I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1052: Yongye (four thousand)

The neighborhood where the resident lives is called Mingyuan. It used to be the most famous community in the old city. The rich live here.

However, with the opening of the economy and the rapid development of the Hanjiang New District, the population of the old city was lost, and fewer people lived here.

The former high-end residence now looks very deserted and dilapidated, there is no security at the door, the greening in the community is also very poor, and you can even smell a faint smell when walking in the community.

"This is the house that my parents bought. They were doing business. If they didn't have an accident at that time, I might be a rich second generation now." The kidding jokes, but his voice revealed a bit of bitterness. His real thoughts are hidden behind the joke.

Under the leadership of the minister, the two of them came to the deepest part of the community.

"My house is on the seventh floor, or I will go up and get your clothes, you just have to wait below." The prince didn't want Chen Ge to go to his house too much, trying all kinds of excuses.

"It's okay, if you go up to pick it up, you'll have to come down and give it to me later. The white robe is too troublesome." Chen Ge couldn't help but said that he entered the corridor directly, his nose twitched, and the faint smell seemed to become strong. Too.

Looking around, Chen Ge found that there was an elevator in the corridor, but it was the old-fashioned elevator many years ago.

"Mingyuan was the only residential area in the old city where the elevator was installed, and it has also been beautiful, but now people in the community who have the skills have basically moved away." The minister pointed to the elevator: "Don't go to sit, that elevator It often fails and occasionally makes a lot of noise, which is particularly scary. "

At the strong request of the minister, he and Chen Ge walked up the stairs to the seventh floor.

The whole building felt very bad for Chen Ge. It was dilapidated and poorly sanitary. He could not hear any voices or feel popular. It must be very depressed to live in such a place.

"My house is a bit messy, I hope you don't mind." The family of the prince lived near the stairs. He took out the key and rubbed it for a while before opening the door.

The smell of the air became more intense. Chen Ge glanced into the room. The home of the court was large, but the decoration was very broken, and many of the furniture were scratched.

"I prefer cats. I have adopted several stray cats at home. These are their masterpieces." The respondent said helplessly: "Sit free, I'll find you clothes."

After entering the house, Chen Ge subconsciously rubbed his nose with his fingers. There were cat hairs on the sofa, the ground, and the dining table. But strangely, there was no cat in the room, and no cats could be heard.

"The smell is not from the cat. It is very similar to the smell in the old city. I smelled it when I entered the room. When I came out from behind the door, the smell The smell disappeared. "

Chen Ge had smelled that strange smell in many places. He didn't know exactly what the smell smelled of. He now only knew that the smell should be related to the "door".

Chen Ge took the time to look around for four weeks while the courtier went to get his clothes.

There are very few furniture in the house, the layout is simple, there are five rooms, and the doors of four rooms are all tightly closed.

After a while, the respondent walked out of the bedroom. He took a set of his own clothes: "How about this one? It is more formal and matches your pants."

"Thanks, you helped me a lot this time." Chen Ge looked very happy: "Can you borrow the bathroom?"

"The first room at the door." Chen Chen was also very happy to help Chen Ge. In his view, this single business is already stable.

Entered the bathroom, Chen Ge closed the door, removed the comic book from his backpack and summoned Mennan.

"You and Tong Tong will be hiding here first. Look for an opportunity to send Tong Tong into his mobile phone. In addition, I will come before twelve in the evening. Then you will help me open the door in the house." Chen Ge whispered.

"Just let me be a ghost?"

"You are the smartest in all the red clothes, only you can do this job." Men Nan, who praised Chen Ge constantly, the other party agreed.

Washed his face and Chen Ge walked out of the bathroom: "Regards, thank you very much this time. I'll go back and prepare the contract. How about we sign tomorrow?"

"Okay!" This person, the friend, loves money more, and he doesn't know if he pretends to be it, or he really depends on money.

"It ’s comfortable to work with a refreshing person. It ’s just that I ’m here today. Let ’s just go through the process directly." Chen Ge asked the respondent a lot of questions, mostly about the website. Until the end, he did n’t intentionally or unintentionally. Mentioned the younger brother of the minister: "I heard that you have a younger brother. What's wrong with your child's eyes? I know several great ophthalmologists. If you need to, you can say hello to me."

"My brother's eyes are not invisible. He was probably suffering from eye diseases when he was three or four years old. Later, the situation was getting worse. A large part of the reason I tried to make money was to want to treat him. "

"Your brotherhood is really touching." Chen Ge put the backpack down: "The sooner the eye disease is treated, the better. Can I see your brother?"

Chen Ge ’s request was a little abrupt, but the respondent did n’t think much about it. After a little hesitation, he got up and walked to the room next to the bathroom: "Ying Tong? What are you doing?"

"Sleep." There was a soft voice in the house.

"Then you go to sleep, I won't bother." The friend spread his hands and looked at Chen Ge with a little apology: "That child is sleeping, it's really embarrassing."

"It's okay, it's okay." Chen Ge said okay, but he already had doubts in his heart.

When the minister asked what Ying Hitomi was doing, the answer pupil in the room answered the word "sleep" in an instant, as if it had been discussed in advance.

If Ying Tong is really sleeping, he will pause at least for a while and answer again, and he can't hear any sleepiness from Ying Tong's voice.

Ying Tong seems to be very afraid of his brother, and there is some kind of secret between their brothers.

"Okay, then I won't bother you, I will come with a contract at nine tomorrow morning."

"Brother Chen, you walk slowly."

The door closed, and the expressions of the courtier and Chen Ge at the same time became cold.

Chen Ge stood at the door and did not leave. He lay on the door and listened. The sound of the bedroom door being opened soon came from the house, followed by the cry of the child.

"This guy really sucks."

Without accurate evidence, Chen Ge did not act pretendingly. Men Nan and Tong Tong were in the house. If something really bad happened, they would definitely stop it.

Stood alone in the corridor, Chen Ge glanced at the corridor and elevator next to it, and finally left along the corridor.

"If Ying Hitomi is a child selected by a fetal womb, then this door is definitely a **** level difficulty."

"Jiang Ming is deaf in both ears, and I can't hear the voices of the ghosts in the world behind him; Fang Yu's memory is poor, and my memory in the world behind her is constantly dying; to infer that, I am The eyesight in the world behind Ying Tong ’s door will certainly be limited. The biggest possibility is that the ghost is beside me, but I ca n’t see them. ”

Eyesight is very important for normal people. People who are used to seeing the world with their eyes are suddenly locked in a dark maze, and he will be very uncomfortable.

"Zhang Ya is not awake yet. This door is very dangerous for me. For security reasons, it is better for me to bring the son of the tunnel ghost."

If it was n’t enough time, Chen Ge even wanted to bring the living coffin village to the female ghost.

After leaving Mingyuan, Chen Ge went directly to Bailongdong tunnel after dark, and found the son of the tunnel ghost in the depth of the tunnel.

The two parties had agreed before, and the son of the tunnel ghost did not regret it.

However, when Chen Ge wanted to put the son of the tunnel ghost into the comic book, an unexpected scene appeared.

Probably because there is a door in his body, Yan Danian's comic book can't even include him, this is the first time Chen Ge encountered this situation.

The two sides discussed for a long time, the son of the tunnel ghost wanted to hide in Chen Ge's shadow, but he stayed beside Chen Ge's shadow for a long time, and then did not know why he gave up the idea.

They tried several methods, and finally the son of the tunnel ghost opened an unpretentious step of nearly two meters and wrapped him up behind Chen Ge.

This feeling of being confined by the red spider is not easy. Chen Ge is cold and his body temperature is constantly falling.

The whole process lasted for about a minute. The son of the tunnel female ghost disappeared, and Chen Ge showed a huge scary spider tattoo on the entire back and legs.

This tattoo can only be seen in the shadows, which is very scary.

'S body is cold, Chen Ge hates this feeling, but now it is the most critical thing to find a fetal womb, and he doesn't care too much.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Chen Ge returned to Mingyuan Community in the old city, but he had not received Tong Tong's information until eleven thirty in the evening.

"Will there be any problems? There is Mennan's red clothing protection, the other party is just an ordinary person, is the curse of the hospital also coming?"

Inferred that Ying Tong was only Chen Ge and Li Zheng, and Chen Ge felt that the probability of not laughing was very small.

Be cautious, Chen Ge entered the corridor, and his mobile phone shook as soon as he walked to the fourth floor.

"Resident" sent him a text message-he was holding a tool and was ready to go out!

It should be Tong Tong and Men Nan who control the phone of the respondent. With the previous experience, this time they cooperated seamlessly, and the responder seemed to be completely unaware of it.

"Go out at half past eleven? Still holding tools?"

After receiving the message, Chen Ge quickly hid in the floor to avoid encountering the vassal.

He was quietly watching the corridor entrance, and not long afterwards, he saw the prince wearing a peaked cap and carrying a **** bag walking downstairs.

"Wasn't the bag contained a corpse? Looks like a cat."

The unusual behavior of the respondent once again deepened Chen Ge's suspicion of him.

The door of the unborn child will appear on time at midnight, and Chen Ge can't take care of others. He waited for the minister to go downstairs and ran directly to his door.

The other party didn't lock back, Chen Ge called out Lao Zhou to open the door from inside the house and entered it secretly.

There was no light in the room, and it looked deserted. Chen Ge stood at the window and glanced downstairs.

The minister walked out of the community with the black bag and entered an abandoned construction site.


The minister estimated that he would be back soon, and Chen Ge did not delay time. He and Lao Zhou briefly searched the room.

Everything is normal in the toilet and kitchen, but the lower part of the refrigerator is stuffed with cut meat.

There are no problems on the surface of the other rooms. The bedroom where the guest lives is very clean, and no cat hair can be seen. This is completely different from the other rooms.

Is next to the bedroom of the courtier. Chen Ge has seen it in the video. Most of his videos were shot in this room.

Next to the workshop is a locked room. Chen Ge asked Lao Zhou to take a look. There were several stray cats tied with rope in the room, two of them were dying.

The last room in the house is Ying Tong's bedroom. Chen Ge first asked Lao Zhou to go in and investigate.

After learning that Ying Tong had fallen asleep, Chen Ge asked Lao Zhou to open the door from the inside.

The moment the bedroom door opened, the smell was pungent, and the smell in this room was stronger than the room I saw.

Covering his nose and mouth, Chen Ge looked towards the house.

Ying Tong ’s bedroom is very small, the windows are sealed by wooden boards, there are no light bulbs installed in the lamps, there are handprints painted in various colors on the walls, many **** cotton swabs are thrown on the ground, and radios and music boxes are placed on the table There are many odd-shaped dolls.

Even if Chen Ge is in the perspective of an adult, the appearance of those dolls is very distorting and scary. It is definitely not suitable for children to play. It is almost scary to put it in a haunted house.

Ying Tong did not find Chen Ge coming in. He slept soundly and seemed tired.

Chen Ge used Yin Tong and found that Ying Tong had some bumps on his body, but the injuries were not serious.

"This child seems to feel very insecure, and his body is always close to the wall when sleeping."

Is very uncomfortable to sleep against the wall, but Ying Tong seems to be used to it. He curls up, holding a photo frame with his hands, and the photo frame contains a photo of the courtier.

"The relationship between their brothers is so good? Should Hitomi hold his brother's picture even when he sleeps?"

Chen Ge has a lot of doubts ~ www.readwn.com ~ In his opinion, Ying Tong is more afraid of his brother than love between his family.

He observed carefully and found that the size of the photo and the photo frame were not too suitable. The photo seemed to be stuffed in later. As for where the original photo in the photo frame went, it was estimated that only the respondent knew.

The bedroom is closed and isolated from the outside world. There is nothing special at first glance.

Yingchen was coming back soon. Chen Ge did not leave, so he stood in Ying Tong's bedroom and waited for the appearance of the door.

At midnight, a door completely covered in blood appeared quietly beside Ying Tong's bed.

The door lock vibrated slightly, and black lines appeared on the door panel. No one touched it, but the door seemed to be opened by itself.

Footsteps were heard outside the house, the security door in the living room was opened, and the courtier returned.

Carrying a backpack, Chen Ge, without hesitation, directly pushed open the blood door to enter it.


The body seemed to be stuck in quicksand, sinking continuously, Chen Ge struggled desperately, the air in his lungs gradually decreased, and the suffocation became stronger and stronger.

He almost opened his eyes when he almost thought he was going to die.

Every time he enters the door of the unborn child, it seems that he walked around the edge of life and death. Chen Ge was too late to breathe, and his face changed again.

"this is……".

Is dark around, and no light can be seen. The world behind this door is covered by a huge black curtain, and it is like a night.

Chen Ge stood motionless, and the world behind the door of the unborn child became more dangerous and weird, and he could not tolerate a little carelessness.

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