I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 495: The first of the 10 strange talks in the eastern suburbs

Chen Ge's voice was calm, and he was seriously asking the other party.

"Have you forgotten all that? Then I will give you another hint." The fuzzy-faced child stretched out his hands and pinched his neck: "At that time you deceived me into a deserted tunnel, you said you heard that Someone is shouting your name, but after we enter the tunnel together, you stand behind me and suddenly grab my neck like this! "

The child's head was skewed, his neck was deformed by his hands, his face was swollen slowly, and a series of blue blood vessels appeared on his forehead: "Remembered? At that time, your fingers fell into my skin a little bit, constantly exerting force ... "

The child's voice echoed in Chen Ge's ear. A fragmentary picture flashed in his mind. The scene in front of him seemed to have really appeared.

Even more strange to Chen Ge is that when he saw the child being pinched by his neck, his body instinctively developed a familiar feeling, as if the murderer was really himself.

"I killed someone?" Rain water wets his hair, Chen Ge shook his head, he remembered another thing.

When I was in the fourth nightmare level task deep in the tunnel, I saw myself and my adult enter the tunnel.

The picture in front of me was indeed very familiar, but it was different from what the child said. The victim was himself. It was not that he was killing, but someone wanted to kill him!

If you had n’t done that nightmare-level mission before and did n’t see that scene deep in the tunnel, Chen Ge would n’t even believe that she was a murderer. I ’m afraid there will be a slight shake in her heart.

"He may be the original murderer, otherwise it is impossible to know these things." Chen Ge murmured and moved his foot in the direction of the child, trying to get closer.

It was found that Chen Ge was still calm. The child released his hands and put his head on his shoulders: "It seems that you really don't remember?"

The boy ’s face was gradually cleared by the rain, and the expression on his face was very strange. Looking at Chen Ge was like looking at himself in the mirror: "You killed me, you killed me by hand. , That feeling I will not forget, and you will experience it soon. "

The child backed away, and the figure behind him reinserted the boy back into his body, standing quietly.

Chen Ge was now less than ten meters away from the figure. As he prepared to get closer, a pale hand gently rested on Chen Ge's shoulder.

The repeater made a rustling electric sound, and Xu Yin in a red suit did not know when to appear beside Chen Ge. He gently shook his head to stop Chen Ge from moving forward.

"Is he dangerous?" Chen Ge has other reliances. When he lifted his legs, his thighs were hugged, and he looked down, and a three or four year old boy gritted his teeth and blocked him. front.

"Men Nan?" After Chen Ge was taken out of the third sick building by Chen Ge, he hadn't had time to go back, or Chen Ge was simply forgotten about this matter. He always put Men Nan in the comic book.

"Two red clothes are blocked at the same time? This figure does not look like a red clothes, it seems to be just a shadow?"

Chen Ge stopped and did not move on.

After a moment, the footprints of children began to appear around the figure, the laughter and crying of the children slowly disappeared, and the body of the figure slowly solidified.

When the last child's cry disappeared, the figure silently stared at Chen Ge. He and Chen Ge were exactly the same height and shape. He was like Chen Ge's own shadow.

"You killed me."

The body is an adult, but the voice in Hei Ying's mouth is the voice of a child, dark, cold, and full of malice.

After he finally said this sentence, he looked over Chen Ge, looked behind Chen Ge, turned and disappeared into the heavy rain.

"This is gone?" Chen Ge followed the shadow of the shadow just now. Under the light of the mobile phone, he could vaguely see his shadow change into the shape of a woman.

"Is he worried about Zhang Ya? Not quite. He seems to be afraid of other things." The sound of raindrops gradually grew louder in his ears, everything returned to normal, and the rainstorm swept the earth indiscriminately, and the shadow had long disappeared.

"Two red clothes are blocking, Zhang Ya also feels threatened, what is it?" Chen Ge used to have only two concepts of ghosts. When he saw a red one, he ran away. In the third kind of ghost, a shadow that claimed to be killed by Chen Ge.

"This ghost is a bit special. So many people missing in Dongjiao every year are estimated to be with him. The most terrifying strange talk that the driver just said should be it."

The figure has left, and Chen Ge no longer delays. He calls Xiao Gu's phone and rushes to the waterworks: "Xiao Gu, I have arrived? Where are you?"

"You have arrived?" Xiao Gu's voice was very surprised: "Is that you who was standing still in front of the waterworks?"

"Nonsense, where are you?"

"We will come over immediately!"

The phone hung up, and Xiao Gu and a soaked woman ran out of the trees beside the waterworks: "Boss!"

Gu Gu was excited, but the woman was reluctant to come.

She looked far away from Chen Ge, standing in the rain, wearing a raincoat and dragging a broken skull hammer.

In the wilderness and countryside, heavy rain poured, her hands soaked in front of her chest, her body trembling uncontrollably.

"How come there is a woman?"

"She is also a passenger in that car." Xiao Gu briefed Chen Ge on Huang Ling's situation.

"There are other people in that car besides you?"

"It's not just me and Sister Huang Ling. There is a student in the last row of the car. He helped me in the car, not like a bad guy." Xiao Gu regretted: "I was too far away from him when I got off the car, otherwise Take him off the bus ~ www.readwn.com ~ It ’s not necessarily all people who help you, and it ’s not all ghosts that hurt you. ”Chen Ge stared at Huang Ling for a long time, and then waved his hand:“ The taxi is outside, let's go together. "

Coming to the side of the road, Chen Ge found that the car window was covered with mud fingerprints of children, and the poor driver had collapsed in the main driving seat.

"Don't panic, he's still breathing, should be scared." Chen Ge put the driver in the back row, dragged his broken skull to stand outside the car door for contemplation, and after a long time he turned to look at Xiao Gu and Huang Ling.

"Who will drive you?"

Xiao Gu shook his head: "Boss, won't you drive? I remember you were driving back to the park in a truck last time."

"I will open." Chen Ge paused. "But there is no driver's license. The taxi has a driving recorder and on-board video recording. In case the driver calls the police, it will be troublesome when the police inquire."

"Which ... shall I drive?" Huang Ling walked to Xiao Gu and Chen Ge, and hesitated: "I will send you back to my destination, but before that, can I go to my house first? Me A little worried about my husband. "

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