I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1055: Shrill cat meow (four thousand)

Although the boy pushed Chen Ge down the stairs, he also revealed to Chen Ge a very important message.

To those in the world behind the door, Chen Ge is a weirdo who keeps his eyes closed.

"I might not be invisible, I just didn't open my eyes."

Leaning against the wall, Chen Ge reached out and touched his eyes, he could be sure that his eyes were open.

"Why is there such a situation?"

Chen Ge had nothing to hide in front of him. He dug his nails into the meat in the corners of his eyes and slid slowly. The eyes were still dark, and he could not even see the blood that had penetrated into his eyelids.

"It's dark, there seems to be only this color in this world."

Calmed down again in the corridor, and the group of children had run away.

"Maybe in the eyes of others, Ying Tong has always appeared with his eyes closed, so all the blind people in the world behind his door are all with their eyes closed?"

"Will there be a situation where Ying Tong has closed his eyes, but he is not completely blind. He knows what his brother is doing, so he can't see what he is doing in order to live."

"His world can have color, but can't open his eyes?"

"If the respondent actually killed someone in reality, then the respondent will surely create an" accident "and kill Ying Tong once he knows that his brother is not blind!"

"That kind of perverted things can be done. I can't analyze the logic of the bad guys by using good people's rules. For the officials, the brothers may not represent their loved ones, or they may represent some kind of tool for fun."

Chen Ge recalled one thing. He once opened the refrigerator of the home of the minister and found that the refrigerator was full of chopped meat.

Bones have been removed and meat has been processed, so the meat cannot be seen from the appearance of the meat.

"If the meat is animal meat, it's better to say that it's not animal meat." Chen Ge has seen many perverted murderers. He also has different levels of metamorphic killers in his mind. Meat, and refrigerate it under your own refrigerator, this is not just a normal perverted thing.

"When drinking with me, the courtier behaves exactly like the average person, and even better at socializing than most people. If all my speculations are true, then this guy is terrible."

"The courtier wore a mask in front of all living people. He only removed his disguise in front of his younger brother Ying Tong, and the child saw such a terrible scene from a very young age. Hitomi may become a doorkeeper in the future. "

The degree of terror and distortion in the world behind the door is proportional to the despair experienced by the doormen in reality.

Although Chen Ge has not found anything special in this world through his sense of touch and smell, perhaps as soon as he opened his eyes, he would see the true horror of this world.

"It's useless to think so much. It's better to find a safe place to hide first. Just one of those children just pushed me, which means there should still be communication among the remaining children. If there is nowhere to go, I can try to convince them. "

Chen Ge is also unsure. In fact, he has been carefully paying attention to the surroundings, and he can take immediate measures in case of unexpected accidents.

The reason why the child was just pushed down the stairs from behind was that he did not expect a child to leave when the footsteps were mixed together.

The second point is because the child has a lot of strength and doesn't look like a child at all.

Loss of vision, it is a risky thing to determine the identity of the other party only by voice, so it is impossible to say that Chen Ge will not believe anyone.

"If this corresponds to reality, and the family lives on the seventh floor, we can use the elevator running sound to judge the floor and try to take the elevator."

The old-fashioned elevator was very loud and dangerous, but after all, the elevator also represented the third road. If the respondent knew that he could only walk the corridor, the elevator would become his only hope of escape.

Of course, Chen Ge did not want such a scene to happen, and he does not want to match up with the vassals yet.

"First assume that here is exactly the same as the reality. The family of the prince live on the seventh floor. My current location is on the corner of the third and fourth floors. The prince should be on the first floor."

"He may be on the first floor entrance, or he may have left and ran out of this building."

Can't see anything, Chen Ge can only choose his own way by guessing.

"Ying Tong didn't know that I was blind. He used to be from the upper right corridor. If he realized some problems, he would probably go to the left corridor to check it out. After all, in his opinion, the person who sneaked into his house was If you leave through the left corridor, you may leave some clues in the left corridor. "

Thinking of this, Chen Ge decisively left the corridor on the left, entered the corridor, and walked toward the corridor on the right.

"I wish I had thought more, but it is always good to be cautious."

The best situation Chen Ge envisioned was that when the courtier arrived on the first floor, he heard something moving in the corridor on the left, and hurriedly entered the corridor on the left, while he hid in the corridor on the right.

After leaving this building, there should be more places to hide.

The idea is very beautiful, but the reality is always cold and cruel.

As soon as Chen Ge entered the corridor on the third floor, he heard the door open. The sound was very close to him, only two or three meters away.

Leaning against the wall, Chen Ge stood directly on the spot.

Blowing coldly, a smell came out of that room.

Standing in the corridor was a very dangerous thing for Chen Ge. After hesitating for a moment, he took a step forward.

It seems that something has been stepped on under the shoes, which is very brittle, like some bugs have been stepped on by yourself.

This kind of feeling is very uncomfortable. Chen Ge didn't dare to stay. When he was about to take the second step, his shoulder was suddenly held down.

"Are you new here?" The voice of a middle-aged man passed into Chen Ge's ear. It was this man who opened the door suddenly.

"Yes." Chen Ge's brain is running fast. The odor in the air includes moldy smell of food, odor of clothes accumulation, and odor on the human body. The uncle beside him seems very sloppy and has not cleaned the room for a long time .

"Why are the newly moved people so hot? I thought you came in outside the building to deliver things." The middle-aged man said something inexplicable.

Hot body? Chen Ge feels that his body temperature is already very low. This is the first time someone has said that his body is very hot.

He did not refute, if standing from the perspective of a living person, his temperature is not only not high, but also a little low.

But from the standpoint of a dead person, he is indeed different from other "people" and is a different kind.

Chen Ge was thinking about how to answer the question of a middle-aged man. He suddenly heard a cat meow in his ear.

Took a breath, Chen Ge raised his ears and quickly determined the location of the meow, right in the corridor on the left!

Didn't wait for him to speak, the second meow came, and the sound was more rapid than before.

"The vassals are here!"

It is too late to run to the right corridor now. Chen Ge has only one choice. He whispered to the middle-aged man: "Brother, I have something very important to tell you."

Clutched his backpack tightly, Chen Ge leaned on the wall and touched the door frame: "Let's go in and say, give me three minutes!"

He could not help but say that he entered the middle-aged man's home.

"Who let you in?"

"Close the door!" Chen Ge couldn't see anything. He could only hear the more harsh cat meow, which seemed to be the only one he could hear.

"What the **** are you doing?" The middle-aged man moves slowly and grinds, and at this time the cat sounds like he is killing a cat.

Chen Ge searched for the voice and grabbed the middle-aged man's arm, dragging him into the house with a hand: "Close the door!"

The door-closing sound sounded, Chen Ge signaled the middle-aged man to keep quiet. At this time, the meowing sound did not stop, but instead became more and more harsh.


"Don't talk if you don't want to die!" Chen Ge squeezed these words out of her teeth, and the middle-aged man finally closed his mouth.

Chen Ge stood still, but the middle-aged man walked past him, as if entering the living room.

The sound of footsteps exposed someone in the house, but Chen Ge couldn't control each other at all now.

The cat's sharp and painful cry came into both ears, unable to judge the position, as if the vassal was standing in front of Chen Ge now.

He didn't dare to breathe. He could only wait now, because the vassal might be standing outside the door, and he and Chen Ge were separated by an anti-theft door.

Chen Ge covered his mouth and turned his mind: "The confederate knew that someone had entered his house, but he didn't know it was the one I entered. If he stood in his perspective, he might mistakenly think that the owner of this room secretly Entering his house, the character of the vassal is likely to kill this middle-aged man. "

"Assuming that the middle-aged man and the vassal are just ordinary neighborhood relations. If the petitioner wants to kill the middle-aged man, then the middle-aged man and I can be regarded as grasshoppers on a rope."

"Now all I have to do is wait for the leader to leave, and then test the middle-aged man and slowly tell him the truth to see how he will react."

The cat meow sounded for more than a minute before it stopped, and the respondent left.

Wiping off the cold sweat on the forehead and the blood stains on the brow corners, Chen Ge shouted into the house: "Brother, are you still there?"

The respondent was probably going home to pick up something and prepare to kill the middle-aged man.

This is a residential building. Fighting and fighting will surely attract the attention of others. Chen Ge thinks that it is likely that the vassal will first take the medicine and wait for the middle-aged man to lose consciousness before hitting him deadly.

The smell inside the house is tangy, Chen Ge doesn't care about that much now, as long as there is no body odor here in his mind, it is already a good place.

"Brother, I know it's impolite to enter your house suddenly, but I hope you can let me finish talking." Chen Ge took a deep breath, he knew that once he said this, the situation might become more serious. Complicated, the things to be predicted will increase again: "There is a family living on the seventh floor with two brothers. The younger brother is a blind person. My brother likes to raise stray cats. Do you have any impression?"

There was still no sound in the house, and the middle-aged man seemed to disappear out of thin air.

"Today, when I passed by, I found that his house was not closed. When I entered, I found a body hidden under the bed of his brother. He was a murderer!"

After Chen Ge said this, there was finally a movement in the house. The voice of the middle-aged man came from a location in the living room: "Impossible, I know that person. He is called a respondent. He is stupid and stupid. Do things that are not pleasing, such as being responsible for community gardening, adopting stray cats, etc. "

"Stupid and stupid? Do you think the respondent is such a person?"

"Yes, there is a good person. According to his own words, he wants to do more good deeds and accumulate more virtue, hoping to touch God to let his brother's eyes recover sooner. Do you say he is a stupid hat?" Middle-aged man He didn't believe Chen Ge's words at all. In his view, the murder had nothing to do with the courtier.

"You know what you know, but you don't know what you know. You only saw the one he showed, that's his disguise." Chen Ge didn't think he said so clearly, the other party thought he was laughing and joking.

"I don't know why you said him that way. If that's the case, let's ask some people to go up and see."

"Absolutely not." Chen Ge didn't want to expose his existence. Once he was stared at by the vassals, he could not see anything, and it was estimated that he would not know how to die.

"What the **** are you doing?" The middle-aged man's hand grabbed Chen Ge's hair: "Did you keep your eyes closed because of eye problems?"

"What I said is true, the homicide killed more than one deceased."

"I think you are really a lunatic, and your eyes are blind, how can you see the body?" The middle-aged man did not believe what Chen Ge said ~ www.readwn.com ~ In his opinion, Chen Ge is more like a lying foreigner By.

"I touched it by hand and tied it under his bed, a headless body!"

"Still touch the body? Are you brave enough?" The middle-aged man's arm pressed hard. He didn't welcome Chen Ge. He grabbed Chen Ge's hair and pushed him to the door: "Compared to the murderer, you sneaked into someone's house The guy who touched the body seems to be more disgusting? "

The hair was pulled and the scalp was sore. Chen Ge grabbed the middle-aged man's arm. He wanted to shake off the middle-aged man's hand, but when his fingertips touched the middle-aged man's skin, he looked It has changed.

Middle-aged man's body is cold and has no body temperature. What's more important is that the surface of his skin is uneven, and there are things similar to plaque.

"The corpse?" These words appeared in his mind, and Chen Ge immediately released his hand: "Is this uncle a dead person?"

"Give me out right away. If you let me see you again in this community, you can eat fruit without you, you know?"

Chen Ge was pushed out of the room by a middle-aged man and stood in the hallway, and a chill came up in Chen Ge's heart.

"In Ying Tong's memory, the middle-aged man appears in a private image, which means that he may have been killed in reality. Then what is the reason why he was killed as a neighbor? Did he discover his secret? Said Ying Tong had secretly told him something, but he did not believe it, and he was killed? "

Many things in the world behind the door are interrelated. Chen Ge stayed at the door for a short while, and suddenly heard the sound of the old elevator running, and at the same time the cat meow sounded again.

"The courtier came by elevator."

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