I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 496: It's not his call

Chen Ge nodded, without refusing: "Drive."

"Thank you." Huang Ling was soaking wet, sitting in the main driver's seat: "My house is not far from here, I can arrive in ten minutes."

The car's lights were on, and Huang Ling carried the others through the rain screen and drove along the highway towards the distance.

No one spoke along the way, everyone was thinking about their own affairs.

At one o'clock in the morning, the car drove to the district where Huang Ling rented, the location is very biased, very close to Liwan Town.

"In the past, the city was going to vigorously develop the eastern suburbs, but later I didn't know why it was gone. As a result, this large building was left half of the building. People who originally lived here also moved because of transportation, life and other reasons "Go." Huang Ling drove the taxi directly into the community. There was no light in the large community. It felt like entering a ghost town: "When the eastern suburbs of Jiujiang were going to build a new district a few years ago, the house prices were high. Is scary, now there is only one feather, and there are pitted residents like us. "

Chen Ge understood the woman ’s past through conversation. She and her husband took out all their savings a few years ago and bought a house in the eastern suburbs of Jiujiang.

At the beginning, the two were still ecstatic because they grabbed a suite in the eastern suburbs, and waited for the new suburban district to be established and the house appreciated.

But who knows not long before, the developer delayed the delivery of the house due to problems such as funding breakage and debt disputes.

In order to buy a house, the couple spent all their savings at home and owed a lot of foreign debt. They and other owners united to find a developer, but the other party dragged on and on until now.

The project was stopped inexplicably, and the house bought by the savings was turned into a rotten building that could not be moved in. The husband and wife could only live by renting a house.

Life is not easy. During this period, her husband also had a car accident, and now basically rely on Huang Ling alone to support.

"Here, this is it." Huang Ling stopped the car and hurried upstairs with her bag, Chen Ge and Xiao Gu followed.

Only the lights on the first floor of the residential building can be used normally. The walls are black, which seems to be the cause of dampness. There is a mild musty smell in the corridor.

"Jia Ming!" Huang Ling came to the fourth floor and yelled into the house while opening the door with the key. She was very scared and worried that what she was afraid of became a reality.

Looking at the panicking Huang Ling, Chen Ge and Xiao Gu didn't say anything. In their view, since Huang Ling's husband would call at that time and knew that the car was full of ghosts, it meant that he was probably dead. , He also became a ghost.

The key couldn't be inserted into the lock hole for a long time, Huang Ling's anxious hand shook, but at this moment a man's voice sounded in the room.

"How did you come back? Where did you go in the evening? I called your company leaders ..." The door opened from the inside, and a man with a haggard look and a lame leg appeared in front of Huang Ling.

"Jia Ming ?!"

Huang Ling was very excited to see the middle-aged man, she directly reached out to hug each other, but was hidden by the middle-aged man without traces: "The clothes are soaked, what the **** are you doing?"

"I'll tell you later, you just have nothing to do, today I really freaked me out." Huang Ling choked with a voice: "I'm going to change clothes first, these two are my saviors, wait for me Will drive them home. "

Huang Ling entered the house, the lame man blocked the door, and did not mean Chen Ge and Xiao Gu to sit in the house.

Chen Ge and Xiao Gu outside the door were also surprised to see the lame man. The man was living well. How could he call Huang Ling at that time? How did he predict that the 104 bus was all ghosts?

"Your wife met a bad guy. It was the two of us who were brave enough to save her." Chen Ge glanced inside the room and the room was tidy. The man was a standard housewife and there was nothing strange.

"Hey! Where are you looking?" The man was very alert to Chen Ge.

"It's okay, can you borrow me to use your cell phone? My cell phone is out of power, and I want to report peace to my family." Chen Ge said lightly.

"Then you are waiting here." The lame man entered the house and handed his cell phone to Chen Ge.

"Thank you." Chen Ge flipped through the communication records. The man did make several calls to the woman tonight, but all the calls were not connected.

Isn't he calling?

Chen Ge pretended to send a few messages, then fanned out the record and returned the phone to the middle-aged man.

Huang Ling has changed her clothes in the house. She wears casual clothes and exudes a mature intellectual beauty: "Hub, you are staying at home, I will send them back. This is what I promised before."

"No!" The lame man refused without even thinking: "It's more than one o'clock in the morning. I'm not sure if you follow them out. Let them take a taxi and let us go."

"It rains so much outside, where do you ask us to find a taxi?" Chen Ge looked at Huang Ling with a face, "What do you think?"

Huang Ling hesitated a little and finally walked out the door: "Her husband, the situation is more complicated. I will tell you in detail when I come back."

"You can't go anywhere tonight! You have to run out at one or two in the morning? Are you crazy?" The lame man reached out to grab Huang Ling's arm, but was stopped by Chen Ge.

The man was obviously a little afraid of Chen Ge, and he was not too confident to speak: "What do you want to do?"

With a backpack in one hand, Chen Ge ’s double pupils slowly shrank, staring at the lame man ’s face: “I ’m a very reasonable person, and I fulfilled her request. If she did n’t make the promise with me, then Do n’t blame me for being rude. ”

The atmosphere was a little tense, and finally Xiao Gu and Huang Ling persuaded at the same time that the lame man snorted, barely agreeing.

"Don't you mind, my husband is a little careful, this is usually the case." Huang Ling handed the umbrella and towel to Xiao Gu: "I didn't thank you in the car before ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ It's okay, I understand. Xiao Gu smirked and took the towel and wiped his face.

"Don't bother you, go downstairs and talk first." Chen Ge walked downstairs without expression, without saying a word during the whole process.

Going out of the corridor, Chen Ge sat in the taxi co-pilot. He unzipped the backpack and reached into the bag to grab something.

Huang Ling finally let go of her suspended heart after seeing that her husband had n’t happened. Only after she lost her did she know how to cherish. She decided not to quarrel with her husband again in the future and live a good life.

The taxi started and drove into the rain curtain. Chen Ge, who had remained silent, finally spoke.

"Huang Ling, did you find that your husband has become different from a certain period of time?"

The rain hit the window, Huang Ling heard Chen Ge's words and thought for a while: "Is there anything different? What's wrong?"

Chen Ge paused for a moment and slowly spoke: "I suspect that man is not your husband."

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