I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 491: They are all ghosts!

Xiao Gu listened to what Chen Ge said on the phone, and was a little trance.

Why does his boss know so much about ghosts? Not only is not afraid, but also teaches himself how to get the ghost's favor, and every sentence reveals proficiency and wisdom.

He was curious, but he was just curious. He never thought Chen Ge hurt him. For him, Chen Ge is a very special existence.

The unreliable boss looked at him and rescued him twice from life and death.

The first time was that the schizophrenic woman took the medicine and was almost separated. Chen Gezheng shot at that time and kicked the woman away.

The second time was in Fanghuayuan Community. I stumbled into Building No. 3, followed by a white shadow without a face, dizzy and comatose. After waking up, the police said that Chen Ge took the rescue.

"This is the third time."

Gu put his mobile phone in his trouser pocket. He felt his life was very dangerous, and he could only live a stable life with Chen Ge.

The phone didn't hang up, and Xiao Gu leaned against the car window with headphones, firmly remembering every word Chen Ge said.

The rain was even heavier, the window outside was dark, and the road could not be seen at all. Xiao Gu could only calculate the time silently, determine the position of the child, and be ready to get off at any time.

After five minutes, the speed of the car slowed down, and Gu's calf muscles were tight, and he said in a very low voice: "It's almost time to stand."

"After the car door is opened, don't hesitate, just go ahead and don't give the middle-aged woman a chance to react." Chen Ge's voice came from the headphones.

"it is good."

The outline of the station can be seen through the window, and the red shadow is still guarding the station.

No rain ride was built at the suburban site, and the woman was standing in the heavy rain wearing a red raincoat. The solitary one was very conspicuous in the heavy rain.

The speed of the car slowed down, and the phone rang suddenly when we were about to enter the station.

Huang Ling, who was sitting at the front, turned on her mobile phone, and her husband's phone came over. Perhaps because of her anger, she did not hang up directly and pressed the answer button.

"Huang Ling! Get off! Get off!"

A man shouted out loudly on the phone. Huang Ling hung up without listening. She was frightened to be honest.

"What disease?"

As soon as the phone hung up, the ringtone of the mobile phone rang again, still her husband called.

Huang Ling turned the volume down to the lowest level, and she looked around with apologies. Only then did she find that all the passengers around were watching her.

That face, with a weird expression, stared at her like a non-smiling smile, hairy in her heart.

"Sorry ..." The mobile phone in Huang Ling's palm kept shaking, making a buzzing sound.

"Why didn't you answer the phone?" The old lady sitting behind the driver spoke for the first time, her face covered with wrinkles like bean skin, her eyes were covered with a thin layer of white film, when Xiao Gu just got on the bus , The old man is not like this, and I do n’t know when it started to change.

The old man's appearance is a little scary, Huang Ling holding a mobile phone, unable to understand the meaning of the old man, can only continue to apologize.

"I think it's better for you to answer his phone. The more you don't answer, the more he will worry about you." The man in the white coat laughed, and his eyes wandered between Huang Ling and Xiao Gu, on his wrist. The red thread disappeared somehow, and it was replaced by a red-brown wound.

Huang Ling didn't take care of the doctor. The child behind her started coughing violently again. The middle-aged woman was gradually consumed with patience. Her already ugly face became a bit ugly. terrible.

The atmosphere in the car instantly became tense, and at this moment, a cold synthesizing sound from the front of the car.

"Ding! Dongjiao Waterworks is here. Passengers who get off the bus, please bring your belongings and get off the rear door."

Bus 104 finally entered the station. After stopping, the front and rear doors of the car slowly opened.

When the vehicle stopped, Xiao Gu stood up and wiped the body of the passenger next to him out of the seat.

As Chen Ge taught on the phone, he walked directly towards the middle-aged woman.

The door opened, and Xiao Gu also came to the middle-aged woman: "I want to get something, can you give me the coat first?"

When the child coughed before, Xiao Gu borrowed his coat.

The middle-aged woman had a bad temper. She looked up at Xiao Gu, holding the child with one hand and pumping clothes with the other.

Xiao Gu's throat was trembling slightly, and his hands were slowly raised.

At the same time, Huang Ling's mobile phone began to vibrate again. Her husband seemed to be crazy, calling her one after another. It seemed that there was something extremely important.

The clothes were slowly pulled away. The middle-aged woman had her arms around the child, and the other hand tucked into Xiao Gu with the clothes.

Everything was going according to plan. Xiao Gu's heart also mentioned his throat. He looked at the clothes that were getting more and more and stared at the other hand of the middle-aged woman.

Before and after the legs staggered, Xiao Gu leaned forward, and his arms were raised.

The time seemed to slow down. When Xiao Gu's fingers were about to touch the dress, Huang Ling answered the phone again.

"If you have anything to go home, don't ..."

"Get off! The car you are sitting on is all ghosts! They are all ghosts!"

All the passengers in the car could hear the sound in the phone, and Huang Ling was too late to hang up.

"Ghost?" She didn't expect her husband to say such a paragraph to herself. When she looked back, all the expressions on her face stared at herself.

The body shook abruptly, and the driver's face was frightened. He seemed to see how he was when he died. His eyes were staring out of the road ahead, and sweat was dripping.

The middle-aged woman holding her child's facial features become more and more skewed, and her body becomes more bloated ~ www.readwn.com ~ seems to be about to explode.


The passenger who was sitting next to Xiao Gu suddenly vomited. He was soaked all over, his fingers holding his throat, and black hair sticking together like water and grass poured out of his mouth.

"How can we be ghosts? Are we not living well?" The old lady sitting on the side also looked sideways. The thick eyelids blocked the eyes, making it impossible to distinguish the pupils from the white eyes.

All passengers had changed, and Chen Ge heard these on the phone. He immediately ordered Xiao Gu to leave immediately.


Xiao Gu's hands grabbing at the clothes suddenly accelerated, grabbing the child through the clothes, but when his hand touched the child's body, he realized that the child's body was cold, without any vitality.

"This ..." was a stunned effort, and the middle-aged woman noticed Xiao Gu's thoughts.

"Do you want to rob my baby?" The woman's fat hand grabbed Xiao Gu, the face was ugly to the extreme.

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