I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1054: The showdown with the unknown (four thousand)

"Take the wrong football? Wardrobe?" The information revealed in the words of the courtier made Chen Ge frown. He went to the bedroom of the courtier and knew that the courtier had tied a headless body under his bed.

"Will this guy say football is the head of the corpse?"

There is a big difference between the head and football. Even a blind person can't get it wrong, but this is under the premise that his brother is a normal person.

The respondent is a pervert, and a pervert with great desire to display. He posted the clip of the abused cat video on the loving cat rescue network. Most of the people who watched his video were cat lovers.

Perhaps he would sit in a house full of blood and hair every night, staring at the screen of his mobile phone and watching the barrage of blessings published by those who love cats.

This kind of special experience is estimated to give him some kind of alternative pleasure, so it is entirely possible for him to hide his head in the ball and watch Yingying play at home.

Thinking this, Chen Ge suddenly realized that the twisted and scary puppets on Ying Tong's desk might have a deeper meaning.

Chen Ge had not spoken. The two sides paused for only a few seconds, and the respondent on the phone noticed something was wrong.

"You ... not Ying Tong!"

Chen Ge didn't know why the other party could find that he was not Ying Tong within three seconds. This insight and judgment made him more uneasy.

In Ying Tong's memory, his brother, the vassal, must be a very smart and terrible person, and this impression is also reflected in the world behind him.

"Why are you in my house?"

The voice of the minister hardly changed, but he could hear it through the microphone, and his walking speed increased significantly.

This guy wants to stabilize Chen Ge in words, but in fact he is rushing home quickly.

Chen Ge hung up the phone without hesitation.

He has been unable to get any useful information from the other party, even if the other party revealed something, it may be a trap.

"You must leave immediately."

Both sides are very decisive people. Chen Ge remembered the location of the living room door faintly in his mind. He stopped staying and brought his backpack to the door of the living room.

The cold security door was not closed, and Chen Ge pushed the door open and went out.

The temperature dropped again, and the outside of the house seemed colder.

"I can't see it, without the help of employees, how to deal with the pervert in this situation?"

Ying Tong ’s door is the penultimate door, because Chen Ge directly jumped over the door where Nie Xin represented the heart of the unborn child, so now the difficulty of the world behind the door has reached a very abnormal state, which can also be Seeing the terrible fetus as a four-star trial mission.

Layers of fear gradually deepened, and this difficult night has just begun.

"Ying Hitomi lived in an old house many years ago. He grew up here. His main memory should be concentrated in the Mingyuan community."

The layout of the building Chen Ge knows, but if he wants to play hide-and-seek in this building with a pervert, he even feels the pressure.

Walked out of the room, Chen Ge hadn't walked a few steps, his ankle was rubbed by something again, it seemed that a cat followed him and escaped from the house.

"How many cats are there in the family?" Chen Ge slowly entered the corridor against the wall: "There is a corridor on the left and right of the residential building, and the elevator is in the middle, provided that this is the same as reality."

Chen Ge did n’t know much about Tong Tong. He did n’t know what Ying Tong was most afraid of. He could n’t make targeted prevention and could only take a step by step.

"The old elevator will make a loud noise once it is started, which is equivalent to indirectly revealing my location. I can't see anything now. In case I press the wrong button, maybe the waiter will stand outside when the elevator door opens. "

Without much thought, Chen Ge ruled out the idea of ​​taking the elevator, and then he faced the second choice.

Which of the two left and right corridors to take?

The family was near the corridor on the left, right at the staircase. Chen Ge felt that if he wanted to rush home in the shortest time, there is a high probability that he would come up from the stairs on the left.

"Then I will take the stairs on the right."

In this world behind the door, any choice is about life and death.

If Chen Ge chooses the wrong one, he and the friend meet in the corridor. The pervert may be quietly following behind him, and then try his best to kill himself. After all, he knows his secret.

Touching the wall, Chen Ge gradually overcame the fear of darkness, and he began to jog.

There was no debris in the corridor. When Chen Ge was about to reach the staircase on the right, a cat meow suddenly came in front of him.

Very low and low meow sound, and that sound came from the corridor on the right.

"A cat is there?"

If it is in reality, Chen Ge will never be so nervous when encountering a cat, but this is in the world behind the door.

The cat itself is a complex contradiction, with a variety of symbols, and cats in different people's eyes also have different meanings, so Chen Ge is difficult to judge for a while.

The respondent adopted a large number of stray cats, but he adopted the cat only to satisfy his distorted interest. If the cat had enough power to resist, he would definitely kill the respondent first.

Unfortunately, whether in reality or in the world behind the door, the prince lived well, that is to say, even in the world behind the door, he could easily kill the "cat".

When Chen Ge was thinking, another cat meow came from the right doorway. This time the sound was much louder than the previous one.

Ankle seemed to have been rubbed by something. Chen Ge didn't have time to react. The third meow came, and this time the sound was by his side.

The interval between cat calls is getting shorter and shorter, and the sound is getting more and more harsh, like a baby crying.

"Are they reminding me?"

The respondent is tortured. The cat person, the cat should not help him, so think of it, the probability that the respondent is on the right corridor is very high!

Whether you believe in cats or your own judgment, Chen Ge has to face a life-and-death choice.

After a short stop, Chen Ge gritted his teeth and turned, quickly running towards the left corridor.

The cries of the cat behind him became more harsh and sharp, like crying and laughing, which was terrible.

Stumbled, and after losing his vision, Chen Ge felt unaccustomed even to basic running.

He did his best to reach the corridor on the left, hiding on the stairs between the two floors.

Squatting on the stairs, Chen Ge grabbed the handrail and pressed the center of gravity to the lowest, so that even if someone pushed himself from behind, he would not fall down directly.

Chen Ge didn't dare to mess up, he stayed here and wanted to verify a very important thing.

"If the door is pushed open for a while, it means that the respondent has returned home. He is from the upper passage on the right, so that he can prove that the cat is helping me! near!"

Chen Ge was very courageous, and he hid in the corridor on the left in order to grasp the only initiative.

You need to know that the home of the courtier is at the left entrance. If you are not careful, he will be found.

As time went by, sweat slowly appeared in the palm of Chen Ge, and he had not been so nervous for a long time.

After about a minute or so, the door of the courtier's house rang without warning, as if someone had opened the security door and walked in.

Hearing the sound of the door, Chen Ge's clenched hands slowly let go: "It should be the respondent's home"

Quietly receded downstairs. Although Chen Ge bet on the right and confirmed the guess in his heart, his brows were tightly wrinkled.

In a simple interview, he got some information.

First and foremost, with the help of meows, it seems that the position of the vassal can be inferred.

Secondly, there was no sound from the walking of Chen Ying. Chen Ge had used ghost ears just now, but he did not hear footsteps, only heard the sound of opening the door.

Thirdly, the prince could go back to his home from the left corridor and go upstairs as quickly as possible, but he did the opposite and chose the corridor on the right.

If this is not an accident, it can only show that the respondent is very cunning, he is predicting Chen Ge's choice.

"How can I find Ying Tong after losing my vision?" It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. After the homecomer will definitely find someone who has entered his house and found the body, he will definitely chase him over.

Touching the stairs handrail, Chen Ge moved down a little bit.

He is planning to leave the building temporarily, and even wants to leave the community if he can.

Chen Ge remembered all the roads he had walked in his mind. The average person may be completely panicked at this time, but he is still actively looking for a way out.

Walked down three floors, Chen Ge heard that the security door of the family was opened again, and it seemed that the minister came out of the house.

"Not very good."

He should not only prevent himself from falling, but also try not to make a sound as much as possible.

If the courtier came over at this time, he would probably be caught.

"The guy walked without sound. After he came home, he might have got a knife and other tools."

It did n’t take long for the old-fashioned elevator to make a noise, as if someone was taking the elevator down the stairs.

"The minister may think that I chose the corridor on the left at first. It is estimated that he felt that I had left the building, so he took the elevator and wanted to catch up with me at the fastest speed." Chen Ge in this world behind the door Nothing can be seen, but the prince did not know this, he speculated on Chen Ge ’s trajectory according to the thinking of normal people.

"Absolutely, I should not let the friend know that I can't see it, otherwise he will definitely treat me as Ying Tong, and by that time, the horrible perverted metamorphosis can do anything terrible."

Chen Ge has seen many perverted murderers. The vassal is not the most cunning and dangerous among them, but he is the most expressive.

Even more important is that Chen Ge is now in the world behind the door. In this world woven by Ying Hitomi's memory, his brother, the representative, represents a kind of fear that he cannot escape and cannot resist.

The noise from the old-style elevator stopped quickly, and it seemed to stop on the first floor.

"It is too passive to determine the exact location of the vassal."

Chen Ge slowly came to the corner of the stairs, he was about to continue to go down suddenly heard footsteps from the corridor.

"Someone running in the hallway? More than one?"

There was no footsteps for the walk. The person who came over was unlikely to be a respondent. Chen Ge froze in place. To be honest, he now truly experienced the helplessness of the blind.

Lives in the same world, sometimes because of invisibility, sometimes even resistance.

Footsteps approached quickly, and soon appeared in front of Chen Ge.

He squeezed the cranial hammer in his backpack tightly against the wall, being careful.

The sound of footsteps stopped not far from Chen Ge. A moment later, a boy's voice passed into Chen Ge's ear.

"What are you doing in the corridor?"

The child's voice sounded normal, like a very ordinary boy, with curiosity and doubt in his words.

Chen Ge thought for a long time, and did not know what to say. He intuitively told him that this was an opportunity. He could temporarily hide in a certain child ’s house and lock the door to avoid the pursuit of the courtier.

But reason tells Chen Ge again that he absolutely cannot believe the "people" behind the door. The real sound of these children who listen to the sound may be very scary. Maybe they are just monsters with children's voice. Eaten directly.

"It's a strange person, let's stay away from him." Another boy said, "Let's continue to find Ying Tong. I like playing hide-and-seek with him the most, and I never have to worry about him."

"Yeah, he is too stupid. Last time I was hiding behind him, he never found me."

"Every time let him come to catch us, it will eventually become a few of us to find him, I really do not understand why you still take him to play."

A few children were talking and laughing, Chen Ge heard Ying Tong ’s name, he lowered his head and memorized every sentence of those children in his mind ~ www.readwn.com ~ You will encounter hide-and-seek behind the door, which really corresponds to the description of the task of the unborn child on the black mobile phone. This is a hide-and-seek of life and death. "

The children were also looking for Ying Tong, they didn't know the position of Ying Tong, so Chen Ge didn't ask them.

Seemed to think that Chen Ge was very boring, and the children ran away again while talking.

The sound of footsteps gradually went away. Chen Ge touched the wall and slowly stood up. The instincts he learned after entering the world many times after the door told him that this building is very dangerous and it is best to leave as soon as possible.

He took a step down, his left foot was just raised, and suddenly someone suddenly pushed him from behind!

Loss of balance, Chen Ge took a backpack and fell off the stairs.

Pain from the heart came from all over the body. Chen Ge protected his head and gritted his teeth to stabilize the body.

He didn't care about the others, and immediately got up from the ground, squatting on the ground, clutching his backpack.

"No wonder he kept his eyes closed, it turned out to be a blind man."

The sound of a little boy came from the stairs. Chen Ge heard this sound just now, and it was one of those children who pushed him.

"I have a lot of strength, has Ying Tong also encountered such a thing?".

The sound of footsteps moved away from Chen Ge. The child pushed Chen Ge down the stairs and ran away.

After moving his wrist for a while, Chen Ge was not chasing the child, but was thinking about what the child said just now: "No wonder the eyes are closed all the time? Didn't I keep my eyes open in the eyes of the people behind the door? If so , What should I do to keep my eyes open? "

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