I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 492: You give her mobile phone and let me talk to her

The woman's face was constantly magnified in Xiao Gu's eyes. He had never seen such a deformed facial feature, and his brain was blank.

"Get off!" At the critical moment, the voice of Chen Ge in the earphone reminded Xiao Gu that the brain regained control of the body and the reaction ability exercised in the haunted house, let Xiao Gu sideways avoid the hand of the middle-aged woman, he had no time to grab that The child who had lost his vitality, just caught his coat with his fingertips.

"Run! Leave it alone!"

Grabbing the coat and pulling it out hard, when Gu looked backward, he saw that the woman named Huang Ling was still sitting in a silly position.

The woman shouted at her husband's mobile phone, but Huang Ling seemed to be scared and stupid. She couldn't even scream.

"This one should also be human."

The body wobbled, and there was nowhere to start seepage in the enclosed compartment. Three weirdos with their heads down stood up from their seats. They spit hair out of their mouths, their eyes rolled up, and their arms shook violently like a spasm. .

It was too late to walk through the rear door again. Xiao Gu broke the boat and he decisively changed his escape route. An arrow rushed towards the front door of the car. He passed Huang Ling without any hesitation and grabbed the woman's wrist.

"Come with me!"

The front and rear doors of the car began to close, and the frightened driver looked at the road with his eyes and moved his foot to the accelerator.

He seemed to see something terrible and stepped on it.

The bus swayed more violently. At the moment before the door closed, Xiao Gu dragged Huang Ling out of the front door of bus 104.

The two fell into the mud, and the heavy rain instantly wet their bodies.

Beside them, the 104 bus with its door fully closed suddenly accelerated.

Only one street light was still on this section of the road. It was hard to see the road during the heavy rain. The bus drove straight ahead and quickly disappeared into the night.

"It didn't turn. I remember there seemed to be a river directly ahead."

Xiao Gu was too late to help Huang Ling next to him, and the voice of Chen Ge was heard in the headphones: "Xiao Gu! Are you okay!"

Hearing Chen Ge's anxious voice, a little warm current rushed through Xiao Gu's heart: "I broke a little bit of skin and I've got off the car."

After finishing this sentence, Xiao Gu was about to get up. He suddenly felt a little itchy neck, and when he looked back, he noticed that the strands of black hair wetted by the rain dripped down and fell on his back neck.

Slowly looking up, Xiao Gu looked at the red raincoat standing behind him, his eyes twitching: "Boss, what should I do next?"

"Have you seen my baby?"

A pair of women's hands grabbed Xiao Gu's shoulders, and the strong Gu was picked up by the skinny hands.

The hair fell, and the raincoat woman was covered with bloodshot eyes, looking at Xiao Gu through the gap of the black hair.

She seemed to feel her child's breath in Xiao Gu and became more and more mad.

"Have you seen my kid?"

"You must have seen my baby!"

She opened her mouth wide and her black hair spread out. At this time, Xiao Gu saw that the woman's mouth was covered with silk thread!

She shouted loudly, her lips were torn, and those silk threads broke apart one by one!

There was severe pain in his shoulders. Xiao Gu was stupid. The picture in front of an ordinary person was beyond the tolerance range. If he had not been trained by Chen Ge, he would be scared directly.

The woman's body is constantly changing, the sound of cracked joints is coming out of her body, her body is getting taller, and the color of the raincoat has become more vivid, just like being red with blood.

"Little Gu? Gu Feiyu ?! Hold on! Try to communicate with her! She wants to find her child! Didn't you see her child in the car? Tell her! Tell her all about it!" Chen Ge shouted! Shouted.

Hearing the sound in the headphones, Xiao Gu Huansan's pupil finally had a trace of focus, his lips trembling, and he said, "I, I have seen your child, right on that bus, he was held by a middle-aged woman With ... "

"Say the point!" Chen Ge was anxiously listening on the phone: "You said that ghost knows what you have done? You must stress that you are trying your best to save her child! I almost got my own for this. Life!"

Xiao Gu nodded his head again and again, but he dared not look at the woman in front of him, and looked at other places, gritted his teeth and said, "I really want to save your child, but it's a little bit worse."

His shoulders were getting more and more painful. Xiao Gu felt that his shoulders were about to be penetrated. He groaned in pain and his hands were unable to sag. The jacket that had been lent to the child slipped through the fingers.

When the coat was about to fall into the muddy water under her feet, the raincoat woman suddenly released her hand, and she caught Xiao Gu's coat.

The raincoat woman suddenly let go, and Xiao Gu fell to the ground.

For the rest of his life, he quickly climbed back and wanted to stay away from the woman.

"God! The method taught by the boss really works." The body shivered and retreated to Huang Ling's side. Xiao Gu stopped.

Grabbing Xiao Gu's coat with both hands, the red raincoat hugged his clothes in his arms as if holding the child, and Gu Feiyu's hairs stood upside down in this scene.

"Little Gu? Are you still alive?"

"Boss, she seems to have let me go!" Xiao Gu climbed up from the muddy water and shook his legs: "Should I run straight home now?"

"Do you want her to haunt you all her life?" Chen Ge made Xiao Gu's face green with a word.

"What should I do? Boss, I'm really scared now." Xiao Gu looked at the red raincoat and gently stroked the jacket he was wearing, his scalp tingling.

"Don't be afraid, keep calm first." Chen Ge seemed to be thinking over the headset. After a while, he said to Xiao Gu: "So, you give her the phone and let me talk to her."

"To her?" Xiao Gu didn't respond for a while.

"Do what I said."

Under the surprised gaze of Huang Ling and the raincoat, Xiao Gu shuddered to unplug the headphone cable, walked to the raincoat woman with the mobile phone, and raised his hand.

"My boss has something to tell you ~ www.readwn.com ~ Eyelid jumps violently, and Gu's arm shaking with his mobile phone is very strong.

The raincoat woman stopped her movements and tilted her head to look at Xiao Gu. Her cracked lips had not been closed, and the silk thread and hair were mixed together.

"My boss said, he, he wants to talk to you."

The raincoat girl held her hands in both hands and stood indifferently.

Xiao Gu took a deep breath and took another step forward, courageously putting the phone in the raincoat's ear: "Boss, I opened the public, you say it."

A cry of a child was heard on his mobile phone, but it quickly returned to normal, and then Chen Ge's voice was heard.

"I am Chen Ge, president of the Talking Association."

"I'll help you find your lost child! If I don't do it within a week, you can come and take my life at any time."

"Correspondingly, I only have one request for you and let my employees go."

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