I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 497: Strange husband

"What are you kidding? Is he my husband? I must know better than you!" Huang Ling drove the car, disapproving.

"I looked at his mobile phone, and he made seven calls to you tonight." Chen Ge lowered his head and reached into his backpack.

"Isn't it just to show that he loves me?" Huang Ling thought that Chen Ge was very strange, in all senses.

"However, none of these seven calls are connected. The call you received on the 104 bus was from another person."

"Another person?" Huang Ling turned to look at Chen Ge because she was too surprised. "Impossible!"

"Have a good drive." Chen Ge pointed to the road ahead with a calm tone: "I have no need to deceive you, reminding you that it is just for good intentions, believe it or not."

After Chen Ge finished speaking, the taxi was quiet and no one spoke.

Huang Ling pursed her lips and drove seriously, but her hand holding the steering wheel became harder and harder. After a few minutes, Huang Ling stepped on the brakes without warning.

The taxi was parked in a rainstorm, and the atmosphere inside the car was a bit weird.

Huang Ling stared at the steering wheel for a long time, and then slowly looked at Chen Ge: "Jia Mingshi is not the same as before. Since the accident, he has become silent and autistic, rarely communicating with me, Insomnia, the doctor said he should have depression. "

"That is to say, the time when your husband changed back and forth, was that car accident right?" Chen Ge didn't go to see Huang Ling, still looking down.

"Have you paid attention to the main point of my speech? Jia Ming got depression because of the car accident, and he became ill." Huang Ling grinned hard at the steering wheel and smiled hard: "He took the initiative into consideration that our family is more difficult. After giving up psychological counseling, the medicine stopped after a period of maintenance, because the medical expenses of four to five hundred a month were a big burden for us. At that time, the family depended on me alone. I know that he is very Uncomfortable, so I can understand the changes that have happened to him. "

"If you think about it carefully, does he have any unusual behavior other than depression? I mean the kind of special behavior that has nothing to do with the illness." Chen Ge casually cited a few examples: "For example, you wake up late at night and find out He opened his eyes and stood by the bed looking at you; suddenly another person's voice came out of his mouth; killing some small animals with your back, hiding the body in the room, etc. "

After listening to Chen Ge, Huang Ling turned her head hard and glanced at the little guy sitting in the back row. She was already a little afraid of Chen Ge: "No, none of the things you said have happened."

"You can look at the call records on your mobile phone and think about it carefully. This matter may be related to your own life." Chen Ge is not interested in the man in Huang Ling's family. What really caught his attention was the car. The man who called Huang Ling on the phone.

"Call log?" Huang Ling took out her phone and looked at it. There were only seven missed calls on the call log, and did not show the few calls between her and her husband on the hearse.

"You can suspect that I was lying, but your own mobile phone won't." Chen Ge looked at the rainstorm outside the window: "I advise you not to hide, the person in your family may have already noticed, waiting for you next time When alone with him, maybe he will do something strange to you. "

Huang Ling grabbed the phone and spoke for a long time: "Jia Ming became particularly disgusted with children and things like puppets after the car accident."

"Tell me in detail." Chen Ge's eyes flashed brightly.

"He sent me some puppets a long time ago. Although I am old, those things are still the memories between me and him, so I haven't thrown them. I put them in the cabinet and occasionally take them out Look. "

"I also forgot from which day I found that there was one less puppet in the cabinet."

"I didn't care at first, who knew there was one less in a few days."

"I asked Jia Ming, he said he didn't see it."

"After about a month, I once got off work early because of a fever and found that the door was not closed when I returned home."

"I thought it might have been a thief in the house. After walking in lightly, I saw that the kitchen fire was turned on, and there was also an iron pan for soup."

"The thief wouldn't make soup in someone else's home. I shouted Jia Ming's name a few times. When no one answered, I ran to the kitchen and wanted to see what Jia Ming was doing."

"But when I opened the lid, my brain was completely ignorant."

"There was a shredded rag doll in the pot, and the plastic face of the doll floated up and down in the clear soup."

"I quickly turned off the fire. At this time, the door was pushed by someone. I saw Jia Ming walking in with a **** knife in one hand and a large black bag in the other."

"I can't forget that scene until now."

"I remember asking him why I chopped all the rag dolls and boiled them in the pot? He told me that there was a person living in the rag doll, and only then could he be driven away."

"There are many things like children and puppets."

"A few months ago, when the neighbor's baby was born, he cried every night, as if there was something scary in the house, crying was one night."

"As soon as Jia Ming heard the child's crying, his condition would worsen. He often quarreled with the neighbor's house for this reason. Finally, the neighbor's house couldn't stand it first and moved to the western suburbs."

After Huang Ling finished speaking, she put away her mobile phone: "I used to stay with him because I couldn't afford a child because I couldn't afford it. Now it's purely because he hates children, and he even gets scared."

"After the car accident, your husband suddenly became afraid of puppets and children. This is not a sign of depression." Chen Ge motioned to Huang Ling to continue driving: "You tell me about the scene on the day that Jia Ming was in the car accident ~ www.readwn.com ~ Jia Ming and I work very close together. Normally, Jia Ming picked me up on an electric car. That day, I was troubled by the customer to work overtime until late, and I came out of the company at nine o'clock. "

"It was raining heavily outside, just like it was tonight. I waited a long time without seeing Jia Ming. Later, the traffic police called me and said that Jia Ming had an accident."

"Monitoring showed that he collided with the last bus of Route 104 when crossing the road. At that time, it was as if he didn't see the car at all. His eyes stared straight in a certain direction and drove past."

Thinking of the scene at that time, Huang Ling was afraid for a while: "I was terrified when I received this call and ran directly to the hospital. Jia Ming's leg was crushed, and somehow he fell into a deep coma. He woke up the next day. "

"You said that Jia Ming was hit by the 104 bus at the beginning?" Chen Ge interrupted Huang Ling. He had figured out what he wanted to know: "That is to say, this guy who occupies your husband's body, very Probably from the last bus on the 104th bus. "

Huang Ling and Xiao Gu didn't respond to what Chen Ge said. It took a long time for the back to feel cold.

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