked out of the bedroom neatly, her face full of incredible.

"Son ..."

"I want to go out for a walk."

"Good, good!"

The anti-theft door opened, and Yu Jian left with her schoolbag on her back. Yu Jian ’s mother rushed into the bedroom and looked at Chen Ge with a shocked expression: “How did you do it? Yu Jian ’s illness seemed to be much better! He even asked for it. It ’s incredible to go outside and walk! ”

"Yu Jian was not sick, he just didn't know how to love this world and the people around him." Chen Ge stared at Yu Jian's mother: "If you don't want Yu Jian to be like before, just sit down and follow me. Talk, please stop lying and concealing this time. "

Through the conversation, the words spoken by the unborn child behind the door were verified.

Yu Jian is indeed an illegitimate child, his father wanted to get rid of their mother and son, and his mother regarded him as a tool to threaten.

He did n’t know what love was from a young age, and was used by the womb, and malicious and ugly were magnified indefinitely, which eventually led to his psychological distortion.

Yu Jian ’s mother was guilty of seeing her heart. She took good care of her, but at the same time she wanted to train Yu Jian to be a better person than his father, so she was very strict with seeing.

There is almost no social and entertainment, as long as the academic performance is good, it is enough to have special skills.

After in-depth communication, Chen Ge also discovered a deeper problem.

Yu Jian ’s mother knew that Yu Jian had a psychological problem long ago. After seeing several dangerous actions against others, she did not realize the seriousness of the problem. Instead, she blindly blocked and sheltered, causing Yu Jian Missed the opportunity to be corrected again and again.

"Yu Jianhui became like this, not entirely his own fault." Chen Ge mentioned his backpack: "If you have a chance, you'd better go to see the teacher who was dismissed because of Yu Jian, really saved It ’s her who sees her. "

Figured out everything, Chen Ge was ready to leave.

"Wait a moment." Yu Jian's mother stopped Chen Ge: "Although I don't know what method you used, but you really helped Yu Jian open his heart. How much does this treatment cost? If Yu Jian traps himself later How do I contact you in the room? "

"I don't rely on this to make money." Chen Ge stood in the bedroom and scanned around, and finally picked up a clay sculpture on Yu Jian's desk: "This clay sculpture is just as good as what you paid me."

He put the clay sculpture with Yu Jian's name on his backpack and left Yu Jian's house.

Take the elevator to the first floor, Chen Ge walked into the safe passage, he squatted on the ground and looked at his shadow.

"When will you wake up, I have many questions to ask you."

Took out the clay sculpture with the name of Umi from his backpack, and Chen Ge placed it on his shadow.

Black and red blood poured out of the clay sculpture and penetrated into the shadow, and a breath of suppressed terror was slowly awakening.

"Find all the remaining clay sculptures, you should be able to wake up."

What happened in the world behind the door Chen Ge did not forget, he really understood the girl in his shadow.

Mentioning the backpack, Chen Ge hurried over before the New Century Paradise opened.

He said nothing, and as soon as he went back, he hurriedly opened the door and put on makeup for the employees to prepare for business.

Delayed by more than ten minutes before the haunted house began to receive tourists. Chen Ge was also very upset. He personally ran beside the tourist team and gave the waiting tourists water and some small gifts for the New Century Paradise.

Chen Ge is famous on the Internet. Many tourists started to take pictures as soon as they saw him, and even caused a lot of riots.

"If one day my haunted house can't manage, I might consider switching to becoming a celebrity."

There was no accident in the haunted house business. Tourists entered the venue in an orderly manner, and Chen Ge was relieved.

After saying hello to Uncle Xu, he walked out of the New Century Paradise with a backpack alone.

"My boss is too ignorant."

It was not long before the birth of the unborn child. Chen Ge called Li Zheng, asked where Zhen Zhen was, and went directly to him.

In the taxi, Chen Ge took out his black mobile phone, and there were unread messages on it.

"I should have received this message when I came out of the door." Chen Ge swiped the screen and clicked on the unread message.

"The four-star trial mission has completed nine-fifths of the unborn child. The unborn child has lost the emotion of living people and can no longer curse you through your favorite person! Lucky red-clothed caregiver! You are running out of time!"

"The four-star trial mission Netherborn has completed six-ninth, and Netherborn has lost its heart! His most cherished thing has been stolen and his strength is greatly reduced! Note! Lucky red-clothed caregiver! Your time is no longer too much!"

Looking at the two messages on the black phone, Chen Ge was stunned.

"How is it possible? I only entered the world behind Yu Jian last night, helping Yu Jian to find his deprived love. I only completed one task! Why is the heart of the unborn child gone ?!"

Frowned, Chen Ge's brain was running fast, and his eyes flashed with light, thinking of a possibility.

"It's the curse of the hospital that stole the heart of the womb!"

The child Chen Ge, who was deprived of his heart by the corpse fetus, still has an impression. At that time, Chen Ge encountered an unsmiling encounter at his door, but he did not clash with it.

"Don't laugh means the cursed hospital, they also stared at the fetus, the child with congenital heart disease is the child selected by the fetus!"

Last night, Chen Ge entered the world behind Yu Jian ’s door and took away the love deprived of his fetus.

On the same night, they did not laugh and started to the child who had a heart problem. They stole the heart deprived by the womb.

"Why did the cursed hospital also have the idea of ​​a fetal fetus? What is the relationship between them and the fetal fetus?"

Chen Ge remembered one more thing. Every time he entered the world behind the door of a child who was selected by a fetal tire, a black iron door appeared behind him.

The door seemed to be the door of the confinement room, with blood stains vaguely visible on it, and a faint smell of disinfectant water remaining.

The world behind the door is woven from the memories of those children, but the black iron door is the memory of Ming Fei.

"Is the black iron door a certain door in the cursed hospital? The fetus was once imprisoned in that hospital?" Chen Ge used to think of the fetus and the cursed hospital separately. Now he suddenly found that the fetus and There may be a connection between the cursed hospitals.

"Evil is contagious. Who was the person who first created the evil?"

Chen Ge did not have any affection for the cursed hospital. He wished that the womb could die with that hospital. The problem is that the cursed hospital might have the same idea as Chen Ge. They wanted both Chen Ge and the womb to lose. , Take advantage of the fisherman himself.

"In addition to being careful about the fetal fetus, you should also be alert to that hospital." Chen Ge was very calm: "I used nearly ten red clothes to kill Du Ming's mother who was posing as a fetus. The heart of the fetus shows that their strength is definitely not weaker than me! It is likely that there will be a top red dress! "

There was some impatience in his heart, Chen Ge kept urging the driver, and he came to the city branch after ten minutes.

"Li Team, Zhen Zhen? Can I see him? After all, what I say is his life-saving benefactor."

"In the duty room, the child is very sensible, and we all like him very much." Li Zheng was busy with other things. When he saw Chen Ge coming, he put down the matter at hand: "I will take you there . "

"Don't worry, I still have something to ask." Chen Ge walked to Li Zheng: "I asked you to check the child with congenital heart disease ..."

"He died in the hospital last night." Li Zheng pulled a document from the table: "That child is called Nie Xin, has congenital heart disease, and it is actually a miracle to be able to sustain it until now."

"Dead? Yesterday night?" Chen Ge clenched his teeth. He was 80% sure that he did not laugh.

This life is gone, he is obviously so young, he hasn't even seen the world.

"I should have passed by early." Chen Ge blamed himself.

The children selected by the womb are all poor people ~ www.readwn.com ~ So Chen Ge has been trying to help them.

Chen Ge enters the world behind the door, and often finds the ability of those children to be deprived of the fetus, and then returns this ability to those children, so that those children become complete.

But other people, whether it is Jia Ming or not, do not care about the lives of those children. They do whatever they can, as long as they can get the obsession of the remaining fetus, they can do anything.

"Nie Xin's parents are all right?"

"Well, the child's parents' emotions are still stable, but the doctor in charge seems to have some problems. After the operation last night, he was comatose, and he hasn't woke up yet."

Chen Ge asked the name of the attending doctor clearly, and then led by Li Zheng to the duty room of the municipal branch.

Before arrived, Chen Ge heard the laughter in the duty room.

Opened the door, and a policewoman was teasing Zhen Zhen.

Seeing Chen Ge come in, Zhen Zhen jumped from the bed and hid behind the policewoman. He seemed a little afraid of Chen Ge, a scene that no one thought of.

Put down his backpack, Chen Ge walked to Zhen Zhen: "Don't you know your uncle?"

Zhen Zhen nodded, then shook his head again. He seemed to see another figure on Chen Ge, which made him feel both familiar and uneasy. .

After a while, Zhen Zhen returned to normal. He took Chen Ge's hand and handed the sugar on the table to Chen Ge.

"Zhen Zhen, uncle came this time to want to ask you something." Chen Ge took the sugar Zhen Zhen handed him: "When you were held by Jia Ming, apart from Liu Wen and Nie Xin, did you feel To other children? "

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