I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 490: Do as I say

"The boss wrote back!"

Looking at the short line on the phone screen, Xiao Gu felt a lot more at ease in his heart. He pulled out the headset from his pocket and put it on, then dialed Chen Ge's phone.

With just one ringing, the phone was connected, and the voice of Chen Ge came from the cell phone: "You can speak as little as possible, and listen to me from now on."

"Good." Xiao Gu leaned against the window and blocked the headphone cable with his arm. His body shook left and right with the vehicle.

"I read everything you just sent me. Whether you believe it or not, I will tell you one thing." Chen Ge's voice was calm and calm: "Before I say this, I hope you do well in advance Prepare, do n’t make too much a response. If you ’re ready, text me. "

"You say, boss." Xiao Gu took a deep breath after sending the text message, and he was still a little scared in his heart.

"I just checked the 104 bus you took. The car had three consecutive accidents within a month. The most recent accident happened yesterday night. The last bus passed the Dongjiao Waterworks. The vehicle I rushed out of the highway and almost crashed into the Bailong River next to it. It was also because of this accident that the emergency notice was issued above, and the 104 bus temporarily changed its route and no longer opened to the eastern suburbs. "

"Don't go to the eastern suburbs?" Xiao Gu couldn't hold back, but still said: "So what's going on with this bus I'm taking?"

"Bus 104 not only changed the route, the last bus at 9 o'clock was also stopped, so the bus you are taking is not a real bus 104, it is probably a hearse full of dead people." Chen Ge In a very steady tone, he said something terrifying.

The arm that supported the body was trembling gently, and Xiao Gu's forehead showed a thin sweat. He didn't dare to turn his head and neck to see the passengers next to him. He clutched the phone tightly with both hands.

"Me, what should I do?" Xiao Gu wanted to send a text message, but his fingers didn't seem to listen.

Chen Ge saved his life, so he always believed in Chen Ge unconditionally, but because of this, he was even more afraid after hearing what Chen Ge said.

"Calm down, you must keep calm at this time." Chen Ge's voice is not mixed with any extra emotions: "Don't talk, so as not to be heard by the people nearby, you communicate with me by text message, the distance you take the bus How far is the next stop? "

"The next stop is the Dongjiao Waterworks, and the suburban line stations are far apart, and it is estimated that there will be seven or eight minutes to arrive." Xiao Gu's stiff fingers took a long time to finish this sentence.

"Dongjiao Waterworks is where the last bus on the 104th bus happened yesterday. That station is your last chance. Now you have six minutes to prepare. Tell me how far you are from the rear door. Are there any other passengers blocking the road? "

"I'm sitting near the back door, but there's a passenger with a wet coat next to me." Xiao Gu glanced sideways, the man with his head down leaned towards himself, he was soaked, it seemed that his jacket pocket There is no clean mud.

"Since you are close to the back door, you don't have to worry. Once the car stops, you can do everything you can to get out of the back door."

"Don't worry? But I still feel that my situation is very dangerous." Xiao Gu hugged his mobile phone and thought to Chen Ge again: "Boss, there is a woman wearing a red raincoat outside the bus stop, I can see her at every stop! Really! I did n’t lie! I doubt that red raincoat, she is not human. "

Xiao Gu inhaled, and encouraged him to say this sentence.

In the Fanghuayuan community, he had once seen a ghost, and that experience was buried deep in his heart. He was continuously cheating himself, but everything that happened tonight awakened that horrible memory again.

"Boss, I should be safe in the car now. Once I get off the bus, I might have to face her alone and the ghost in the red raincoat." Xiao Gu's palm was full of sweat, leaving him little time to prepare Too.

"I understand your thoughts. There is a ghost outside the bus, and there are ghosts among the bus passengers. At first glance, it seems that it is safer to stay in the car."

"Yeah, my situation is very inexplicable." Xiao Gu cried with a sad face and wanted to go home. Who knew he would encounter such a thing.

"It's not unexplained, but you didn't understand it." Chen Ge used the fastest speech rate and calmly analyzed: "Through the message you first sent me, you can see that the female ghost on the platform did not embarrass you, just constantly Asking if you have seen her child means that at least at this stage she is not malicious to you and just wants to find her child. "


"Then have you thought about where her child went? Why did she stay on the bus stop?"

Xiao Gu really hasn't considered this question. Who would think so much about ghosts? Besides, he saw that the red raincoat had been terrified, how could he have time to think about those things?

"Red raincoat has been following bus 104, indicating that her lost child may be on the bus." Chen Ge said as much as possible in an acceptable tone for ordinary people: "Red raincoat cannot get on the bus for some reason, but you are in the bus This is the key to breaking the game! "

"The raincoat girl's child is on the bus ..." Xiao Gu looked at the middle-aged woman. She didn't seem to care about the child's life or death at all. Even if the child had a fever and coughed violently ~ www.readwn.com ~ She was only a symbol He picked up the child and even had a trace of impatience on his face.

"Boss, I seem to know who the child the raincoat girl is looking for."

"Don't say anything, wait for the bus to come to the station, approach the child, and take him off the bus! If you can fulfill the wish of the red raincoat, she will certainly not hurt you."

"However she said it was a ghost. I took the child off the bus and she would let me go? Whatever she said, she was also a ghost, not a person!" Xiao Gu was doing this for the first time after all, just thinking The body began to tremble at the thought of it.

"It's the people who killed them. Why do you have such a big prejudice against ghosts?" Chen Ge's voice is still gentle: "As I said, this is the only way to save you. Remember, don't ever Stay in the car for too long! "

"Understood." Xiao Gu's heart was beating so fast that he was out of control, and he became more and more nervous.

"There is more than one ghost on the 104 bus, maybe you are all ghosts except you. When you get off the bus, you must be decisive, don't be entangled by them, and ..." Chen Ge paused: "Don't immediately after getting off the bus smoothly Give the child a red raincoat and observe her reaction before making a decision. "

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