I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 494: I am the child killed by you

Sitting in a taxi, Chen Ge made two phone calls with Xiao Gu again, and he was relieved after confirming that the red raincoat did not return.

"The first task tonight is to bring Xiao Gu back safely, and things in the eastern suburbs will be dealt with slowly in the future."

Chen Ge has his own concerns. Taxi drivers and small Gu are ordinary people. Chen Ge does not want to involve them.

The rain hit the window of the car, blurring the vision, and the clouds outside the window were thick, and the whole night sky was falling down.

"The weather forecast is not accurate. It's light rain. How long has it been?" The driver was a young man, looking like Chen Ge. He was staring attentively on the road ahead. Because of the weather, he dared not have the slightest hint. Distracted.

"When I get to the place in a while, I will pick up the person, and then take your car back. Rest assured, it won't let you run empty." Chen Ge looked back.

"I'm not worried about the fare." The driver didn't look back. "Do you think this rain is a very evil door today? The more you run to the eastern suburbs, the greater the rain, and the road is flooded. I can't even see the road. "

"What's wrong with this? Are you too sensitive?" Chen Ge chuckled softly.

"It's better to believe it than not to believe it. There are some things that are unclear." The driver pointed to the bead hanging under the rearview mirror: "I used to carry passengers from the eastern suburbs. They are superstitious and have many rules. Like any family with newborns, men have to stomped at the door before they can enter the house; they dreamed about something bad and woke up to turn over the pillow; when they received a call after twelve in the evening, do n’t speak first; At the scene of the car accident, I saw a strange car passing by. Do n’t get close. Etc. I did n’t believe these things at first, but they were scared by them. ”

The lights on both sides of the road were getting darker and darker. The driver looked at the wipers that were swinging left and right, and was a little nervous: "They also have the most scary legend here. When it rains heavily, walking at night, it is easy to get lost. It looks like it is going home. Going in the direction, but actually going farther and farther, will eventually come to a completely strange place. "

"Is this still the case?" Chen Ge is in the spirit. Many urban strange talks are actually produced for a certain reason. Most of them are related to reality and are not entirely fabricated by people.

"Although there haven't been any major malignant cases in Dongjiao, but about four-fifths of the entire Jiujiang's disappearances occur in Dongjiao every year. This place is just like eating people."

The driver said something very evil, Chen Ge also remembered the driver's words in his heart after listening: "Have a good drive, if we encounter something strange, we will call the police directly."

"Alarm?" The driver was a bit uncomfortable with Chen Ge's jumping thinking: "Also, I'm kind enough to remind you. In the future, it is best not to run alone in the middle of the night in the east. This place is relatively scarce ..."

Halfway through, the driver suddenly closed his mouth. He squinted and looked forward, suddenly hitting the steering wheel!

The taxi suddenly changed direction, Chen Ge hit the body of the car door. Without saying a word, he reached into his backpack and decisively pressed the repeater switch.

The speed of the car slowed down, the driver gasped, and his forehead was soaked with sweat.

"what happened?"

"Just like someone standing in the middle of the road just now."

"Did you read it wrong? It was raining and the surroundings were so dark. Who would stand in the middle of the road?" Chen Ge groped in his backpack with both hands, as if he had caught something.

"Impossible." The driver wiped the sweat from his forehead and glanced sideways. It was dark outside the window.

"Then let me describe the man's appearance? Is she wearing a red raincoat?"

"If you don't wear a raincoat, it's just a shadow. I might be wrong." The driver rubbed his head, took the bead hanging from the rearview mirror and put it on his wrist, and then continued to drive forward.

"Don't drive too fast. There are more rivers in the eastern suburbs. Safety is the first." Chen Ge is not afraid of Li Gui. He is worried that Li Gui will start with the driver. If the driver has an accident when the vehicle is driving at high speed, then he should also Follow your life.

The rustling current sounded in the taxi, and the raindrops outside the window seemed to avoid the taxi intentionally.

The two came to the water plant in Dongjiao with no danger. Chen Ge asked the driver to wait at the gate, put on his raincoat hat, opened the door, and walked into the rain curtain.

After getting off the bus, Chen Ge felt inexplicably depressed, and watching anything would produce a strange feeling.

Very familiar, as if this scene has been experienced before, or once dreamed in a dream.

In the heavy rain, the sound of the raindrop falling in his ear was slowly stripped away. Chen Ge frowned slightly, and he took out his mobile phone to call Xiao Gu's phone.

The bell sound came into the ears, but no one answered. The rain was getting bigger and bigger, but Chen Ge could not hear the sound of rain falling, and only the busy tone in the mobile phone was left in his ear.

He seemed to be isolated by the world. Darkness poured in from all directions, and only the worn door of the waterworks remained in his sight.

The iron gate was shaken by the wind, and there were many laughs and cryings of children, which were very complicated.

Small footprints began to appear on the puddles. Something rushed out of the waterworks. They ran and jumped, and surrounded Chen Ge in the middle.

The body is stiff, and a memory buried in my heart slowly emerges.

When he was very young, Chen Ge's parents had asked him not to go to the eastern suburbs, but there was a school outing, and the selected location happened to be in the eastern suburbs.

While playing beside a reservoir, he heard someone shouting his name. Later, he was accompanied by his teacher and walked through the woods. At the end of the road, he saw a blood-red house with many children playing around. They cry or laugh, and the scene at that time is the same as now.

"It seems that most of the abnormalities in the eastern suburbs are related to the red house. Will the runaway door in Liwan Town also be related to the red house?"

The footprints slowly approached, Chen Ge's pupils narrowed, but even if he had a yin pupil, he still couldn't see those things clearly.

"These little ghosts seem to be fully integrated with their surroundings."

The cry and laughter of the child moved from close to close to him, hugged his leg, and then slowly climbed up to his body ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chen Ge squeezed the broken skull hammer When he was about to call out Xu Yin, the cold feeling on his body disappeared again.

The children cried and fled from him, and at the same time, a somewhat familiar voice came from a distance.

"Chen Ge ..."

Looking up, Chen Ge found a figure standing in the waterworks, about the same height and size as himself.

"who are you?"

"Me?" The figure raised his hands and slowly penetrated his chest, and pulled another child from his body.

The child's face was vague, similar to Chen Ge's when he was a child. He had a twisted neck, as if he had been severely pinched off.

"I am the kid you killed ..."

"Slain by me?" Chen Ge dragged his skull-breaking hammer and pondered for a long time: "But why am I not impressed at all? Or should you come here again and let me look at your face carefully?"

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