I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1051: Cat (four thousand)

Chen Ge explained for a long time that Zhen Zhen understood what he meant, but Zhen Zhen didn't seem to want to talk about this topic and hid behind the policewoman again.

"Chen Ge, he is still a child, is undergoing trauma treatment, don't let him recall those bad things." The policewoman Chen Ge saw her for the first time, but the other party called his name directly, it seems The two have known each other for a long time.

"If I want to stop the tragedy from the source, I can only find the answer from Zhen Zhen. I am also forced to help." Chen Ge crouched in front of Zhen Zhen: "Zhen Zhen, if you feel the position of other children, you must tell me , Uncle wanted to protect that child. "

The cursed hospital is also looking for the child selected by the fetal fetus. Once they are found first, the child is likely to be directly killed by them.

After more than ten minutes, Zhen Zhen finally spoke. He hid behind the policewoman and lost a smile on his small face. He said timidly: "That strange uncle always said strange things to me before I fell asleep. After that, I always have dreams that have nothing to do with me, like experiencing a strange life from a human perspective. "

Zhen Zhen did not express clearly, but Chen Ge could understand what he meant.

This child has the same origin as Ming Fei, and his body is contaminated with the smell of Ming Fei. With the help of Jia Ming, he dreamed of other children selected by Ming Fei.

Jia Ming and Kitano used Liu Zhen's ability to find Liu Wen.

"Besides Liu Wen and Nie Xin, I also had a dream. It was dark and I couldn't see anything." Zhen Zhen recalled very hard.

"Dream in darkness? Can't see anything?"

"Well, that kind of feeling is uncomfortable, the surroundings are completely black, and the body is particularly itchy, and I want to scratch my skin."

After listening to Zhen Zhen ’s description, Chen Ge felt a little uncomfortable: “The eyes ca n’t see, then the sense of smell and hearing should be okay. Have you smelled anything strange? What special sound did you hear?”

Chen Ge slowly guides Zhen Zhen. The child thought for a while before speaking: "I can smell a fishy smell and I can hear the sound of cats, yes! It seems that there are many cats in my room. . "

"A lot of cats? A blind man who adopts stray cats?" Chen Ge first came up with such an image: "Only the cry of a cat? Is there no one talking?"

"There seems to be a man's voice. He seems to call my younger brother. He seems to have said something, but he feels that he is far away from me, and he doesn't hear clearly." Zhen Zhen told Chen Ge everything he knew.

"I probably understand." Chen Ge walked out of the duty room, took out his mobile phone, and recorded the useful information: "There are two men in Zhen Zhen's dream, they should be two brothers, the younger brother is blind, and there are Many cats. Infer from the smelly smell, the environment should be very poor, the elder brother is standing far away from the younger brother to speak ... "

Li Zheng stood next to Chen Ge, watching Chen Ge muttering to himself, while organizing the information, while recording, and a bitter smile on his face unconsciously: "You really are Qu Cai when you are not a policeman."

"Zheng brother, can you do me a favor again." Chen Ge looked at Li Zheng after finishing the information: "If you don't find the blind person as soon as possible, he may be in danger of life."

The last moment was still chatting with the child, and the next moment was involved in the murder case. The topic changed quickly, and even an experienced criminal policeman such as Li Zheng did not respond: "Life is dangerous? How did you pass the dream of a child and infer? A homicide? I did n’t question your meaning, I just felt a little weird. ”

"Intuition." Chen Ge is also inconvenient to elaborate: "My intuition has always been accurate."

"I don't deny this, but now that the police is limited, we may not be able to provide you with too much help." Although Li Zheng said that it is difficult to help, after returning to the office, he still opened the police to enter Database.

"Let's see if we have a pet shop operated by two brothers in our local area, or an organization that adopts stray cats. The younger brother should be blind. Something bad must have happened in their home ..."

There are many clues, but it is still very difficult to screen all the information in one day.

It wasn't until two o'clock in the afternoon that good news came from Li Zheng. They found a qualified person.

"Resident, 22 years old, the person in charge of the local love cat rescue website in Hanjiang, is a cat lover. He has participated in various voluntary activities in Hanjiang many times and has excellent academic performance during school, without any bad habits." Li Zhengzhi Looking at the computer screen: "These are public information on the Internet, and I should not be considered a violation."

Chen Ge looked at the website named Caring Cat. The home page of the website is all kinds of cute cats and exchange posts for all kinds of cat lovers. The most popular thing on this website is a stray cat rescue plan, calling on everyone not to throw away their pets. .

There are introductions of the officials on the website, as well as his photos. This person has a very handsome appearance and very white skin, which gives a very good first impression.

"He was very powerful. His parents died early. He and his younger brother later lived in relatives' homes. As a result, relatives adopted them only to occupy his house. The brothers were always very poor. He didn't say anything and worked hard until he read. Finally, when you can take care of your younger brother, you will drive out your relatives. Generally speaking, this is a very sunny and inspirational young man. "

Li Zheng held his own investigation report: "The website users also rated him very well. He felt like a child full of light in his heart. There were even many unmarried female users who wanted to chase him. Taking care of his younger brother, afraid of dragging down the woman, he gently refused. "

"According to you, he is really a good person." Chen Ge first looked at the entire website without any abnormalities, and then he clicked into the home page of the respondent.

The homepage contains videos and photos taken by the minister, as well as articles written by him, mostly recording the lives of him, his younger brother, and stray cats.

All of his videos and articles are highly viewed. He also opened his own account on some video sites. The number of fans is not too large, but not too small.

"Brother is a caring person. Although his brother has problems with his eyes, he will certainly be taken care of very well." Chen Ge opened a video and watched it silently.

"Yeah, there is such a brother, which is also a lucky luck for his brother."

"Zheng Brother, you didn't understand what I meant." Chen Ge looked back at Li Zheng: "Do you remember the dream that Zhen Zhen described? It was dark all around, you could smell the stench, you could not see anything, It was particularly itchy. If the elder brother is really taking good care of the younger brother, it is impossible for this to happen. "

"But that is just Zhen Zhen's dream after all." For Li Zheng, any doubt is about evidence, and the dream must not be regarded as evidence.

"Dream is a human subconscious reaction. Most people will choose to escape when they encounter terrible things in their dreams, and some people will pick up a knife in the dream. Different choices can actually reflect a person's mental state to some extent. And psychological problems. "Chen Ge did not raise his head, and continued to watch the video.

"Do you all know so many things when you open a haunted house now?" Li Zheng watched Chen Ge still watching one video at a time: "You now want to find evidence from the video that can prove the inconsistency of the vassal. ? "

"He doesn't feel any problem watching these videos, but ..." Chen Ge took out his mobile phone and entered the official website of the local weather forecast of Hanjiang, which had meteorological data for the whole year.

Comparing the weather data, his expression slowly became dignified: "Zheng brother, I found the evidence."

"How did you find it?" Li Zheng himself is also a senior criminal policeman. He also watched some videos himself, and found no big problems.

"When I clicked on the home page of the minister, I found that many of his videos were to rescue stray cats. Those cats looked very miserable, and they were also very afraid of people. But after the rescue and rearing of the cats, those cats became Healthy, beautiful, and not so afraid of strangers. "

"This shows that his treatment is very effective, without departing from the purpose of their website."

"But did you find that most of the stray cats rescued by the respondent are adult cats, and their body type has been fixed."

"What do you want to express?" Years of criminal investigation experience gave Li Zheng a bad hunch.

"I suspect that some of his videos may have been shot the other way around." Chen Ge stood in front of the computer and whispered: "He first shot healthy and normal cats. After he had enough material, he began to abuse the cat. The beginning of the video The cat's miserable appearance is actually the last look of the cat. Isn't it scary to think about it? "

"I think you can think of these as scary." Li Zheng found that Chen Ge was completely considering the problem from the perspective of the criminal. He was thankful that Chen Ge had not taken the wrong path, otherwise it would be an extremely difficult opponent.

"After having doubts, I tried to prove it, but most of his videos were shot in the same scene. There were no calendars and clocks in the room. The thick curtains were drawn, and the light change was not obvious. This guy thought It ’s meticulous, blocking all the loopholes. ”Chen Ge said and opened a video he had just watched:“ But this video shows his feet. You listen carefully. At the beginning of the video, you can hear the rain and thunder outside. At this time, the cat looked miserable, with an unstable leg standing, wound infection, and eye problems. "

"The video was released on the 26th of last month. He himself said in the video that he picked up the cat at the beginning of last month. When he first picked it up, he was shocked by the cat ’s miserable appearance. At the beginning of the video condemned those who abandoned pets at will. "

"But I just checked on our official website of Hanjiang Weather, and it rained heavily on the 24th of last month."

"That is to say, he photographed the cat's miserable appearance on the 24th, and when he sent the video on the 26th, the cat in the video has returned to normal, and no trauma can be seen. Do you think this is possible? ? "

The minister was thoughtful, but it was far from Chen Ge.

"Why did he do this? Not only torture the cat, but also send the video to so many cat lovers?"

"I feel this is just like some murderers. After the murder, they have to go back to the scene to watch it. They are enjoying the perverted pleasure." Chen Ge continued to watch the video, to be honest, if it was not very bad in the rain Coincidentally, it is difficult to grasp the handle of the minister: "Zheng brother, this guy is likely to be an extremely dark metamorphosis. He is good at disguising and is very smart. If you let it go, he will make a more terrible day sooner or later. thing."

"It is true, but I am more worried about his younger brother now." Li Zheng's expression became serious. "Living with such a brother, he is likely to be hurt. You said he was in danger of life for this reason, right? "

"Almost, we have to find them as soon as possible." Chen Ge looked at the introduction on the computer screen about the respondent. This person also had a blind younger brother called Ying Tong.


Chen Ge found the telephone number of the respondent on the webpage. He said to Li Zheng that he would go to his home tomorrow morning.

After leaving the city branch, Chen Ge thought again and again, Li Zheng was already so busy, it was better not to trouble them.

Took a taxi and Chen Ge directly dialed the phone number on the webpage.

The phone rang three times and was connected. A man's voice came from the cell phone: "Hello, I am a respondent."

The phone on the webpage is used to discuss business cooperation, so the attitude of the respondent is very good.

"Mr. Ying, I am a haunted house owner of New Century Paradise. I want to put advertisements on your website for a long time. I do n’t know if you are interested?" Chen Ge opened his mouth and said: "We can talk about the price, absolutely not Will make you lose. "

"Okay, I always think that the paradise and Meng pet are very good. In addition, the user group of our website is relatively young, and many like to go to the amusement park on holidays."

The two sides hit it off at once ~ www.readwn.com ~ In order to let the officials relax their vigilance, Chen Ge did not directly say to go to the other party's house, but asked him to choose a restaurant close to his house.

Half an hour later, Chen Ge rushed to the restaurant, and he called the respondent again.

"Boss Chen! I have booked a private room!" A young man walked out of the restaurant. He was dressed in simple fashion and gave a very clean and sunny feeling.

"Regards?" Chen Ge carrying a backpack: "Do you know me?"

"As soon as I heard the haunted house in New Century Paradise, I knew it was you. I just didn't expect you to come over in person." He's not as smooth as a 22 year old.

Chen Ge didn't even want to put ads on his website, so he appeared "sincere", and the price was 30% higher than the market price.

The two sides had a great conversation. I do n’t know if they thought they were old friends whom they had n’t seen in many years.

The relationship between the two quickly drew closer, a glass of wine fell into the stomach, and when the waiter was preparing the last dish, Chen Ge accidentally touched the other side, and the vegetable juices poured on his shoulders.

The courtier quickly came over with a napkin and Chen Ge's face went black instantly: "I'll see a client later, what can I do?"

The waiter kept apologizing. Chen Ge finally had no choice but to ask the respondent: "Brother, can I go to your house to borrow clothes? The next customer has already made an appointment. I am not so suitable for this."

The hesitation hesitated before agreeing: "No problem."

The two settled their bills and entered the neighborhood. This place is very close to the old city, and the location is relatively biased. There are basically no people in the community.

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