I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1056: Sharp weapon fear (four thousand)

Chen Ge wanted to remind the middle-aged man, but it was too late, the meowing sound gradually became louder, and he quickly hid in the corridor next to it.

The elevator stopped on this floor, there was no footsteps, no breathing.

After a moment, there was a knock on the door in the corridor.

This sound sounds like it sounded out of thin air, without any signs.

"Middle-aged men are likely to tell me about things." There was a loud knock on the door, but no one had opened the door. Chen Ge was standing on the stairs of the corridor at this time. Even if he lost his vision, he was still very calm. In this case, he did not escape, but chose to stay.

The respondent didn't know his information yet, and the situation was better for him temporarily.

Knocked for a long time in a row, the anti-theft door finally opened, and the voice of a middle-aged man heard from the corridor.

"Reason? What are you doing with me? Are you urging me to pay the property fee?" There was a trace of impatience in the middle-aged man's words. He didn't take Chen Ge's previous warnings seriously.

"My brother Ying Tong ran out from home secretly to play, but I haven't returned home yet. I just heard someone walking here when I was upstairs, so I wanted to come and ask, did you see my brother?" Yingchen 'S voice sounded very young, and his image in the world behind the door seemed smaller than in reality.

The world behind the door is woven based on the memory of the doormen. From this, it can be concluded that the relatively young voice of Ying Chen is the most profound memory of Ying Tong.

In other words, Ying Chen may have done something for Tong Hui long ago, and that thing became the deepest shadow in Ying Tong's heart. He always remembered his brother's original voice.

"If you are blind, pay more attention. You didn't close the door yourself, but instead came to ask someone else if something happened?" The middle-aged man has a very bad personality, as can be seen from his previous attitude towards Chen Ge.

"I'm really sorry, these are some date cakes sent by relatives in my hometown, and I hope you can accept them. If I see my brother, I hope you can tell me that he has bad eyesight. I'm really too scared of what happened to him. . "

"Jujube cake? The color is so red? Did you put any pigment?"

"Pure natural, the taste is particularly delicate, you can taste it, if you feel delicious, there are still some in my house." The courtier was very enthusiastic, he behaved like a middle-aged man said, like a weak rotten good man .

"It tastes really good, completely different from the taste I bought on the street, okay, if I see your brother, I will notify you as soon as possible." The middle-aged man chewed something in his mouth, he closed it while eating Security door.

"Middle-aged man did not expose my existence, but the problem is that the vassal did not enter his house, and now the vassal should stand at his door."

The sound of the elevator door opening was heard in the corridor, and Chen Ge was about to leave, but at this moment he heard another meow, which came from the middle of the corridor.

"The respondent didn't get on the elevator!"

Clinging to the wall, Chen Ge immediately walked downstairs, he did not dare to make a sound, his eyes were blind and he couldn't walk fast, once the sound was made again, that one hundred percent would be caught by the opponent.

He is completely unable to judge the position of the vassals at present, only knowing that the meow sounds constantly, the pervert is walking towards the corridor.

"Hello!" The anti-theft door in the corridor opened again, and the voice of the middle-aged man came from the door: "How come there are so many letters in this bag of jujube cakes?"

"That was written by my relatives, sorry, I forgot to take it out." The voice of the clerk sounded just above Chen Ge's head. He had entered the corridor, but he was on the fourth floor, and Chen Ge had just reached the third. floor.

Chen Ge was scared out of a cold sweat, he directly held his breath and stood on the spot.

"Take me away if you believe me. If you see my brother, remember to tell me."

The meowing stopped, and when his voice sounded again, he had left the corridor and walked to the middle-aged man.

"Okay." After the middle-aged man finished this sentence, he said another sentence: "What are you doing at my house? Do you suspect your brother is at my house?"

"That's not there, I just ..."

The sound in the corridor suddenly disappeared, and then came the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

"A vassal started a middle-aged man?" Chen Ge gritted his teeth, and the other party directly started without saying a word. His style of action was extremely decisive. Such an enemy was terrible.

"I'm going to leave this building quickly. It's best to hide far before restoring my eyesight." Chen Ge didn't know the capabilities of the vassals, nor what the world looked like. Light sensed through hearing, smell and touch The world to be visited is very incomplete.

Didn't dare to stay in place, Chen Ge speeded up and walked downstairs.

"Middle-aged man should be dead. If the vassal could mistake him for me, it would be more perfect, but with the quotient of the vassal, he would doubt that I had to make the worst plan."

Supporting the wall, Chen Ge walked all the way down, he silently calculated the floor in his heart.

"Assuming that the family of the prince lived on the seventh floor, I should have reached the first floor by now."

There will be a corner between the two floors, it is absolutely impossible to calculate wrong, but when Chen Ge took his steps towards the next floor, his feet were not flat, but stairs!

"Is there a basement in the building of his family?" Chen Ge recalled carefully and got a terrible conclusion. He clearly remembered that the building where the family was located had no basement.

"The back world does not exactly correspond to reality! Oops!"

Was originally invisible. Chen Ge has not been discovered by the respondent until now. In addition to relying on cat meows, there is another important reason that he has been here before and there is a basic topographic map in his mind.

By comparing the map in his mind, he will not be completely lost.

But now he found that the map in his mind and the world behind the door existed, and the horror of the unknown was instantly magnified.

"Should I continue to go down, or knock on the door to ask the residents in the building? In reality, there is obviously no basement, but this corridor continues to extend downward, I don't know where it will eventually lead to?"

Was supposed to have reached the first floor, but the steps were not finished. Without a basement, Chen Ge did not know what went wrong.

"Does it have seven floors above the ground and seven floors below the ground? It looks like the inside and outside of the door? Everyone on the seven floors above the ground is normal, and the seventh floor is completely **** and ghosts?"

Stood in the corridor, Chen Ge went down a few steps, he did not feel discomfort, nor did he feel any difference, the surrounding environment did not seem to have any changes.

"It should not be seven floors above ground and seven floors underground. Is it possible that this is an endless corridor with no end?"

"The bottom floor of the building is connected to the top floor of the building, and the top floor of the building is connected to the bottom floor of the building. For the blind, repeating the action of going downstairs in the dark will psychologically produce a very special sense of despair, as if There is no end to it, I am just struggling in vain. "

Most people do not have this kind of experience, but Chen Ge is different. Just a while ago, he did a nightmare-level task in Jiangyuan District. He just blindfolded and experienced the feeling of blind people going upstairs.

Darkness, loneliness, and unknown, everything will ferment in the heart, conceive a demon representing fear, and finally devour itself.

"Can't continue to go down. The world behind this door is different from the real terrain. I must be more cautious."

Chen Ge retreated to the "first floor" he thought, touching the wall and moving in the corridor, he ran across this floor and found a very desperate thing.

"There is no exit, you can't get out here."

Despair grew in my heart. Chen Ge found that he still underestimated the difficulty of this behind-the-scenes world.

"Am I experiencing the experience of Ying Tong now? The community clearly has an exit, but for him, this building is completely closed. This building is his entire world, and he can't escape."

Gently bit her tongue, Chen Ge calmed herself with pain.

"It seems that the hope of breaking the game lies with Ying Tong. He is the gatekeeper of this world and he should know the way to" open his eyes ". I must find Ying Tong before the candidate finds me!"

There is no clue, no help. In a closed building, a blind man has to find another blind man after being chased by a perverted murderer. This difficult task Chen Ge has never encountered before.

"From now on, I must keep in mind every step, every position, every direction I face."

The reality is different from the world behind the door, and it ca n’t be compared, so Chen Ge wants to draw a new map in his mind.

It is very difficult to do this, but in order to increase the chance of his own life Chen Ge can only do so.

Is invisible, so you must remember all the roads you have traveled.

As long as he is familiar with the terrain, he can also run, and he can even set traps and kill the respondent.

Blindly avoiding Chen Ge's style, he wanted to use everything around him to solve the danger once and for all.

Although he lost his vision, if the servants regarded him as an ordinary blind person and played with a cat and mouse attitude, he would definitely suffer a big loss.

"The middle-aged man I just met had something similar to a plaque. His body temperature was very low, and he was definitely not a living person. From this perspective, would it be inferred that all the residents in this building are dead?

"Some of them are estimated to be related to the vassal, and some of the deaths may be related to the unborn child."

"The respondent is a good person in their eyes. I will now find a way to reverse the image of the respondent in their eyes. It is best to win their trust and help."

The cat meow did not sound, and the courtier was far away from here. Chen Ge walked to the corner of the "first floor" and gently knocked on the door near the corridor.

In the dark and quiet world, the monotonous knocking on the door keeps repeating, Chen Ge himself feels horrified, it seems that someone is watching in the darkness.

"no one there?"

Chen Ge changed to the next one, knocked for a long time and still no one opened the door, and there was no sound even in the house.

Knocked on five doors in a row, and none of them opened, and Chen Ge gradually became impatient.

"The respondent may continue to walk in the corridor after processing the corpse, looking for Ying Tong. If he hears the knock on the door, he will definitely come over and check. Now is my best opportunity."

The action accelerated, Chen Ge knocked on the seventh door, and an iron door on the other side of the corridor was suddenly opened.

"Are you looking for someone? Keep knocking on the door?" A woman's voice came from behind Chen Ge, startling him.

Adjusted the state, Chen Ge turned around: "Yes, I am looking for a child, his name is Ying Tong."

"Should the pupil?"

"The kid who lives on the seventh floor, his eyes are blind ..."

"I know him, the question is what are you doing with him? This is not the seventh floor?" The woman was talking to Chen Ge, and suddenly a child's painful scream came from the room behind her. Ying Tong's voice was somewhat similar.

He wasn't sure if the child in the woman's room was Ying Tong, because he only heard Ying Tong say a word outside the door.

Footsteps sounded, the woman went to her house, Chen Ge followed her.

The woman seemed very anxious. She did not close the door after entering the house. Chen Ge stumbled and followed the door frame.

"Why is this smell again?"

The woman's room is the same as the middle-aged man's room, and there is a smell of various things mixed together, which is very pungent.

Children's crying and screaming continued to come from the back room. Chen Ge was worried that the movement was too big to attract the courtier. After touching the security door, he closed the door.

"Why did you fall ill again? Not good just now? What did you see?" The woman's voice was anxious and she began to search for something in the house.

Although Chen Ge felt that the child's voice was a bit similar to Ying Tong, he heard the woman say something-what did you see?

Ying Tong is blind, and the child in the woman ’s house is not blind ~ www.readwn.com ~ Stay here and do n’t move, I ’ll find you medicine! "

The sound of footsteps rang in the house and walked towards the door. Chen Ge wanted to make way, but he didn't expect to hit the woman directly with his movement.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." In the darkness, Chen Ge wanted to help the woman and grabbed the woman's arm in a panic.

The woman's arms are very thin, showing an unnatural twist.

Chen Ge's hand was quickly thrown away by the woman. She seemed a little angry, and her tone of voice changed: "Your business will wait, I will go upstairs to borrow some medicine."

The security door was opened, the woman went out, and then the security door was closed again.


The children's crying and screaming gradually became smaller, and the room gradually became quieter.

"This woman's body is deformed, just like the twisted dolls in Ying Tong's bedroom, and her body temperature is very low ..."

Ten minutes later, the security door was opened again, and the woman with the twisted arm entered the house.

Chen Ge heard the sound of pouring water and swallowing. After the child's crying stopped completely, he moved to the house: "Can you ask what is wrong with your child? Don't think about it, I am actually a doctor."

"Ordinary doctors can't cure his disease." The woman came out of the back room, and she walked to Chen Ge: "Have you heard of sharp weapon phobia?".

"Is it a form of phobia?"

"Almost, as long as the child sees something sharp, he will become ill, anxious, desperate, crying, noisy. He will always imagine that someone is holding that thing and piercing his eyes."

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